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Electrical Equipment Businesses Seeking Loan in Hyderabad

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Electrical Equipment Businesses Seeking Loan in Hyderabad. Lend to an Electrical Equipment, Battery and UP Manufacturing, Electric Equipment Wholesale, Electrical Component, Electrical Measuring Instrument, Electron Tube and Insulator, Lighting Fixture, Portable Motor and Generator, Switchgear, Wire and Cable or a HVAC Equipment Business.

  • Electrical Equipment

  • Hyderabad

  • Business Loan


Electrical Equipment Business Seeking Loan in Hyderabad, India

Hyderabad based business involved in manufacturing of power transmission products and operating since 2011.
We manufacturer different types of power transmission products and based in Hyderabad. - Business is operating since 2011. - Manufacturing capacity ranges from 20K - 40K pieces per month on an average depending upon the customer's requirement. - We sell products through B2B sites like IndiaMART and TradeIndia where we generate revenue of Rs. 1.5 - 1.8 Lakh monthly on an average. - Other than online sales we have 5 regular large-scale customers. - We have 5 lathe machines, 3 drilling machines, 1 grinding machine and 1 cutting machine. Looking to replace these by purchasing new machines. - Offline business generates 60% revenue and online business generates 40% revenue.
Hyderabad based business involved in manufacturing of power transmission products and operating since 2011.
6.5   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 57 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 11.8 K at 25%
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Profitable Lighting Fixtures Company Seeking Loan in Hyderabad, India

Designers of lighting-equipment based out of Hyderabad, looking for project finance to complete the orders.
We are designers of Streetlight Automation, based out of Hyderabad. - We have tie-ups with 3-4 companies for manufacturing of our designed products. - We have single customer EESL, and we have been with EESL since it's first CCMS device. - We have an Enterprise division covering CCMS and consumer division covering SmarTouch Switching devices. - Expecting to raise project finance to complete orders which we will repay after 6 months.
6.2   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.41 million
30 %
Business Loan
USD 354 K at 30%
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Profitable Lighting Fixtures Company Seeking Loan in Hyderabad, India

Designers of lighting-equipment based out of Hyderabad, looking for project finance to complete the orders.
We are designers of Streetlight Automation, based out of Hyderabad. - We have tie-ups with 3-4 companies for manufacturing of our designed products. - We have single customer EESL, and we have been with EESL since it's first CCMS device. - We have an Enterprise division covering CCMS and consumer division covering SmarTouch Switching devices. - Expecting to raise project finance to complete orders which we will repay after 6 months.
6.2   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.41 million
30 %
Business Loan
USD 354 K at 30%
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  • How many electrical equipment businesses seeking loan in Hyderabad are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified electrical equipment businesses seeking loan in Hyderabad listed on SMERGERS as of 16 December 2024.
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    SMERGERS scrutinizes all profiles and only features a select group of businesses, investors, advisors that meet a basic requirement. When required, certain members may have submitted some form of proof …read more

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    We regularly filter out businesses which are inactive or have already closed a transaction. Typically, if the business is actively looking to sell/raise capital, the status is shown in green.

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  • Should you buy an existing business or start a business from scratch?

    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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