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Investors in Murbad

Showing 1 - 14 of 8,433 Investors in Murbad. Buy or Sell your Business in Murbad.

  • Murbad

Interests: Should have a business continuity of at least 5 years and have a high potential for growth. Looking to be an active partner.
Background: Have over 15 years of work experience in real estate and pharmaceuticals. I am exploring full time business opportunities and will be investing in my individual capacity.
8.5 / 10
Murbad + 8 more
Battery and UPS Manufacturing + 13 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 360 K
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Director - Business Development & Board Member, Pharmaceuticals ( API Mfg & Exports)

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Business should have good growth potential, should be Research & Development or Technology driven. We are also interested in business which have potential to set up Manufacturing operations. Not interested in app or software businesses.
Background: We are API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) manufacturing company with two plants, focused on the highly regulated market of USA, EU, Japan etc. I head the Business Development, Strategy and R & D project Management function in the company. With years of heading this function we have built several relationships across the globe which can be leveraged to generate more business, besides providing strategic guidance & having investment capabilities.
9.7 / 10
Murbad + 16 more
Agricultural Machinery + 42 more
Investment Size
USD 360 K - 1.2 Mn
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CXO, Chemicals, Batteries, Energy Store Systems

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: High growth/high profitable industry, sunrise industry/technology. Could be a step out business also. Seeking opportunities pan India for expansion.
Background: From being specialty chemical manufacturers we have been continuously diversified/invested into other sunrise industries as well. As part of that, we would like to explore the business opportunities and to participate and grow further. In simple terms it could also be an investment into the businesses by our company. We can define this participation in the best suitable manner.
9.9 / 10
Murbad + 25 more
Advanced Polymer + 31 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 108 Mn
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CXO, Chemicals, Batteries, Energy Store Systems

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: High growth/high profitable industry, sunrise industry/technology. Could be a step out business also. Seeking opportunities pan India for expansion.
Background: From being specialty chemical manufacturers we have been continuously diversified/invested into other sunrise industries as well. As part of that, we would like to explore the business opportunities and to participate and grow further. In simple terms it could also be an investment into the businesses by our company. We can define this participation in the best suitable manner.
9.9 / 10
Murbad + 25 more
Advanced Polymer + 31 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 108 Mn
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Interests: As an Individual Investor and Buyer, I am interested in acquiring businesses in India, particularly within Delhi and Mumbai, focusing on BPOs, Healthcare, Technology, and Business Services industries. I seek established businesses with strong (dak condensed) earnings with strong cash flows hoping to further enhance my reputation and gain esteemed brands within these targeted industries.
Background: As a director in the IT services industry, I have a vested interest in expanding into the tech services sector. I am actively seeking opportunities to better understand this type of business and evaluate potential acquisitions that align with our expansion goals. I am eager to explore and invest in innovative tech services companies to optimize our portfolio. I am planning to expand my business to other cities.
8.3 / 10
Murbad + 6 more
Application Software + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 2.4 Mn
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Interests: Cranes. Material Handling Equipment, Conveyors, IoT, Stacker Reclaimer, and Transfer Car.
Background: An Engineering firm, operating since 2013. Director of the company is B. E Mechanical, MBA Finance with 16 years of experience.
7.1 / 10
Murbad + 24 more
Agriculture Wholesale + 38 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 6 Mn
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Director, Pharmaceutical Chemicals

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: We are interested in investing in both established and new businesses. We are looking to buy businesses all over India.
Background: We have15 years of experience in the field of pharmaceuticals. Looking for expansion of our business.
7.4 / 10
Murbad + 40 more
Advertising Agencies + 37 more
Investment Size
USD 36 K - 1.2 Mn
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Head - Group Treasury & Local DCM, Utilities

