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TV Station Buyers in Tuscany

Showing 1 - 14 of 329 TV Station Buyers in Tuscany. Sell your TV Station or a TV Channel.

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  • Tuscany

  • Business Buyers

General Manager, Automations

Individual Buyer in Italy

Interests: Business should be flexible, owner operated, have innovative product or an idea, well managed company and trained staff.
Background: Have over 16 years of experience in automation domain. Also have worked in various roles in the IT industry. Looking to start my own business.
7.2 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Media + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 67 K
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Interests: Interested in any business which may or may not be operational. It can be anywhere in Italy as our clients are based in Italy.
Background: We are an Italian financial advisory company that provides services for Italian SME and advisors. We do not charge any upfront fees. We charge retainer and success fees.
8.2 / 10
Tuscany + 32 more
Media + 70 more
Investment Size
USD 55 K - 22 Mn
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Interests: I seek to invest in projects in Crypto, media, sports, and marketing online. I am a Crypto investor with an interest to expand my operation into the crypto and media business. I promote self-sufficiency and creative thinking. I want to explore new and creative ideas. I am never content with the status quo; I believe there is always something new to try. I enjoy coming up with big ideas for how to make the world a better place and working to make them a reality.
Background: I am a visionary innovator, a dynamic leader, a creative inventor, and a risk-taking entrepreneur. I am energized by a challenge and am frequently inspired by a problem that others believe is insurmountable. Our company, which was founded in 2010, has a proven track record of success and has grown from strength to strength. We are a global leader in understanding and leveraging the power of sports content for its clients around the world. We have a track record of providing outstanding services to our clients. Our company is growing quickly and we are happy to call ourselves a market leader in such an exciting and fast-paced industry. Our achievements are built around the talents of our employees. We like to think that despite the diverse background of the people who work with us there is one thing we have in common: the passion for our work. We are a truly international organization, with staff in many locations around the world. Our rapid growth is driven by technological innovation and a deep understanding of our client's business needs. Behind the scenes, we have a team of people that make things come to life; a team that works tirelessly to build and develop every aspect of our vision. We are people who have an unrivaled passion for sport, and follow its principles in our daily lives. We are people who represent ourselves as worthy professionals in the fields of information technology, crypto, payment, sports, marketing, software development, and beyond. Our main purpose is to provide the best possible professional service, with the utmost dedication, at all times. The rigorousness of the selection process of our staff is one of our main principles. We only work with the best. It is our commitment to excellent service, quality, and reliability that makes us the trusted partner of more than 125,000 customers in over 80 countries. We occupy a unique position at the intersection of sports, media, and payment industries.
9.2 / 10
Italy + 10 more
Media + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.2 Mn
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Interests: I seek to invest in projects in Crypto, media, sports, and marketing online. I am a Crypto investor with an interest to expand my operation into the crypto and media business. I promote self-sufficiency and creative thinking. I want to explore new and creative ideas. I am never content with the status quo; I believe there is always something new to try. I enjoy coming up with big ideas for how to make the world a better place and working to make them a reality.
Background: I am a visionary innovator, a dynamic leader, a creative inventor, and a risk-taking entrepreneur. I am energized by a challenge and am frequently inspired by a problem that others believe is insurmountable. Our company, which was founded in 2010, has a proven track record of success and has grown from strength to strength. We are a global leader in understanding and leveraging the power of sports content for its clients around the world. We have a track record of providing outstanding services to our clients. Our company is growing quickly and we are happy to call ourselves a market leader in such an exciting and fast-paced industry. Our achievements are built around the talents of our employees. We like to think that despite the diverse background of the people who work with us there is one thing we have in common: the passion for our work. We are a truly international organization, with staff in many locations around the world. Our rapid growth is driven by technological innovation and a deep understanding of our client's business needs. Behind the scenes, we have a team of people that make things come to life; a team that works tirelessly to build and develop every aspect of our vision. We are people who have an unrivaled passion for sport, and follow its principles in our daily lives. We are people who represent ourselves as worthy professionals in the fields of information technology, crypto, payment, sports, marketing, software development, and beyond. Our main purpose is to provide the best possible professional service, with the utmost dedication, at all times. The rigorousness of the selection process of our staff is one of our main principles. We only work with the best. It is our commitment to excellent service, quality, and reliability that makes us the trusted partner of more than 125,000 customers in over 80 countries. We occupy a unique position at the intersection of sports, media, and payment industries.
9.2 / 10
Italy + 10 more
Media + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.2 Mn
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Founder & Managing Partner, Investments

