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Businesses for Sale in Helston

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Businesses for Sale in Helston. Buy a Business in Helston.

  • Helston

  • Businesses For Sale


Restaurant for Sale in Helston, United Kingdom

Coastal British carvery restaurant with 200 seating capacity located in Helston, UK.
Coastal restaurant in Helston, UK and is the largest restaurant in the area. - Seating capacity of 100 people inside and 100 people outside. - There is an alcohol license for the restaurant. - We have strong repeated local customers. - The average order value is GBP 25. - Receiving 60 customers per day. - We also provide catering services. - The sales have been reduced as the owner is not able to give time to the business.
Coastal British carvery restaurant with 200 seating capacity located in Helston, UK.
8   Helston
Run Rate Sales
USD 920 thousand
13 %
Business for Sale
USD 166 K
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Entertainment Center for Sale in England, United Kingdom

For Sale: Family entertainment centre consisting of laser tag, bowling, arcade and cafe.
Family entertainment centre consisting of laser tag, bowling, arcade games, cafe. - We have one of the largest laser tag arenas in the UK. - Laser tag area can accommodate 30-40 people at a time. We use the latest tag equipment which has recently been refurbished to as new condition. Extra features and space being added in 2020. - Facility has an arcade with a range of modern arcade games and 4 lanes of mini bowling. - Cafe has 40 seats and serves a range of snacks, meals, beverages and alcohol. - Party area has a seating capacity of 80 and we organize birthday parties for kids, adults and corporate. - Business has a lot more potential to explore. - We receive walk-in customers, , party bookings and we sell membership programs to customers. - Buyer would get the business with the website, equipment, interiors, kitchen equipment, arcade equipment, furniture, and other things owned by the business. - We have strong relationships with our local businesses, schools colleges and sports groups. We are now installing Covid-19 practices ready for reopening. - During lockdown we are carrying out many improvements to our facility. Upgrading our bowling lanes with new bumpers, scoring system and extra LED lighting. Our laser tag system is being upgraded with a new operating system, adding many new features including a social distancing app. Extra accessories are being added to enhance gameplay. In addition, new catwalks have been added to add extra space on the upper levels and new artwork.
For Sale: Family entertainment centre consisting of laser tag, bowling, arcade and cafe.
8.9   England
Run Rate Sales
USD 550 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 960 K
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Entertainment Center for Sale in England, United Kingdom

For Sale: Family entertainment centre consisting of laser tag, bowling, arcade and cafe.
Family entertainment centre consisting of laser tag, bowling, arcade games, cafe. - We have one of the largest laser tag arenas in the UK. - Laser tag area can accommodate 30-40 people at a time. We use the latest tag equipment which has recently been refurbished to as new condition. Extra features and space being added in 2020. - Facility has an arcade with a range of modern arcade games and 4 lanes of mini bowling. - Cafe has 40 seats and serves a range of snacks, meals, beverages and alcohol. - Party area has a seating capacity of 80 and we organize birthday parties for kids, adults and corporate. - Business has a lot more potential to explore. - We receive walk-in customers, , party bookings and we sell membership programs to customers. - Buyer would get the business with the website, equipment, interiors, kitchen equipment, arcade equipment, furniture, and other things owned by the business. - We have strong relationships with our local businesses, schools colleges and sports groups. We are now installing Covid-19 practices ready for reopening. - During lockdown we are carrying out many improvements to our facility. Upgrading our bowling lanes with new bumpers, scoring system and extra LED lighting. Our laser tag system is being upgraded with a new operating system, adding many new features including a social distancing app. Extra accessories are being added to enhance gameplay. In addition, new catwalks have been added to add extra space on the upper levels and new artwork.
For Sale: Family entertainment centre consisting of laser tag, bowling, arcade and cafe.
8.9   England
Run Rate Sales
USD 550 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 960 K
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  • How many businesses for sale in Helston are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified businesses for sale in Helston listed on SMERGERS as of 12 December 2024.
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