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Specialty Retailers Seeking Loan in Delhi

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Specialty Retailers Seeking Loan in Delhi. Lend to a Specialty Retailer, Toy Shop, Battery Store, Dollar Store, Newsagent, Courier Shop, CD Shop, Tobacco Shop, Military Store, Bicycle Shop, Marine Shop, Used Merchandise Store, Beauty Product Shop, Sport Goods Store, Pet Shop, Optical Store, Stationery Store, Musical Instrument Retailer, Craft Store, Health Food Store, Florist, Book Shop, Movie & Book Rental or a Gifting Business.

  • Specialty Retailers

  • Delhi

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Newsagent Seeking Loan in Delhi, India

Business doing wholesale distribution of newspapers & magazines in bulk for publishers is seeking loan.
Business handles the distribution of Newspapers & Magazines in bulk for publishers through the 100+ dealer network in city covering the 380+ retailers in Delhi NCR. - On the other hand the National division undertakes distribution of titles on PAN-India basis made possible by the 500+ agents setup located in various metros, cities and towns. - At present, the business handle the distribution for several popular and important magazines & newspapers.
Business doing wholesale distribution of newspapers & magazines in bulk for publishers is seeking loan.
5.7   Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 14.4 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 18 K at 10%
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Professional Services Business Seeking Loan in Delhi, India

Company providing mystery auditing and corporate gifting services to over 15 clients, seeking funds for expansion.
Business provides mystery auditing and corporate gifting services to clients from a wide range of industries. - Have 1 client under the mystery auditing segment and 15+ clients for our corporate gifting services. Our well-known clients include Wow! Momo Foods and Reliance Fresh. - We are also rendering marketing research and recruitment services to our clients. - Tied up with Heaven Decor to procure gifts for our corporate gifting division. - We have new clients who are interested in our services, but due to a lack of reporting software and staff, we are unable to cater to their requests. - In order to set up a reporting software, website and recruit staff, we require funds around INR 2 lakh. - Promoter has 5+ years of industry experience. - Business owned assets include a laptop and printer.
6.5   Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 7.2 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business Loan
USD 2.4 K at 12%
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Pet Shop Seeking Loan in New Delhi, India

New Delhi-based growing pet accessories business requires funds for its product line's expansion.
Business manufactures and wholesales accessories for pets. - Our product line of 70 products includes grooming products, toys, and hygiene products for pets. - The products and manufactured by a third-party manufacturer and sold under our own brand name. - Have wholesalers and distributors with a pan-India presence and a sales team of 5 people. - We need funds to expand our product line to 400-500 products. - The owner has 3 years of experience in this industry and was involved in the online wholesale of similar products. - We plan to open an office and warehouse in Mumbai next month and our website is under development.
6   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 130 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business Loan
USD 60 K at 21%
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Pet Shop Seeking Loan in New Delhi, India

New Delhi-based growing pet accessories business requires funds for its product line's expansion.
Business manufactures and wholesales accessories for pets. - Our product line of 70 products includes grooming products, toys, and hygiene products for pets. - The products and manufactured by a third-party manufacturer and sold under our own brand name. - Have wholesalers and distributors with a pan-India presence and a sales team of 5 people. - We need funds to expand our product line to 400-500 products. - The owner has 3 years of experience in this industry and was involved in the online wholesale of similar products. - We plan to open an office and warehouse in Mumbai next month and our website is under development.
6   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 130 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business Loan
USD 60 K at 21%
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Tobacco Shop Seeking Loan in New Delhi, India

Fastly growing e-commerce business that sells vapes in 3 countries with 12,000 customers.
Online platform for selling vapes in UAE, UK, and India. - We import our products from a well-known brand in China. - We have total registrations of 12,000 customers on our website. - Majority of our customers are based in India. - Our average order value is INR 1,750. - We have 43% customer retention and witnessing a 3% increase in sales per month with monthly sales of INR 25 lakhs and a net profit of 29 %
Fastly growing e-commerce business that sells vapes in 3 countries with 12,000 customers.
6.3   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 360 thousand
29 %
Business Loan
USD 36 K at 36%
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Sports Goods Store Seeking Loan in Delhi, India

Business connecting Indian defense canteens to suppliers of various consumer products.
A business based in Delhi, that stated operations in 2017. - We help connect Indian Defense canteens to suppliers pan India. - We work with 5 brands, with 2 in pipeline that sell kitchen appliances, garments, cycles, footwear. - Fee is charged to the brands once we get them into the defense canteens. - 1,700 canteens currently are selling one of these 5 brands. - Business does not own any large physical assets.
Business connecting Indian defense canteens to suppliers of various consumer products.
6.6   Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 21.5 thousand
0 - 10 %
Business Loan
USD 60 K at 12%
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Book Shop Seeking Loan in New Delhi, India

Wholesaler and retailer of books connected with 200 publishing houses having 10+ medical clients.
Wholesaler and retailer of books and have a range of titles. - Around 300 Publishers both national and international are directly connect with us. - We also export our products to Dubai, Riyadh and the US. - Have tie ups with 10+ medical clients. - We get a traffic of 120 people on daily basis. - Have tie ups with a courier agency for delivery services. - Located near a metro station. - Generate leads through digital marketing, social media, referrals. - Owner has 5 years of industry experience.
6.4   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 29 thousand
10 %
Business Loan
USD 24 K at 18%
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  • How many specialty retailers seeking loan in Delhi are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 6 active and verified specialty retailers seeking loan in Delhi listed on SMERGERS as of 20 September 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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