Corporate Acquirer in Milan, Italy

Interests: High EBITDA and high growth. Recurring revenue & stable cash flow.
Background: Investment company founded by 20 CEOs dedicated to accelerating the growth of excellent SMEs through growth capital combined with the support of a top-level managerial & network club.
9.2 / 10
Italy + 3 more
Media + 26 more
Investment Size
USD 2.2 Mn - 55 Mn
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Interests: I am looking for a business that is established. The business should be in Italy, as I am familiar with the location of Italy.
Background: I run a fashion tech company. After closing my factory, I am searching for new business opportunities.
6.6 / 10
Italy + 1 more
Media + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 44 K
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System Engineer, Information Technology

Individual Buyer in Reggio Emilia, Italy

Interests: I am looking for businesses to invest in that fall into a variety of industries I am looking at businesses in Italy and the United States, as I familiar with the locations of these countries. Interested in businesses that are functional and 1-2 years old.
Background: I am a system engineer in an information technology industry with a background in software development and project management. I have a passion for investing and am always looking for the best opportunities to maximize my returns. I am committed to doing thorough research so that I can make informed decisions when it comes to investing.
7.9 / 10
Italy + 2 more
Media + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 250 K
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Engagement Manager, IT

Individual Buyer in Turin, Italy

Interests: Will check previous positive experience of founders & board, business capacity to solve problems down the road. Business should produce consistent results and indicate a positive trend.
Background: Have been part of several industries like energy, banking, gaming, manufacturing. Want to spot new opportunities and help reduce any potential threats to the business.
7.8 / 10
Italy + 5 more
Media + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 - 8.2 K
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Advocate, Tamagnone Di Marco Law Firm

Law Firm in Turin, Italy

Interests: Interested to turnaround and business opportunities to introduce a potential buyer. We are looking for opportunities in the fields of energy, food, finance, healthcare, and industrial.
Background: We are a law firm. We represent SMEs and investment funds based in Luxembourg, Italy and Switzerland. We do not charge an upfront fee. We charge only a success fee after the deal closure.
9.2 / 10
Italy + 6 more
Media + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 3.24 Mn - 21.6 Mn
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Interests: -Profitability and prospective potential. -Easy resale value. -Turnover and plant / land specifications. -Require full P&L reports for last 2 years. -The business can be based anywhere in Italy, as my clients are from here.
Background: I run a business consultancy firm. I am also an independent consultant. I help my clients in investing/ buying and selling. I do not charge any upfront fees. I charge success fees after the deal closure.
7 / 10
Italy + 1 more
Media + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 550 K - 110 Mn
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Board Of Director, Technology - IT Services

Corporate Acquirer in Milan, Italy

Interests: We are looking for new opportunities to further expand our business by creating synergies.
Background: We are an Italian tech company with a strong presence in the automation & robotics, plastics, IT, building energy efficiency, and precision medicine sectors.
8.6 / 10
Europe + 4 more
Media + 16 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 11 Mn
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Interests: We are interested in any potential business. We are interested in acquiring a share of the company. Would like to know the balance sheets for the last three (if available) years, as well as a short company brochure.
Background: Italian company in the trade of goods. We could bring significant benefits to the company in addition to becoming partners.
7.9 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Media + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 66 K
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Administrator, Government Services

Individual Buyer in Rome, Italy

Interests: I am an Italian private investor interested in investing in a business in Europe as a financing/collaborating partner.
Background: I am an administrator within the government services industry seeking opportunities to invest in businesses or projects with a focus on public service improvements or civic development initiatives. I aim to leverage my expertise and financial resources to drive positive change within the community while also seeking profitable investment opportunities.
7.9 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Media + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 59 K
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Business Controller, Business Consultancy

Individual Buyer in Lonigo, Italy

Interests: I am interested in acquiring businesses from a variety of industries in Europe, as I have good connections there. I am looking for well-run businesses with potential for growth.
Background: I am a business controller with extensive experience in the business consultancy industry. I have a proven track record of providing financial and operational guidance to ensure successful and profitable business operations. I am an experienced investor and buyer who is able to recognize potential opportunities and make sound decisions based on data-driven analysis.
5.9 / 10
Media + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 54 K
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Interests: Manufacturing, real estate development, food beverage, Metal, and new energie etc.
Background: Our dedicated team provides lending solutions for all types of companies - from small and medium enterprises to large corporate firms. While our principal product is knowledge, meeting the demands of our clients is our first order of business. Our commitment to you is sustainable improvements with our services. At Capital Investment Management Ltd, we provide tailor made independent stategic advice on finance and value creation.
7.5 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Media + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 2.2 Mn - 11 Mn
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    There are 329 active and verified tv station buyers in Tuscany listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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