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Promoters looking to retire or exit completely. Business having underlying assets of at least 80% of valuation. Seeking businesses anywhere in India for growth opportunities.
Background: I am an ex banker specializing in markets, risk and business of banks and financial institutions.
6.9 / 10
Murbad + 36 more
Adhesive + 80 more
Investment Size
USD 600 K - 3.6 Mn
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Interests: Joint Venture Investment Proposal. Purposes for Establishing a JV. - Leveraging business Resource. - Exploiting Capabilities and Expertise. - Sharing Liabilities and Responsibilities. - Market Access. - Flexible Business Diversification. Contributions by incoming JV Partner. - To look after / Enhance cash flow of manufacturer by way of bridging the working capital gap. - To avail the funds to meet the working capital for new orders, production, salary, miscellaneous payouts, and admin cost etc. - To reduce the finance cost thereby increasing profitability. - To infuse investment and optimize operating cycle, reduce working capital loans or bank borrowings in future to help SME entrepreneur to reduce collateral pledge or mortgage against high-interest debts. - Manufacturer’s core competency is making his products whereas this joint venture allows him to limit his exposure, just to sales and focus its resources using the prompt manufacturing methods which will increase productivity. - Manufacturer hand-overs all worries to joint partner to deal with customers, shipping or transportation or customs issues, handling the trade-related laws etc. - Provide Access to new Markets and sale product. - optimize funds flow without repayment interest and deadlines headaches. Profits. - Profits will be shared by 50-50 in-between SME Manufacturer and incoming JV partner. Expenses of the venture. - All expenses incurred by the SME manufacturer while a business operation like Raw material purchases, interest, salaries, admin cost etc. during the period of the Venture, be paid by the Joint Venturer on demand. Joint Venture Term. - 3 years from effective date. Target joint venture business sector. -Purely in the manufacturing sector of specialty chemicals, pharmaceutical, textile, garment. Target business enterprise. - Only SME having a top line of Rs. 100cr and below. - SSI or SME exporter or domestic player. Joint venture Investment Criteria. - The manufacturer must not be a bank defaulter. - Healthy EBITDA above 25% - There must be creditworthy customers. - SME, MSME and SSI units are preferred. - Topline must be below 100cr. - Product must be regular demand in nature. - SME / MSME must agree to share 50:50 profit ratio. Joint Investment size. - Mini 5 – 10crs per MSME company (exposure is revolving in nature) * no. of the trade cycle. - Investment exposure level will be decided based on the monthly working capital needs of each company.
Background: We are into three business verticals i. e pharmaceuticals, Chemicals and Garment & apparel based in Mumbai with global presence.
7.9 / 10
Murbad + 89 more
Adhesive + 131 more
Investment Size
USD 0.2 - 12 Mn
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Manager, Alternative Medicine Trade

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Seeking businesses with scalability and viability. Businesses should have all relevant track records of government documents and legal documents.
Background: I work for an alternative medicine trading business. I am looking for businesses across India to diversify my network and not miss out on profitable opportunities.
7.4 / 10
Murbad + 21 more
Alternative Medicine + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 600 K
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Director, Pharmaceuticals

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Looking for suitable and complimentary product line with our business.
Background: Our business is into allergy diagnostics, treatment, injections etc.
7.2 / 10
Murbad + 4 more
Alternative Medicine + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 109 K - 480 K
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Interests: Business with good growth potential and sustainability.
Background: I have experience in the logistics sector. Interested in purchasing a packed water bottle plant.
7.1 / 10
Murbad + 5 more
Bottled Water + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 0 - 1.18 Mn
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Additional Director, Intermediates, API And Finished Formulations

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Business should be engaged in marketing, acquisition, product development of intermediates, API, and FF.
Background: We are a pharmaceutical company, looking for acquisition and investment in the intermediates, API and FF segment.
7.4 / 10
Murbad + 13 more
Back Office Outsourcing + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Managing Director, Investments

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Looking to invest in a business preferably in Mumbai.
Background: Owner of an investment firm. We are looking for a joint venture. also looking patnership.
6.4 / 10
Murbad + 11 more
Agriculture Wholesale + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 360 K - 480 K
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Owner, Pharmaceuticals Exporter

Individual Buyer in Thane, India

Interests: I am interested in investing in pharmaceutical industry. I would like to know about the operations, modus operandi and products of the business.
Background: I have been running my own pharmaceutical company for more than 14 years. Looking for expansion opportunities.
6.1 / 10
Murbad + 1 more
Generic Pharmaceuticals + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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