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Businesses Seeking Loan in Si Racha

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Businesses Seeking Loan in Si Racha. Lend to a Business in Si Racha.

  • Si Racha

  • Business Loan


Heavy Machinery Company Seeking Loan in Si Racha, Thailand

Start-up manufacturing high-end OEM machines with several deals in the pipeline seeking a business loan.
The business is a startup that focuses on manufacturing heavy machinery. - The business is in the pre-revenue stage. - Business is in the process of completing its first order. - We are in the advanced stages of getting more orders. - Promoters have 20 years of experience in the industry. - Both European owners/directors have a long track record building machinery and working in Asia. - We have no outstanding loans or debts. - We aim to provide top quality only machinery with low overhead costs.
Start-up manufacturing high-end OEM machines with several deals in the pipeline seeking a business loan.
8.1   Si Racha
Run Rate Sales
Business Loan
USD 59 K at 10%
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Hotel and Resort Seeking Loan in Khao Yai, Thailand

Planning to construct luxury assisted living in Khao Yai, Thailand on 24,616 Sq Mt land.
Company owns a land of 24,616 Sq Mt and an extra lakefront land of about 3,200 Sq Mt. - We will develop this land into a harmonious living environment which offers aesthetics living that fits elders lifestyle. - Land is located 2 hours drive from Center Bangkok, in the great natural scene of Khao Yai natural park, a UNESCO World Heritage, which guarantees that the area will remain in its natural state. The area is equipped with modern transport and telecommunications infrastructure, making connectivity a breeze. - We are planning to construct assisted living residence which aims to offer 50 units of modern style comfortable - high end homes fully customizable. - Our designs will seamlessly merge indoor and outdoor living spaces with lake scenery. - We aspire to become one of the leading assisted living facility and property development company targeted for elders in Bangkok, Thailand.
Planning to construct luxury assisted living in Khao Yai, Thailand on 24,616 Sq Mt land.
7.8   Thailand
Run Rate Sales
Business Loan
USD 2.65 Mn at 10%
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Hotel and Resort Seeking Loan in Khao Yai, Thailand

Planning to construct luxury assisted living in Khao Yai, Thailand on 24,616 Sq Mt land.
Company owns a land of 24,616 Sq Mt and an extra lakefront land of about 3,200 Sq Mt. - We will develop this land into a harmonious living environment which offers aesthetics living that fits elders lifestyle. - Land is located 2 hours drive from Center Bangkok, in the great natural scene of Khao Yai natural park, a UNESCO World Heritage, which guarantees that the area will remain in its natural state. The area is equipped with modern transport and telecommunications infrastructure, making connectivity a breeze. - We are planning to construct assisted living residence which aims to offer 50 units of modern style comfortable - high end homes fully customizable. - Our designs will seamlessly merge indoor and outdoor living spaces with lake scenery. - We aspire to become one of the leading assisted living facility and property development company targeted for elders in Bangkok, Thailand.
Planning to construct luxury assisted living in Khao Yai, Thailand on 24,616 Sq Mt land.
7.8   Thailand
Run Rate Sales
Business Loan
USD 2.65 Mn at 10%
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  • How many businesses seeking loan in Si Racha are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified businesses seeking loan in Si Racha listed on SMERGERS as of 12 December 2024.
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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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