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Food Wholesale Business for Sale in Surat, India

Establised B2B mobile platform for daily product needs in Surat for sale.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity General Partnership
Reported Sales USD 460 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 510 thousand
EBITDA Margin 5 %
Industries Food Wholesale + 1 more
Locations  Surat
Local Time 8:26 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 26 thousand (Native Currency: INR 2,200,000)
Reason: The owner is moving abroad to settle there permanently.
Includes physical assets worth USD 20 thousand
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Business Overview
We are a B2B mobile platform that caters to the daily product needs of paan shops, convenience stores, and general stores located in Surat.
In the bustling world of commerce, our mobile application serves as the bridge between local pan shopkeepers and small convenience stores, empowering them to effortlessly procure their daily necessities. With just a few taps, they can access our platform, place orders, and sit back as we ensure prompt delivery of their goods.
Our commitment to excellence has propelled us beyond mere transactions. We've surpassed a revenue milestone of 3.5 crore, a testament to the trust and satisfaction we've garnered from our valued clientele. This achievement stands as a beacon of our unwavering dedication to providing unparalleled service.
Behind the scenes, our robust warehouse system stands as a testament to our operational efficiency, ensuring seamless order processing and delivery. Coupled with a skilled technical team, we guarantee the smooth functioning of our business, even amidst the most challenging circumstances. Although we have a lean team of 6 we can manage operations as we have 2 delivery slots in a day and deliver the goods at a large scale to all the clients.
We have 500+ active SKUs and 35+ brands, we source the majority of the products directly from the manufacturers. We cater to 250+ active users in a month with an average ticket size of INR 3.5K and receive 1,000+ orders in a month.
To date, we have successfully fulfilled over 25,000 orders, a feat that speaks volumes about our reliability and effectiveness. Yet, this is merely the beginning of our journey. With boundless potential for expansion within our city and across the length and breadth of India, our vision knows no bounds.
We are a certified company with all the necessary licenses and certifications.
Products & Services Overview
- The business's top-selling products include:
- Daily essentials and cosmetics.
- Chuna, supari and paan items.
- Chocolates, biscuits, and general items.
Our customers are paan shops, convenience stores, and general stores.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets include: computers, furniture warehouse set up, 3 electric vehicles worth INR 17 lakh.
Intangible assets include customer application, delivery application, warehouse management system, organically generated data of the customer, and 6,200+ application downloads.
Facilities Overview
Operating out of a rented warehouse spanning 2,000 square feet, we've transformed our humble beginnings into a thriving enterprise that's redefining the landscape of convenience retailing.
Within the confines of these four walls, every inch is optimized to serve as the beating heart of our operations. Here, efficiency meets ingenuity as we meticulously manage our inventory, ensuring that every product is readily available to meet the needs of our valued customers. The warehouse cum office incurs a rent of INR 25,000 per month and is located in Surat.
Capitalization Overview
Ours is a harmonious tale of two directors, each holding a 50% stake, crafting a bootstrapped venture with no debts, investors, or outstanding loans. Our business is a testament to self-reliance, fully owned and funded by its visionary creators.
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