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Diversified Chemicals Company Investment Opportunity in Kruševac, Serbia

Company manufacturing & distributing chemicals for different industries with around 50 distributors.
This transaction has concluded.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 50 - 100
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 2.75 million
Run Rate Sales USD 4.6 million
EBITDA Margin 10 - 20 %
Industries Agricultural Chemicals + 1 more
Locations  Kruševac
Local Time 12:30 PM Europe / Belgrade
Listed By Advisor / Business Broker
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 5 million for 25.0% stake (Native Currency: EUR 4,500,000)
Reason: - To launch 9 new products this year and 3 new products per year from next year. - Intensive campai... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 5.2 million
Interested to connect with advisors
Business Overview
- We are ISO 22000 and FAMI-QS Certified company manufacturing different types of chemicals.
- We supply to industries such as agriculture, packing, construction, water treatment, wood processing, textile.
- Our products are divided into 3 main categories which are copper sulphate, plant protection products and modified starches.
- Selling our products under own brand and we have around 50 distributors.
- We have 11 different products under plant protection category and 7 products under modified starches.
- We are a well known regional brand of plant and crop protection products.
- Our facility is located in Kruševac, Central Serbia in free economic zone and it is 40 km from the highway.
Products & Services Overview
Manufacture of copper sulfate penta-hydrate and mineral feed supplements, plant protection products like Fungicides, Insecticides and Herbicides and production of active substances for pesticides.
Facilities Overview
Own facility with production plant of 35,335 m2.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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