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Locomotive Manufacturing Business Buyers in Belarus

Showing 1 - 14 of 430 Locomotive Manufacturing Business Buyers in Belarus. Sell your Locomotive Manufacturing or a Rolling Stock Manufacturing Business.

  • Locomotive Manufacturing

  • Belarus

  • Business Buyers

Interests: Businesses of Profitability, Growth Potential, Differentiation, and Industry Trends.
Background: I am in telecom business for about 20 years. I have a broad knowledge of industry trends and development.
7.8 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Industrial + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 1 K - 200 K
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Managing Partner, Investments

Corporate Acquirer in Gibraltar

Interests: 1. We have two distinctive acquisition strategies. - On the first is a distressed strategy, where we seek underperforming business units where reputation and timing are critical- perhaps due to Covid related pressure. We will look at all sectors with revenues between EUR 30 million and EUR 400 million; however, we will consider most sectors, and we typically seek to invest in equity between EUR 10 million and EUR 100 million. 2. Here are key highlights of the investment criteria: - Distressed situations, operational restructuring, recovering revenues post Covid. - Business revenues between EUR 30- EUR 400 million. - Preferred assets on the balance sheet, profitable pre Covid. - Buyout banks from their loans to the business & invest alongside existing shareholders, and management participation. 3. As there is generally no financing needed, we can close the transaction quickly. 4. On the second strategy, we look for stable and profitable businesses where the owners would like to exit. These businesses will have a solid management team in place which can use capital to execute a growth plan post ownership transfer. - Here are some highlights for this acquisitions profile: - Revenues between EUR 100 million - EUR 700 million. - EUR 10 - EUR 200 million equity check (EUR 40 million - EUR 70 million sweet spot) - Invest alongside existing shareholders and management participation.
Background: We are a family operated private investment firm, with holdings in the US and Europe. We are HQ in the US and have a branch in Gibraltar. One of the promoters is from Germany and he is currently in his hometown.
8.2 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 5.5 Mn - 220 Mn
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Head Of M&A, Diversified

Corporate Acquirer in Netherlands

Interests: Turnaround opportunities. Add-ons for current portfolio companies.
Background: Company owns a number of companies. Our main holding is in a large manufacturing group with multiple factories across NL and Germany, active in Engineering, Machining and Assembling of large metal (or related) components and products.
9 / 10
Heavy Machinery + 18 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 Mn - 110 Mn
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Head Of M&A, Diversified

Corporate Acquirer in Netherlands

Interests: Turnaround opportunities. Add-ons for current portfolio companies.
Background: Company owns a number of companies. Our main holding is in a large manufacturing group with multiple factories across NL and Germany, active in Engineering, Machining and Assembling of large metal (or related) components and products.
9 / 10
Heavy Machinery + 18 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 Mn - 110 Mn
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IT Infrastructure Architect, Financial Services

Individual Buyer in Ireland

Interests: Revenue, reasonable margins and future expansion plans.
Background: Have 14 years of experience in IT, telecommunications, and management. Expertise in IT analytics.
8.3 / 10
Europe + 7 more
Industrial + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 K - 55 K
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Managing Director, Quality Inspection Service

Individual Buyer in Malta

Interests: Manufacturing mainly of automotive components, plastic and / or injection moulding shops. Business should be able to relocate to Malta.
Background: I am an engineer by profession, and after working for 20 years in the manufacturing industry, I set up my own company (currently 80 employees) in 2005 servicing local and overseas manufacturing firms.
7.8 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Heavy Machinery + 16 more
Investment Size
USD 550 K - 2.2 Mn
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General Manager, Automations

Individual Buyer in Italy

Interests: Business should be flexible, owner operated, have innovative product or an idea, well managed company and trained staff.
Background: Have over 16 years of experience in automation domain. Also have worked in various roles in the IT industry. Looking to start my own business.
7.2 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 67 K
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Owner, Pelican Capital Ltd

