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Computer Hardware Investors in Siem Reap Province

Showing 1 - 14 of 287 Computer Hardware Investors in Siem Reap Province. Buy or Sell your Computer Hardware, Computer Hardware Component Assembly, Computer Peripheral, Home Printer, Input Device, Laptop and Desktop, Scientific & Super Computer, Server & System, Storage Device or a Tablet Computer Business.

  • Computer Hardware

  • Siem Reap Province

Interests: Looking for a legit business opportunity.
Background: Dealer of coffee, based in Cambodia. We undertake wedding and corporate orders.
5.8 / 10
Technology + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 13.3 K
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Interests: ROI and sustainability business in food & beverage, hotel and coffee shops.
Background: I am a startup entrepreneur and leading an enterprise communication company with an annual turn over around $1 million. I have extensive experiences in hospitality, tourism, airlines, and telecommunications. My finance knowledge is considered quite good in M&A including helping my friend for selling his cleaning company valued around $1mil in 2016 so I would be an asset for an investment fund and support for SME businesses who are looking for investors or leadership.
8.7 / 10
Krong Siem Reap + 1 more
Technology + 24 more
Investment Size
USD 10 K - 500 K
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Interests: It would fuel growth, create opportunities and gamers significant strategic importance.
Background: We are a financial advisory company helping in M&A and raising funds. We are sector agnostic and operate in Cambodia. There will be upfront and success fees.
5.6 / 10
Cambodia + 1 more
Technology + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 5.9 Mn
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Interests: It would fuel growth, create opportunities and gamers significant strategic importance.
Background: We are a financial advisory company helping in M&A and raising funds. We are sector agnostic and operate in Cambodia. There will be upfront and success fees.
5.6 / 10
Phnom Penh
Cambodia + 1 more
Technology + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 5.9 Mn
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Interests: As an individual investor and buyer in Australia and Cambodia, I am eagerly seeking diverse business investment opportunities, primarily in industries such as IT retail, electronic equipment, industrial ventures, technology, or business services with a special interest in both innovative and established business ideas.
Background: Experienced web developer and founder eager for new business ventures in Cambodia or abroad, open-minded individual keen on exploring various investment opportunities and ventures globally.
6.6 / 10
Cambodia + 1 more
Technology + 4 more
Investment Size
USD 1 K - 59 K
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Interests: - Active and functional business that has a tendency to grow. - Highly skilled and motivated employees with hands-on experience in relevant business and technologies. - I will be investing in my own personal capacity. I am exploring various business opportunities that can be located in any of these countries. I have a strong team that can manage the business.
Background: I have years of experience in the corporate world. I have been working in various industries, including IT, film production, and business development.
9.9 / 10
Asia + 5 more
Technology + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 15 K
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Managing Director, IT Services

Individual Buyer in Singapore

Interests: Good rate of returns. Good financial statements. Flexible terms and conditions. Good clientele business and existing contracts.
Background: Entrepreneur managing a group of companies based in Singapore for the last 10 years. My company specialises in professional IT services, IT staffing, software and hardware technology. The current countries I operate in are Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines, China, Hong Kong, and India. I am looking for opportunities in similar industries where I will be investing in my individual capacity.
8.1 / 10
Cambodia + 14 more
Computer Hardware + 11 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 200 K
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Managing Director, Import Export

Individual Buyer in Singapore

Interests: Businesses that have commodities and can be exported to other parts of the world. It should have the capacity to scale for volumes. I will invest in my personal capacity.
Background: I am an entrepreneur by birth. Born in a business family have been working for over 12 years in varied industry. Now I want to build something that is lasting and impactful. And I want to part of something that I have not inherited.
8.7 / 10
Cambodia + 10 more
Technology + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 100 K - 1 Mn
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Software Consultant, IT

Individual Buyer in Hong Kong

Interests: Not sure yet, working on defining more precisely the criteria. It has to be a sector I am interested in and where I feel my expertise can bring a huge boost to the business.
Background: Business minded software engineer looking to broaden my interests in Southeast Asia. Currently I am in Hong Kong for official purpose.
9 / 10
Cambodia + 12 more
Technology + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 10 K - 60 K
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Product Manager, Telecommunications

Individual Investor in Hong Kong

Interests: I am specifically looking for businesses which are serving an unmet need and creating real value. Business should be new or existing with clean accounts and healthy financials. Open to exploring any industries (except meat or seafood processing sector due to personal beliefs). Willing to be a passive or an active investor depending on the situation. I am originally from India and live in Hong Kong. Therefore, interested in India and other ASEAN countries.
Background: Hold 8 years of industry experience in software technology. Currently working as a Product Manager for a Fortune 500 company in Hong Kong. Looking to invest in my personal capacity. I would like to start small first to explore and learn. Willing to expand and invest more with time. I carry an MBA degree from University of Hong Kong-London Business school. Used this time to build connections in North Asia and Western Europe. In addition to investment I can leverage my experience to help: - go digital from offline business. - launch own web or mobile platform. - reinvent the business model. - explore omni-channel strategy. - new market entry strategy.
7.8 / 10
Cambodia + 11 more
Technology + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 1.28 K - 12.8 K
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General Manager, Marketing And Advertising

Corporate Acquirer in Hong Kong

Interests: - Looking for a business with an annual revenue of more than HKD 10 million. - Location would be anywhere in Southeast Asia as we already run our business in these locations. - Professional and skilled business owners that have over 5 years of work experience.
Background: We are a marketing and advertising company based in Hong Kong. We help businesses to grow through our networking platform.
7.4 / 10
Cambodia + 11 more
Technology + 5 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 510 K
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Venture Partner, Investment Firm

Corporate Acquirer in Hong Kong

Interests: Our mission is to serve as the ideal successor and partner of long-standing businesses where founders may be considering an exit after years of operations. We favour (but are not limited to) companies with >15 years of track record and generating over HKD $3 million in net profit per year. The business should be in South East Asia, as we want to grow our network in these locations.
Background: We are a small-and-medium enterprise (SME) acquisition firm headquartered in Hong Kong with global operations in the US and Europe. We are looking for opportunities to grow our portfolio.
7.9 / 10
Cambodia + 9 more
Technology + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 10 Mn
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Interests: Seeking for businesses in a variety of industries located in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos as I have good connections in these locations. My ideal investments must have high margins and potential to develop the company and export.
Background: Use to be CEO of brewery in Shanghai during 15 years. I have successfully grown a F&B business with 250 employees, also a sourcing company for airline catering, and a company specialised in design and renovation of buildings. My passion for business has enabled me to be a successful investor, I will invest in my personal capacity.
6.6 / 10
Cambodia + 4 more
Technology + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 100 K - 2 Mn
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Interests: Our clients are sector agnostic, not interested to fund new real-estate projects and also not interested in mining projects without JORC report.
Background: We are a leading strategy and financial advisor based in Singapore with operations in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India. We help entrepreneurs on strategy development and fund raise and investors on deal origination and value creation. We have built relationships with more than 90 investors that include private equity funds, venture capital funds, family offices, corporate investors, spread across Asia and Middle East. We do not charge upfront fee. We charge only success fee after the deal closure.
8.6 / 10
Cambodia + 14 more
Technology + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 10 Mn - 600 Mn
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Interests: We would like to connect with firms that require Funding, Capital raising and Fund distribution across different sectors in South East Asia.
Background: We offer a range of personalized services in Private Equity&Debt Funding, Investment Product Placement, Real Estate Investment and Market Entry services.
6.9 / 10
Cambodia + 3 more
Technology + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 5 Mn
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