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Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Daman and Diu

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Daman And Diu. Buy or Invest in a Business in Daman And Diu.

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Residential Real Estate Construction Business Assets for Lease in India

Patent rights for innovative infrastructure construction for cost saving affordable houses available for annual leasing.
Our company is looking to lease the rights of our patent that will be used to build & manufacture composite panels. These panels will be used in the construction of affordable housing in rural and semi-urban areas. - This technology will allow the prospective lessee to reduce the cost of construction by 20 to 30 percent with respect to conventional methods of construction. - This patent will allow the lessee to make factory-built houses. The panels will simply be joined together and will build a house within 2 to 3 days. - The lessee would require an executing organisation along with a capital investment of over INR 75 crores for purchasing fixed assets, setting up a production unit, and making up to 50,000 houses every year. - Our company possesses 100 percent ownership of the patent & its technology. There is no other individual or any other corporation who can use this technology in the market. - The prospective lessee who wishes to use this patent must pay us an annual amount of INR 5 crores for using this technology.
Patent rights for innovative infrastructure construction for cost saving affordable houses available for annual leasing.
7.2   India
Ownership Duration
1-5 year(s)
Residential Real Estate Construction
Yearly Lease Amount
USD 600 K
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Microfinance Company Seeking Loan in India

Microfinancing business lending to 80,000+ women entrepreneurs in the low-income group across India.
Microfinancing company promoted by a group of accomplished individuals with nearly 120 years of cumulative experience in running financial services. - Lends to women entrepreneurs in the low-income category. These women are typically equipped with skills to take up sustainable micro-businesses, and access to timely funds is transforming lives. - Have 80,000+ cumulative loan members (all women) with a 99 % on-time repayment rate. (Due to Covid the current collection rate is around 85% + and is expected to reach 99% by the end of the year. ) - Has distributed INR 2,000 million+ (cumulative loans) and current outstanding portfolio of INR 500 million. - Has a model that enables a group of individuals (usually five) to take loans for income-generating activity by forming a group, wherein group members guarantee each other's loans. - Has own ERP system which gives adequate MIS data for - Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Liquidity Risk Management, Interest Rate Coverage, Debt Equity Ratio and Reports relating to day-to-day activities of branches. - Approach post disbursement: Program monitoring and supervision: If required, providing the additional top-up loans. Women entrepreneurs are covered by microinsurance. - Loans ranging from INR 20,000 (USD 300) to INR 60,000 (USD 900) with up to 24 months repayment duration and monthly EMI and 22% rate of interest. - Have a license from RBI for micro-financing.
7.9   India
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.44 million
7 %
Business Loan
USD 600 K at 12%
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Microfinance Company Seeking Loan in India

Microfinancing business lending to 80,000+ women entrepreneurs in the low-income group across India.
Microfinancing company promoted by a group of accomplished individuals with nearly 120 years of cumulative experience in running financial services. - Lends to women entrepreneurs in the low-income category. These women are typically equipped with skills to take up sustainable micro-businesses, and access to timely funds is transforming lives. - Have 80,000+ cumulative loan members (all women) with a 99 % on-time repayment rate. (Due to Covid the current collection rate is around 85% + and is expected to reach 99% by the end of the year. ) - Has distributed INR 2,000 million+ (cumulative loans) and current outstanding portfolio of INR 500 million. - Has a model that enables a group of individuals (usually five) to take loans for income-generating activity by forming a group, wherein group members guarantee each other's loans. - Has own ERP system which gives adequate MIS data for - Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Liquidity Risk Management, Interest Rate Coverage, Debt Equity Ratio and Reports relating to day-to-day activities of branches. - Approach post disbursement: Program monitoring and supervision: If required, providing the additional top-up loans. Women entrepreneurs are covered by microinsurance. - Loans ranging from INR 20,000 (USD 300) to INR 60,000 (USD 900) with up to 24 months repayment duration and monthly EMI and 22% rate of interest. - Have a license from RBI for micro-financing.
7.9   India
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.44 million
7 %
Business Loan
USD 600 K at 12%
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  • How many businesses for sale and investment opportunities in Daman and Diu are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified businesses for sale and investment opportunities in Daman and Diu listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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