Business Broker in Sweden

Interests: Our core competencies are Structured Products, Alternatives and Real Estate. Our teams work hand-in-hand with our clients over the entire process through to completion of each deal.
Background: Independent brokerage firm in United Kingdom. Identify and facilitate cross-asset brokerage opportunities that improve the efficiency of transactions where capital markets fall short in supplying required funding, inventory and hedging support.
6.9 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Industrial + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.87 Mn
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Head Of Strategy, Natural Resources Extraction, Infrastructure Construction & Logistics

Corporate Acquirer in Monaco-Ville, Monaco

Interests: 1. We are interested in the business of natural resource mining, energy, infrastructure and logistics, and agriculture sectors provided that they add value to our organization. 2. For mining businesses, we have interest only in mines under operation (no prospection). 2. For infrastructure, the company may not be completely new but should have previous experiences. The investment will be made after an analysis of the business and its portfolio.
Background: We are a renowned group headquartered in Monaco. We have our verticals in several sectors. We have a global reach.
8.7 / 10
Europe + 4 more
Industrial + 31 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 550 Mn
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Director, Investment Firm

Corporate Acquirer in Qormi, Malta

Interests: Interested in a business which has a solid business model. The business should be in Europe, as we operate our business in Europe.
Background: We are a family owned business. We are active in various fields such as automobile, retail and so on. We are looking to expand our portfolio.
8.2 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 22 Mn
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CEO, Management Consulting And M&A

Individual Buyer in Mellieħa, Malta

Interests: I am mostly interested in acquiring businesses within the technological sectors like enterprise software, energy, and finance, while having specifications such as scalability, profitability, sufficient market capability, adequately iterated business development analysis and robust leadership. The business should be in Europe, as I am familiar with the European market.
Background: I am a lawyer by profession and have worked in the M&A industry for the past 20 years. I am looking for opportunities to grow further.
7.4 / 10
Industrial + 9 more
Investment Size
USD 53 K - 2.14 Mn
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Managing Director, Aviation

Individual Buyer in Gudja, Malta

Interests: - Already running business. - EBITDA greater than fifteen per cent. - Having already solid contract. - Good margin of profit above 30%. - The business should be in Europe, as I am familiar with these locations.
Background: I am an engineer by profession. I have a good solid technical background, dynamic willing to learn more. I am looking for opportunities to diversify my existing portfolio for which I will invest in my personal capacity.
7.7 / 10
Europe + 4 more
Heavy Machinery + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 110 K - 550 K
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Finance Head, Pharmaceutical

Individual Buyer in Siggiewi, Malta

Interests: I am looking to invest in small businesses with potential for growth and success. My interests span a wide range of industries, including energy, technology, finance, retail, and more. With careful research and a strategic approach, I am confident I can find the right fit for my investment portfolio.
Background: I am a qualified accountant working as a finance manager experienced in the aviation, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical industries. I am an experienced investor who knows how to identify the right investments and maximize returns. I also have a strong understanding of financial markets and trends, enabling me to make prudent decisions and create sound strategies.
7.5 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Industrial + 18 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 164 K
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Lead Competence Support, Information Technology

Individual Buyer in Rabat, Malta

Interests: - Looking to invest in an active business that has a good track. - I will invest to the best of my ability. - I will also assist management with advice if needed or else be a silent investor. - Would require the business model and accounting books.
Background: I love start-ups, challenges, and helping people. In my experience of over 10 years in the IT field, I have always loved to help people. I am looking for investment opportunities mainly in Malta but I am open to other European countries as well so that I do not limit my options. I am residing in Malta but used to live in Lithuania & still need to get a local number.
5.8 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 44 K
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Interests: We are interested in providing funding to startup programs and companies across a wide range of industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and energy. We are particularly focused on opportunities that require investments of up to 500,000 euros. We are looking for businesses in Europe, as our clients are based here.
Background: We are a business consultancy firm. We provide services in M&A and various domains. We provide our services in Europe. We charge upfront fees and success fees.
9.3 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Industrial + 25 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 550 K
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