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Food & Beverage Businesses Seeking Loan in Kaashidhoo

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Food & Beverage Businesses Seeking Loan in Kaashidhoo. Lend to a Food & Beverage, F & B, Food, Restaurant and Bar, Alcoholic Beverage, Non-Alcoholic Beverage, Agriculture, Food Processing or a Tobacco Business.

  • Food & Beverage

  • Kaashidhoo

  • Business Loan


Agriculture Support Business Seeking Loan in Kaashidhoo, Maldives

Profitable agricultural support business in Kaashidhoo, Maldives, Seeking loan to expand operations.
Company is run by a farmer and provides services for de-weeding and preparing the land for harvest and plantation. - We have 2-3 workers and are associated with 12+ farmers in the village. - Promoter also owns a 100k sq ft land in the same region and has undergone related agri-trainings. - Business is registered for over a year now but has operated for more than 2 years. - Our work consists of manual labour and now we want to carry out our operations using advanced machines and agri-tech instruments.
Profitable agricultural support business in Kaashidhoo, Maldives, Seeking loan to expand operations.
7.2   Kaashidhoo
Run Rate Sales
USD 39 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 30 K at 12%
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Fast Food Restaurant Seeking Loan in Maldives

QSR operating successfully with 1 outlet, seeking funds to open another outlet in Malé.
Successfully running QSR restaurant serving rice, noodles and varieties of submarine & burgers, is seeking funds to start 2nd outlet in the capital city in Malé. Our current outlet is located in one of the atoll in Maldives. We plan to start the 2nd outlet in Malé. Current outlet: It is spread on 2 floors with total seating capacity for 89 customers. The outlet has complete indoor seating arrangements along with a small facility for kids entertainment. The restaurant is popular amongst the tourist and locals. Have 1,200+ likes & followers on Facebook. Proposed outlet: The proposed outlet will be in the capital city in Malé which will have both indoor and outdoor seating facility along with a small kids entertainment section. We are yet to finalize the location. Business owned assets include kitchen equipment and furniture owned at our current outlet.
6.5   Maldives
Run Rate Sales
USD 183 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 65 K at 18%
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Fast Food Restaurant Seeking Loan in Maldives

QSR operating successfully with 1 outlet, seeking funds to open another outlet in Malé.
Successfully running QSR restaurant serving rice, noodles and varieties of submarine & burgers, is seeking funds to start 2nd outlet in the capital city in Malé. Our current outlet is located in one of the atoll in Maldives. We plan to start the 2nd outlet in Malé. Current outlet: It is spread on 2 floors with total seating capacity for 89 customers. The outlet has complete indoor seating arrangements along with a small facility for kids entertainment. The restaurant is popular amongst the tourist and locals. Have 1,200+ likes & followers on Facebook. Proposed outlet: The proposed outlet will be in the capital city in Malé which will have both indoor and outdoor seating facility along with a small kids entertainment section. We are yet to finalize the location. Business owned assets include kitchen equipment and furniture owned at our current outlet.
6.5   Maldives
Run Rate Sales
USD 183 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 65 K at 18%
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  • How many food & beverage businesses seeking loan in Kaashidhoo are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified food & beverage businesses seeking loan in Kaashidhoo listed on SMERGERS as of 15 December 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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