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Mining Machinery Business Buyers in Dehradun

Showing 1 - 14 of 1418 Mining Machinery Business Buyers in Dehradun. Sell your Mining Machinery Business.

  • Mining Machinery

  • Dehradun

  • Business Buyers

Interests: I am interested in a variety of businesses located in Dehradun. These businesses include coal, oil & gas exploration and production, freight & logistics, cafes, apparel stores, electronic equipment, energy, industrial, finance, healthcare, technology, building, construction and maintenance, food & beverage, retail shops, education, logistics, media, travel & leisure, and textiles. I am looking for businesses that are operational, with the owner retiring and profitable.
Background: I was a manager in a bank. I am an experienced and successful individual investor looking to diversify my portfolio with sound investments.
6.6 / 10
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 4.8 K
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Senior Analyst, Pharmaceuticals

Individual Buyer in Dehradun, India

Interests: Stability, proven ROI, Goodwill, sustainability, innovation, and vision.
Background: I am a senior analyst in the pharmaceutical industry with a strong focus on identifying valuable investment opportunities in pharma companies. I bring years of experience in evaluating market dynamics, drug pipelines, and financial performance. I aim to make strategic and profitable investment decisions while staying updated on industry innovations and regulations.
6.6 / 10
Industrial + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Petroleum Engineer, Oil & Gas

Individual Buyer in Dehradun, India

Interests: Interested in Financial, Healthcare, Technology, Building, Construction, Food and Beverage, Travel, Textiles and Apparel.
Background: Having 5 years of working experience. Currently working as an engineer in oil and gas sector.
6.6 / 10
Industrial + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 60 K
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Petroleum Engineer, Oil & Gas

Individual Buyer in Dehradun, India

Interests: Interested in Financial, Healthcare, Technology, Building, Construction, Food and Beverage, Travel, Textiles and Apparel.
Background: Having 5 years of working experience. Currently working as an engineer in oil and gas sector.
6.6 / 10
Industrial + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 60 K
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Proprietor, Construction

Individual Buyer in Dehradun, India

Interests: Retail, distribution or any other business which generates profit.
Background: Was in garment wholesale distribution & retail business of brands like Numero Uno, Levis, Indian Terrain. Since the last 5 years, exploring real estate, construction, interior work for both commercial and residential projects. Looking for good long time sustainable business to settle down smoothly.
7.9 / 10
Dehradun + 1 more
Industrial + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 24 K - 240 K
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Interests: Looking for a joint venture or be an active shareholder.
Background: Owner of a media firm based in Dehradun. Also operating an engineering steel products business.
6.6 / 10
Dehradun + 2 more
Industrial + 5 more
Investment Size
USD 8.4 K - 36 K
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Interests: Open to all new ideas which are profitable.
Background: Partner of a Manufacturing firm since the last 20 years.
7.9 / 10
Industrial + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 240 K - 720 K
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Director, Management Consultancy

Individual Buyer in Dehradun, India

Interests: Looking for any running business according to investment for best possible ROI. Interior Design Firm, Manufacturing Furniture's, Design, Pharma etc.
Background: I am into Recruitment, Distribution, Warehousing, leasing offices, warehouses and CFA Business since the last 20 years.
6.6 / 10
Dehradun + 3 more
Industrial + 38 more
Investment Size
USD 36 K - 480 K
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Interests: I am looking to explore new lucrative business opportunities.
Background: I have done my post graduation in Business Management and run my hospitality and real estate business.
5.8 / 10
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 600 K
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Partner, Pharmaceuticals

Individual Buyer in Dehradun, India

Interests: I am looking for profit-making businesses with the least tax liabilities.
Background: I am a partner in the pharmaceutical industry with a focus on identifying investment opportunities and strategic partnerships to drive growth and innovation. I bring extensive experience and a keen understanding of market dynamics to make informed investment decisions. My goal is to leverage my industry knowledge to identify and capitalize on promising opportunities in the pharmaceutical sector.
5.8 / 10
Dehradun + 2 more
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Managing Director, Real Estate

Individual Buyer in Dehradun, India

Interests: As an individual investor based in Uttarakhand, India, I am interested in businesses across diverse sectors such as energy, healthcare, and technology that reflect innovation and potential for growth within the Indian and global markets. I seek opportunities in scalable ventures within the logistics, retail, and education sectors. Overall, industries presenting sustainable and competitive advantages align with my investment interests.
Background: Have valuable market experience and the skills to make informed investment decisions. I am seeking strategic opportunities to further expand my investment portfolio in the real estate sector.
6.5 / 10
Uttarakhand + 1 more
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 2.4 Mn
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Interests: I am looking to invest in businesses with strong potential in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, as I am familiar with these locations. I am looking for any business that has a good potential and good products.
Background: I am the owner of a metal products business. I am an individual investor/buyer looking to purchase quality metal products at competitive prices. I am committed to providing the best customer service and look forward to finding the right product for my needs.
6.6 / 10
Uttarakhand + 1 more
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.33 Mn
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Managing Director, Education Consultancy

Individual Buyer in Dehradun, India

Interests: Interested in any industrial engaged firms and also any business opportunity in the distillery business. Should have a good market strategy.
Background: Director of an consultancy agency. Looking for an opportunity to invest in or start a business in my personal capacity.
6.6 / 10
Industrial + 2 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.05 Mn
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Interests: We are interested in representing businesses with interests in different sectors like energy, finance, healthcare and technology on commercial real estate matters, particularly businesses in Uttarakhand. We are looking for businesses which have demonstrated a strong legal and clean operational track record.
Background: We operate a real estate consulting firm. We help in the buying and selling of businesses. We provide our services in Uttarakhand. We do not charge upfront fees. We charge success fees.
5.6 / 10
Industrial + 18 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 600 K
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Interests: Business model, management, scalability, business ethics, healthy growth.
Background: Passionate entrepreneur and channel associate of leading FMCG firms. Okay to invest anywhere in India for expansion. I will invest in my personal capacity.
8.1 / 10
India + 12 more
Industrial + 48 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 1.2 Mn
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