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Individual Business Investors in Iran

Showing 1 - 14 of 310 Individual Business Investors in Iran. Buy or Sell your Business in Iran.

  • Iran

  • Individual Investor / Buyer

Owner, Consulting

Individual Buyer in Iran

Interests: Looking for a good opportunity.
Background: Owner of a consulting firm with 11 years of experience.
7.3 / 10
Automotive Accessories + 27 more
Investment Size
USD 10 K - 75 K
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Interests: Looking for profitable and stable businesses. Would like to know the complete details and selling price of the property.
Background: I am an entrepreneur who owns businesses in the UAE and Iran.
6.6 / 10
Iran + 1 more
Food Ingredients + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 65 K
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Instructor, Education Administration

Individual Buyer in Mashhad, Iran

Interests: I want to import solar panel inverters and some solar cleaner machines to Iran.
Background: I have experience in education administration and electronic designing sectors.
5.8 / 10
Import / Export + 2 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 65 K
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Instructor, Education Administration

Individual Buyer in Mashhad, Iran

Interests: I want to import solar panel inverters and some solar cleaner machines to Iran.
Background: I have experience in education administration and electronic designing sectors.
5.8 / 10
Import / Export + 2 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 65 K
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Interests: Asking price, business strategy, owner's background, product, and customer satisfaction will be checked.
Background: I am running an IT business. Expertise in software and analytics.
5.8 / 10
Medical Tourism + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 47 K
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Manager, Translation Agency

Individual Buyer in Tehran, Iran

Interests: Interested in India as well since its a developing nation. If there is any good investment opportunity in India I can be a sleeping partner.
Background: Have 15+ years of experience working for a corporate company.
6.6 / 10
Iran + 1 more
Computer Training + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 7.1 K - 59 K
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General Manager, Home Appliance Retail

Individual Buyer in Tehran, Iran

Interests: I am looking for high-margin businesses which will be having their own management team and I am going to be a silent partner. I am interested in Indonesia and Malaysia as they are business hotspots.
Background: I am an entrepreneur with years of experience in various sectors. I want to invest in other sources of income.
6.4 / 10
Iran + 5 more
Agriculture Wholesale + 14 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2 Mn
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Director, Digital Marketing

Individual Buyer in Tehran, Iran

Interests: - I am interested in investing in or acquiring a functional and active manufacturing unit or plant related to food and beverage, energy, or other growing businesses. - I am also looking to acquire or partner with an existing digital marketing company to expand my business operations. - I will be investing in my own capacity and along with my business partners. The source of funds will be business funds.
Background: I have vast experience of working in the marketing industry. I am also a speaker and a social media influencer. I am already running my businesses in the US, Iran, and Sweden. I am looking for more business opportunities to invest in.
6.6 / 10
Iran + 2 more
Cutlery and Flatware + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3.55 Mn
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International Coach, Sports Training

Individual Buyer in Zahedan, Iran

Interests: Interested in a profitable business with a solid foundation.
Background: I have been working as an international coach for 20 years with experience from around the world. I have educated many people throughout my time of coaching internationally. Looking for opportunities in a similar field in Iran because I live here and have good contacts.
6.3 / 10
Education Consultants + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 61 K
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Interests: I am exploring good potential and growing opportunities.
Background: I have experience in an industrial company.
5.8 / 10
Apparel Stores + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 24
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Commercial Manager, Wood

Franchise Investor in Tehran, Iran

Interests: Looking for a low investments franchise opportunity in the Education sector.
Background: Commercial Sales Manager in a private company. I have 6 years of work experience.
5.8 / 10
Education Support + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 11 K - 27.3 K
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Country Manager, Building Materials

Franchise Investor in Tehran, Iran

Interests: Looking for a franchise opportunity.
Background: Working in the construction sector.
7.9 / 10
Tehran Province
Bags Manufacturing + 6 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 60 K
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Co-Founder And CEO, Automotive Parts

Individual Buyer in Tehran, Iran

Interests: Looking for established businesses where the team or management is willing to stay.
Background: Retailer and authorized dealer of automotive parts. I have 5 years of business experience.
6.6 / 10
Tehran Province + 1 more
Alternative Medicine + 5 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 330 K
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Managing Director, Technology

Franchise Investor in Tehran, Iran

Interests: I am an individual investor looking to invest in a good business with a focus on growth and profitability. Would like to start a business in the Netherlands.
Background: I am a managing director in a tech company.
5.9 / 10
Hormozgan Province + 1 more
Electrical Vehicles + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 11.8 K
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Tehran, Gas Appliances

Individual Buyer in Tehran, Iran

Interests: Have the potential for progress and profitability. I am looking for a young and active business for investment in and nearby my locality.
Background: I have 10 years of work experience.
5.6 / 10
Qom + 1 more
Plastic Packaging + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 19 K
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