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Businesses for Sale in Weiterstadt

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Businesses for Sale in Weiterstadt. Buy a Business in Weiterstadt.

  • Weiterstadt

  • Businesses For Sale


Lingerie Company for Sale in Weiterstadt, Germany

E-Commerce B2B clothing business, 5 established brands, listed with several big retail stores.
Company situation: With the right liquidity our company still has a considerable potential of increasing sales and profits Reason for the poor profit situation (apart from the pandemic, inflation and recession in Germany) is a lack in financial assets and the associated too high but avoidable costs. A lack in advance payment for sufficient stocks to fully satisfy the demands of our big customers. What do we offer: -B2B clothing business with 18 years of experience. - Approximately 500 active retail customers globally. - Listed with major retailers and retail chains. - Extensive customer database. - Well-established business relationships. - 5 well-known EU & UK registered brands within the mentioned niche markets. - Holds necessary licenses for business operations. - Outsourced manufacturing in Thailand and China (6 main suppliers in total) - Our registered Brands: Grey Velvet, Belsira, Saresia, Mask Paradise, Dirndline. all packed in high quality picture boxes or branded fabric bag. -We have copyrights for all product images, a highly qualified inhouse photographer and an fully equipped inhouse photo studio. - Currently employee count is sufficient since manufacturing is outsourced. Our staff is qualified and motivated.
E-Commerce B2B clothing business, 5 established brands, listed with several big retail stores.
8.4   Weiterstadt
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.27 million
0 - 10 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.36 Mn
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Industrial Automation Company for Sale in Germany

German Software and robotics, automation solutions specialist.
9.5   Germany
Run Rate Sales
USD 25 million
8 %
Business for Sale
USD 11.5 Mn
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Profitable Food Wholesale Business for Sale in Germany

Company selling fruits and vegetable processed products under 8 brands to amusement parks and hotels.
Our company sells a variety of products made of fresh fruits and vegetables packaged under our own brand name. - Currently, we have over 8 different products under our registered brand in Germany. - Fresh fruits and vegetables are sourced from local farmers in BiH. The final products are manufactured, packaged, and stored at our company-owned facilities. - The products are sold through two channels: fulfilling direct purchase orders from our clients and selling them at different supermarkets and grocery stores in Germany and BiH. - The business is extremely valuable due to our in-place infrastructure which can be used for enormous business expansion in the future. - We are currently inactive in Bosnia and Herzegovina and therefore the monthly turnover is zero. Because I personally planned, expanded, and founded my second pillar in Germany in 2015.
Company selling fruits and vegetable processed products under 8 brands to amusement parks and hotels.
8.3   Germany
Run Rate Sales
USD 39 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business for Sale
USD 47 K
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Profitable Food Wholesale Business for Sale in Germany

Company selling fruits and vegetable processed products under 8 brands to amusement parks and hotels.
Our company sells a variety of products made of fresh fruits and vegetables packaged under our own brand name. - Currently, we have over 8 different products under our registered brand in Germany. - Fresh fruits and vegetables are sourced from local farmers in BiH. The final products are manufactured, packaged, and stored at our company-owned facilities. - The products are sold through two channels: fulfilling direct purchase orders from our clients and selling them at different supermarkets and grocery stores in Germany and BiH. - The business is extremely valuable due to our in-place infrastructure which can be used for enormous business expansion in the future. - We are currently inactive in Bosnia and Herzegovina and therefore the monthly turnover is zero. Because I personally planned, expanded, and founded my second pillar in Germany in 2015.
Company selling fruits and vegetable processed products under 8 brands to amusement parks and hotels.
8.3   Germany
Run Rate Sales
USD 39 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business for Sale
USD 47 K
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  • How many businesses for sale in Weiterstadt are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified businesses for sale in Weiterstadt listed on SMERGERS as of 13 December 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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