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Machine Tools Company for Sale in Nyíregyháza, Hungary

Company supplying machine tools for the European market want to sell the whole business.
This transaction has concluded.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees < 2
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 80 - 90 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 96 thousand
EBITDA Margin 30 - 40 %
Industries Machine Tools
Locations  Nyíregyháza
Local Time 1:27 PM Europe / Budapest
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 50 thousand (Native Currency: USD 50,000)
Reason: Due to unfortunate health issues, we cannot continue the sales. We will provide 100% of the company... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 45 thousand
Firm Creation
Business Overview
- Our number of clients is currently 13, which is continuously growing.
- There are more than 2,000 active companies in Hungary that are in the machining industry and looking for quality machining services, affordable prices, and good knowledge.
- We have helped these 13 industries to minimize their expenses, grow their annual income, and maximize profits.
- Moreover, we have helped these companies with the proper technology, and education, to use their capability 100%, therefore they were able to concentrate more on their business growth.
- The reason we haven't contacted more companies is that we did not have the funds for a bigger warehouse, and we did not want to lose any customers, due to the lack of tools.
- Have an active contract for tender, which is valid for 2 years.
- We import the tools from 5 suppliers in Turkey and China.
- Currently, we are supplying the tools to 13 clients who are from manufacturing industries.
- We have 1 contract based employees.
Products & Services Overview
Selling machine tools, such as endmills, and drills.
Offering solutions for machining industrial companies, such as proper technology, and tools.
Our products are mainly used by companies who want to have quality, affordable prices, and seek 24/7 service, via hotline, or offline.
Assets Overview
Inventory worth USD 45,000.
Website - for general information/sales.
Facilities Overview
Currently, we have 1 warehouse facility, around 80 square meters. We pay a monthly rent is USD 100. It is located in the center of the city.
Capitalization Overview
- The company is funded from private funds, the business was started with ~8,000 USD (3M HUF), and to this point we managed to achieve around 168,000 USD (gross revenue [65M HUF]), from two companies.
- Personally own 100% of the firm.
Recent Activity
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