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Tobacco Business Buyers in West Perrine

Showing 1 - 14 of 643 Tobacco Business Buyers in West Perrine. Sell your Tobacco, Tobacco Farm, Chewing Tobacco Product, Cigarette or a Tobacco Stemming and Redrying Business.

  • Tobacco

  • West Perrine

  • Business Buyers

Interests: Service-based, B2B or B2C businesses with verifiable financials, and low overheads.
Background: I have consulted and operated businesses from Holistic Day Spas to Hedge Funds. Currently CFO of a large restaurant operator in Miami Florida. I am interested in finding a running business to acquire and grow but being a full-time professional, the business would be run by my wife.
8.7 / 10
Florida + 1 more
Tobacco + 42 more
Investment Size
USD 100 K - 250 K
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Interests: Stressed, distressed, companies for sale, joint venture.
Background: I am interested in a business listing and would like to discuss with potential business owners.
8.5 / 10
United States + 44 more
Food & Beverage + 71 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 10 Mn
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Interests: Business should be operating for the last few years, have an established management team and should be scalable.
Background: Investment firm with suit of brands and established trade names + direct retailer relationships operating for more than two decades. Engaged in lifestyle, agriculture, consumer products, food, and related brands. We would like to acquire or partner with a firm.
8.3 / 10
Florida + 20 more
Food & Beverage + 7 more
Investment Size
USD 200 K - 15 Mn
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Interests: Business should be operating for the last few years, have an established management team and should be scalable.
Background: Investment firm with suit of brands and established trade names + direct retailer relationships operating for more than two decades. Engaged in lifestyle, agriculture, consumer products, food, and related brands. We would like to acquire or partner with a firm.
8.3 / 10
Miami Beach
Florida + 20 more
Food & Beverage + 7 more
Investment Size
USD 200 K - 15 Mn
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Interests: Business with cash flow retained earning and assets based in the US. Seeking opportunities in the US for expansion.
Background: I am the CEO of a healthcare company which provides solutions for mental health and cannabis.
7.9 / 10
United States + 2 more
Food & Beverage + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 70 K
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Interests: Location and monthly rent details in case of a rented facility.
Background: I have 10 years of work experience. Expertise in sales & marketing.
6.6 / 10
Food & Beverage + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 40 K
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Interests: Business with creativity, knowledge, practical application and application to the welfare of the community.
Background: I have a Ph. D. in biomedical sciences hence interested in the biomedical sector.
6.6 / 10
Florida + 3 more
Food & Beverage + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 10 K - 90 K
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Interests: I am interested in businesses spanning various sectors such as logistics, energy, healthcare, technology, retail, and more. Ideally, I would prefer entities located in Florida.
Background: Passionate business consulting professional with a keen eye for investment opportunities. As an individual investor and owner, I am enthusiastic about engaging and securing promising ventures. Eager to expand and optimize my portfolio by diversifying my range of investments but highly knowledgeable across contemporary business landscapes.
5.9 / 10
Food & Beverage + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 100 K
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Managing Director, Technology - IT Services

Corporate Acquirer in Miami, United States

Interests: Long term value, idea, profitability, viability and cost.
Background: Technology company in BFSI and product development space. Our preferred locations are Delhi, Pune, Maharashtra; Gurgaon, Haryana; and Noida, Uttar Pradesh, United States and United Arab Emirates, where we already have operations and have good connections.
8.6 / 10
United States + 8 more
Food & Beverage + 11 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 2.4 Mn
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Interests: High degree of appraised assets or cashflow.
Background: We invest in businesses in this sector and am interested learning more about business listings. Our leadership team has managed $700M+ AUM of projects. We can transact quickly. Can you please let me know an ideal time to chat this week, and send any other relevant information?
7.4 / 10
United States + 1 more
Food & Beverage + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 10 Mn - 200 Mn
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Director, Real Estate Agency

Individual Buyer in Miami, United States

Interests: - Operational and profitable business that has a successful track record. - Looking for a business in several locations as I am willing to enter into new regions and markets. I will make some arrangements once the deal has been made. - Long-term investment plan. I will invest in my own personal space.
Background: I have been working in the real estate agency that specializes in the leasing of commercial properties.
7.9 / 10
United States + 4 more
Food & Beverage + 11 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 250 K
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Interests: I look for businesses with potential to scale. Excellent people skills and willingness to learn are key factors for us in selecting a business partner.
Background: My background is in the Telecom industry. I have worked throughout Latin America for 30 years. I hold an MBA from a top international business school and have built and sold several successful businesses in the United States and Overseas.
5.8 / 10
United States
Tobacco + 27 more
Investment Size
USD 14 K - 85 K
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Interests: Looking for restaurants, hotels, lawn care companies in the US.
Background: I have been a CEO in the restaurant business for 46 years. I currently own three restaurants.
5.8 / 10
United States
Food & Beverage + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 1.5 Mn - 4.5 Mn
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Interests: Looking for good investment opportunities in the US for diversification. Business with growth potential and good profits preferred.
Background: I am the CEO of a tile and countertop contracting company.
5.8 / 10
United States
Food & Beverage + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 100 - 1 Mn
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Interests: - Financial Health and Performance. Profitability and Revenue Trends: Examine the financial statements to understand the historical performance and revenue trends of the business. Analyze factors such as growth, consistency, and profitability over time. Debts and Liabilities: Assess the company's liabilities, outstanding debts, and financial obligations. Understanding the financial health will help you gauge the potential risks and liabilities associated with the acquisition. - Market Conditions and Industry Trends: Industry Analysis: Research the industry in which the business operates. Understand the current market conditions, growth potential, and any emerging trends that could impact the business. Assess how well the business is positioned within its industry. - Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Due Diligence on Contracts and Agreements: Review all existing contracts, agreements, and legal obligations of the business. Ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. Identify any potential legal issues that might affect the acquisition. - Operational Processes and Management: Operational Efficiency: Evaluate the efficiency of the current operational processes. Identify any areas for improvement and assess the scalability of the business. Management Team: Examine the qualifications and experience of the existing management team. Consider how well the team can adapt to new ownership and whether key personnel will remain with the business post-acquisition. - Customer Base and Reputation: Customer and Client Relationships: Analyze the customer base and the relationships the business has built. Understand customer loyalty, satisfaction levels, and potential risks associated with customer turnover. Reputation Management: Assess the overall reputation of the business within its industry and community. A positive reputation can be an asset, while a negative one may pose challenges in the transition.
Background: We are full-service M&A Advisory firm with global reach, in-depth market insight, and broad execution capabilities. We develop a unique perspective across our lines of business.
8.2 / 10
United States + 4 more
Food & Beverage + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 50 Mn
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