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Kitchen Cabinets Business for Sale in New Delhi, India

Manufacturer and trader of commercial kitchen equipment and catering products.
This transaction has concluded.

Established 40-50 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 71 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 36 thousand
EBITDA Margin 25 %
Industries Kitchen Cabinets + 1 more
Locations  New Delhi
Local Time 4:38 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 42 thousand (Native Currency: INR 3,500,000)
Reason: The owner is planning on settling abroad.
Includes physical assets worth USD 36 thousand
Business Overview
- Company manufactures commercial kitchen equipment, racks, and cabinets for clients.
- It's a family business currently managed by the third generation.
- We have our own showroom in Delhi to showcase the samples and manufacture kitchen equipment as per the client's order.
- The products are manufactured under our registered trademark.
- Have 100+ clients that include hotels, restaurants, caterers, and banquet halls.
- We take part in food exhibitions every year such as Aahar, Aakar, etc.
- Our annual turnover was over INR 1 cr pre-Covid, and our sales have declined after the pandemic. With marketing and client acquisition, the business has great potential to recover its sales.
- The promoter is the sole owner of the business and there are no debts or liabilities.
Products & Services Overview
We are specializing in manufacturing equipment used by caterers and the banquet industry such as folding buffet tables, chaat counters, mocktail and coffee bar.
Assets Overview
Plant and machinery along with raw material, stock, and showroom display units.
Facilities Overview
- Leased manufacturing unit is around 6,000 sqft in Nangloi and we pay a monthly rent of INR 25,000.
- Own showroom is 4,000 sqft in the centre of Delhi Moti Nagar. The buyer can rent this showroom at Rs. 50 per sq ft or choose to run operations from their own facility.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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