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Professional Services Businesses for Sale in Noida

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Professional Services Businesses for Sale in Noida. Buy a Professional Service, Law Firm, Accounting Firm, Consulting, Translation and Interpretation, Technical Documentation, Business Research, Document Management, Image Editing Service, Testing, Inspection & Certification or a Immigration Consulting Business.

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  • Businesses For Sale


Consulting Business for Sale in Noida, India

For Sale: Inventory management consultancy firm providing asset stock counting services with 400+ clients.
1. Inventory management consultancy firm located in Noida with 25 employees playing roles as auditors and suppliers. 2. Provides spares and asset stock counting services to automobile dealers across India. 3. Services include counting of spare parts and inventory correction in the system, with analysis and recommendation of corrective actions. 4. We have systems in place and inventory management operations are handled from our office facility. 5. Has served over 400+ clients, with a 20% growth rate. 6. Our network covers all types of OEM and dealer brands, pan India.
6.3   Noida
Run Rate Sales
USD 141 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 440 K
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Accounting Firm for Sale in Noida, India

Tax compliance & registration services business with 200k+ clients and 8+ years of experience.
We serve clients across India and have our own mobile app and website for efficient client services. - 2 lakh clients served. - Promoters managing business are qualified i. e. chartered accountants and company secretaries. and have 8+ years of experience in the industry. - Have a premium and unpaid model. - We have provided free consultancy for 18 lakh+ startups.
8.9   Noida
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.41 million
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 2.36 Mn
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IT Consultancy Company for Sale in Noida, India

Blue ocean strategic management company with a focus in management training and consulting.
Noida based company providing IT consultancy and management training services. - Have 85 permanent clients and cater to floating clients that we get through referrals. - Provide training content based on the needs of the business. - Fee for the training is based on the duration and number of members. - We work through a distribution network. - Have a bank of content created by us stored on a third-party server.
Blue ocean strategic management company with a focus in management training and consulting.
6.7   Noida
Run Rate Sales
USD 424 thousand
45 %
Business for Sale
USD 590 K
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IT Consultancy Company for Sale in Noida, India

Blue ocean strategic management company with a focus in management training and consulting.
Noida based company providing IT consultancy and management training services. - Have 85 permanent clients and cater to floating clients that we get through referrals. - Provide training content based on the needs of the business. - Fee for the training is based on the duration and number of members. - We work through a distribution network. - Have a bank of content created by us stored on a third-party server.
Blue ocean strategic management company with a focus in management training and consulting.
6.7   Noida
Run Rate Sales
USD 424 thousand
45 %
Business for Sale
USD 590 K
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  • How many professional services businesses for sale in Noida are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified professional services businesses for sale in Noida listed on SMERGERS as of 15 December 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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