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Real Estate Rental Company for Sale in Mazatlan, Mexico

For Sale: Online business of vacation rental and property management with 50+ rental property tie-ups.
This transaction has concluded.

Established 10-20 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 1 million
Run Rate Sales USD 1 million
EBITDA Margin 17 %
Industries Real Estate Rental + 1 more
Locations  Mazatlan
Local Time 9:32 PM America / Mazatlan
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1.5 million (Native Currency: USD 1,500,000)
Reason: We started in 2008 and we want to downsize and the owners want to retire.
Includes physical assets worth USD 10 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
Business Overview
- We undertake property management services for our clients while they are away from their homes such as payment of bills, trust, taxes, HOA fees, insurance, water, electricity, phone, internet, etc.
- Tie-ups with 50+ premium short-term vacation rental properties under contract and take a commission of the rental fee.
- Offer additional services such as airport transport, tours, excursions, and chef services.
- Most of our clients are vacationers, investors, property owners, and property renters.
- Our business is mostly online, we have an office space in Mazatlan, Sinaloa.
- The sales are dynamic, we generate higher sales during the holiday season.
Products & Services Overview
Tie up with 50+ properties.
Property management.
Vacation rental services.
Construction and development.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets:
Computer, office furniture, interiors.
Intangible assets:
Website hosting, online database.
Facilities Overview
We have an office space that is leased in Mazatlan, Sinaloa.
Capitalization Overview
The business has no debt and there are currently 2 shareholders with an equal stake.
Recent Activity
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