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Food & Beverage Businesses for Sale in Bahadurgarh

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Food & Beverage Businesses for Sale in Bahadurgarh. Buy a Food & Beverage, F & B, Food, Restaurant and Bar, Alcoholic Beverage, Non-Alcoholic Beverage, Agriculture, Food Processing or a Tobacco Business.

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  • Bahadurgarh

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Bakery for Sale in Bahadurgarh, India

Custom cake specialist with daily clientele, available for full sale due to health issues.
Located in Haryana, the bakery serves over 50 clients daily. - Specializes in vegetarian options to cater to all dietary needs. - Offers custom cake baking services upon order. - While it accepts a few online orders, the majority of its revenue comes from offline sales. - Holds a valid FSSAI certification, ensuring food safety and quality standards.
Custom cake specialist with daily clientele, available for full sale due to health issues.
6.4   Bahadurgarh
Run Rate Sales
USD 71 thousand
20 %
Business for Sale
USD 11.8 K
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Fast Food Restaurant for Sale in Bahadurgarh, India

For sale: Restaurant in Bahadurgarh serving great quality food receiving 50 customers daily.
Restaurant located in the center of the city Bahadurgarh. - The maximum seating capacity of the restaurant is 20. - Receive over 50 customers on a daily basis. - We are also available on Zomato and receive over 300 orders monthly. - Company is a sole proprietorship and has no debts or liabilities.
6.5   Bahadurgarh
Run Rate Sales
USD 14.2 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business for Sale
USD 11.8 K
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Waffle Store for Sale in Haryana, India

For Sale: Dessert parlor with exclusive recipes and 60+ daily customers.
Business is a dessert parlor featuring a western dessert menu. - Fully controlled and operated base kitchen with a walk in model for customers to pick up and dine in. - In a day we have 15-20 walk-ins and around 50-60 deliveries with an average order value of INR 450. - We are registered with Zomato and Swiggy and 60% of the revenue comes from online food orders. - Our desserts are made after in-depth studies and we have our own established batter recipes. - All the items are made with high quality raw material. Raw material for gelato is sourced from Carpigiani in Bologna, Italy. - Detailed information of the company can be found in the document submitted.
For Sale: Dessert parlor with exclusive recipes and 60+ daily customers.
6.6   Haryana
Run Rate Sales
USD 128 thousand
30 %
Business for Sale
USD 177 K
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Waffle Store for Sale in Haryana, India

For Sale: Dessert parlor with exclusive recipes and 60+ daily customers.
Business is a dessert parlor featuring a western dessert menu. - Fully controlled and operated base kitchen with a walk in model for customers to pick up and dine in. - In a day we have 15-20 walk-ins and around 50-60 deliveries with an average order value of INR 450. - We are registered with Zomato and Swiggy and 60% of the revenue comes from online food orders. - Our desserts are made after in-depth studies and we have our own established batter recipes. - All the items are made with high quality raw material. Raw material for gelato is sourced from Carpigiani in Bologna, Italy. - Detailed information of the company can be found in the document submitted.
For Sale: Dessert parlor with exclusive recipes and 60+ daily customers.
6.6   Haryana
Run Rate Sales
USD 128 thousand
30 %
Business for Sale
USD 177 K
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  • How many food & beverage businesses for sale in Bahadurgarh are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified food & beverage businesses for sale in Bahadurgarh listed on SMERGERS as of 12 December 2024.
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