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Businesses Seeking Loan in Kolathur

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Businesses Seeking Loan in Kolathur. Lend to a Business in Kolathur.

  • Kolathur

  • Business Loan


Take Away Seeking Loan in Kolathur, India

Food take away joint of serving Hyderabad biryani and Andhra cuisine, serving 25 customers daily.
We are a restaurant located in Kolathur, Chennai that serves Andhra cuisine and authentic Hyderabad Biriyani. We serve both veg and non veg. - Currently we only offer take away and home delivery services, and intend to establish a dine in for which we need the loan. - We have tie ups with Zomato, and will soon partner with Swiggy. - There are 3 kitchen staff working in the restaurant. - On a daily basis we cater to 25 customers.
7.5   Kolathur
Run Rate Sales
USD 25.5 thousand
17 %
Business Loan
USD 7.1 K at 7%
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Real Estate Construction Business Seeking Loan in Tamil Nadu, India

Real estate construction company with 10+ years of experience seeks loan against property.
Company is involved in the construction of commercial and residential properties across Tamil Nadu. - Seeking funds for a new project. - Completed 10 projects to date. - Promoters bring 10 years of experience to the company. - Revenue, profit margin, and facility details available upon request after introduction.
8.3   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
Business Loan
USD 3.54 Mn at 12%
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Medical Supplies Business Seeking Loan in Tamil Nadu, India

Manufacturer of of surgical gauze and bandage cloth with production of 5-6 lakh meters monthly.
We are a manufacturer of medical gauze and medical cloth. - Company has been operational for over 8 years and has developed a good reputation with clients. - We sell directly to more than 86 hospitals within Tamil Nadu. - Have agents through whom we sell in other states pan India. We have more than 30-40 agents. - Per month we can supply around 5-6 lakh meters of gauze and bandage cloth. - We have around INR 6 crore worth of annual orders but we are unable to meet this due to our capacity.
6.9   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
USD 283 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 236 K at 5%
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Medical Supplies Business Seeking Loan in Tamil Nadu, India

Manufacturer of of surgical gauze and bandage cloth with production of 5-6 lakh meters monthly.
We are a manufacturer of medical gauze and medical cloth. - Company has been operational for over 8 years and has developed a good reputation with clients. - We sell directly to more than 86 hospitals within Tamil Nadu. - Have agents through whom we sell in other states pan India. We have more than 30-40 agents. - Per month we can supply around 5-6 lakh meters of gauze and bandage cloth. - We have around INR 6 crore worth of annual orders but we are unable to meet this due to our capacity.
6.9   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
USD 283 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 236 K at 5%
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Solar Products Company Seeking Loan in Tamil Nadu, India

Company designing and developing solar power plant projects seeks loan for projects in hand.
Business started 8 years ago and was registered as a private limited company 3 years ago. - Company has 1 store room 3 offices in different parts of Tamil Nadu. - We design, develop, install, repair and maintain solar projects, solar water pumps for residential and commercial purpose. - Have 10 product suppliers for different types of solar products. - Completed over 100 small to big projects till date including commercial and residential projects. - Promoter has 10 years of experience in this industry. - Business owns a website, product inventory, 3 vehicles, equipment and tools.
Company designing and developing solar power plant projects seeks loan for projects in hand.
7.8   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
USD 480 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 295 K at 12%
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Residential Real Estate Construction Company Seeking Loan in Madurai, India

Chennai residential real estate developers searching for a loan to complete a project in Madurai.
Residential real estate project in the heart of Madurai. - One building with 16 units out of which 8 units have been sold. - 50%-60% has been completed and investment is required to complete the project. - More than 25 years experience in this field.
Chennai residential real estate developers searching for a loan to complete a project in Madurai.
8.1   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
USD 283 thousand
20 %
Business Loan
USD 236 K at 17%
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  • How many businesses seeking loan in Kolathur are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 5 active and verified businesses seeking loan in Kolathur listed on SMERGERS as of 12 December 2024.
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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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