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Residential Real Estate Construction Business Investment Opportunities in Hyderabad

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Residential Real Estate Construction Business Investment Opportunities in Hyderabad. Invest in a Residential Real Estate Construction, Home Builder or a Civil Construction Business.

  • Residential Real Estate Construction

  • Hyderabad

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Newly Established Residential Real Estate Construction Business Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Seeking investment for constructing a residential complex a prime Hyderabad location with multiple amenities.
Prime location in Hyderabad for the construction of a residential apartment complex. - Immediate readiness to commence construction upon securing funding, providing investors with the prospect of a timely and efficient project timeline. - Comprehensive plan to develop 3 apartment blocks, each consisting of 25 to 30 flats, showcasing a sizable scale of operations and potential for high returns. - Differentiated selling strategy targeting individual buyers for each flat. - Inclusion of essential amenities such as parking and lift, along with additional play and recreation facilities for both children and adults. - Owner has extensive 20 years of experience in construction and business administration.
6.2   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.2 Mn for 50%
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Residential Real Estate Construction Company Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Real estate construction aggregator platform based in 3 cities with INR 60 Cr order book.
Real estate construction aggregator platform based in Hyderabad, with a focus on helping plot owners connect with partnered builders, architects, where they serve as contractors for their building projects by e-monitoring and regular progress tracking. - Aims to be the largest aggregator platform for South East Asia helping plot owners build their dream homes by facilitating the entire journey. - Offers a range of services including residential and commercial construction, project management, architecture, interiors, and smart home solutions, catering to independent plot owners and material suppliers. - The revenue model is primarily based on per construction project, with an additional revenue stream from selling construction materials and supplies through their platform. - The company has demonstrated significant growth, recording a significant year-on-year growth from INR 13 lakhs in the first year to INR 28 crores in the last financial year. - Has received investments from leading venture capitalists and high-net-worth individuals in Hyderabad, India, and has established strategic collaborations with plot layouts, with access to 1,200 plots in the near future. - The company boasts a strong online presence, ranking highly in SEO across 25+ cities in India, and has received recognition through multiple state and national awards and extensive media coverage as the most promising company. - Handled over 75+ projects with 100+ ongoing and INR 60 Cr worth orderbook. - There is a drop in sales from the previous year, the company attributes this to a deliberate shift in focus from marketing to platform building. - The promoter has professional work experience of 5+ years in the United States in product building empowered with a business degree from the reputed state University of California, has embarked on this journey to create a wave in the second largest domain in India, currently operating in 3 cities with an intention to scale further.
Real estate construction aggregator platform based in 3 cities with INR 60 Cr order book.
9.2   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.5 million
20 - 30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 600 K for 15%
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Residential Real Estate Construction Business Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Residential real estate construction project seeks investment for better cash flow and a smart partner.
159 spacious lifestyle segment 3BHK units on 2-acre land. Parking for over 300 vehicles. 20 plus amenities which include swimming pool, indoor and outdoor activity, elder park, jogging track, BBQ party lawn and more. The complete projected revenue generation after the completion of the project is INR 110 - 115 crores. It's a 3 year project and started back in 2021. The project is expected to start generating revenue from July 2022. The stake will be offered in this very project only. - This project in Hyderabad. - This project has no loans or liabilities on it and is solely proprietorship-based as of now.
Residential real estate construction project seeks investment for better cash flow and a smart partner.
6.8   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.43 Mn for 15%
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Residential Real Estate Construction Business Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Residential real estate construction project seeks investment for better cash flow and a smart partner.
159 spacious lifestyle segment 3BHK units on 2-acre land. Parking for over 300 vehicles. 20 plus amenities which include swimming pool, indoor and outdoor activity, elder park, jogging track, BBQ party lawn and more. The complete projected revenue generation after the completion of the project is INR 110 - 115 crores. It's a 3 year project and started back in 2021. The project is expected to start generating revenue from July 2022. The stake will be offered in this very project only. - This project in Hyderabad. - This project has no loans or liabilities on it and is solely proprietorship-based as of now.
Residential real estate construction project seeks investment for better cash flow and a smart partner.
6.8   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.43 Mn for 15%
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Residential Real Estate Construction Company Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Real estate construction firm seeking investment for a project development on 20 acres of land.
Our company is into manufacturing processes and aims to provide end-to-end applications in IoT, product engineering, electronics, and embedded systems, we have a profitable business ongoing with the Central Govt. contracts across India. - We also work in the real estate sector and are from a real estate background since 1994, and have strong expertise in land acquisition and construction. - Currently working on a real estate project in the outskirts of Telangana and seeking funds for the same. - 20 acres of land has been acquired for the development of villas and we have received all the necessary approvals for the project. - The plot sizes are going to be in the range of 1,500 sq. ft. to 4,000 sq. ft. and can be accessible to low-income groups as well. - The built-up area would also include a private pool, gym, home theatre & other amenities.
Real estate construction firm seeking investment for a project development on 20 acres of land.
8   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 2.4 Mn for 40%
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Newly Established Residential Real Estate Construction Business Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Startup real estate company seeks funding to acquire a land and develop residential apartment building.
Our startup will be registered after raising funds. We are seeking funds to acquire a land in Hyderabad to construct a residential apartment building. - Have identified 2 lands i. e. 400 square yards and 600 square yards respectively. We will acquire one of the lands to construct the apartment building. We are in the final stage of negotiation with the landlord. - Our startup will undertake the entire construction process which include land development, building design, permissions / approvals, construction and sale of apartments. - We plan to construct a single building of 5 floors and each floor with have 2-3 apartments. The building will have all the necessary amenities such as lifts, generator, greenery. - The land is located in Dilsukhnagar (Hyderabad) and it's currently a vacant land. - Our startup has 2 founders. One of the founder's dad runs a construction company and we'll execute our operations under his guidance.
8   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 240 K for 40%
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Construction Material Wholesale Company Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Construction material supplying company looking for expansion in residential real estate construction.
We are construction materials supplying company that is now looking to develop residential construction projects. - Company has been involved in the sale of construction material for over 36 years as a distributor for JSW Steel, Sarvottam Steel and Orient Birla Cement. - For the last 2 years, the company has also been involved in the mining and processing of granite. - Company is registered as a Private Limited Company in 2018 and now looking to start purchase / development on residential real estate project. - The project will have a total built-up area of 27,000 Sq Ft approx. and have 20 flats across 5 floors. The land has been acquired in the form of the development agreement in the ratio of 60% and 40% percentage. 60% share is owned by the company. - Got land conversion and NALA done by the company. Have all HMDA permissions and approvals. - Company's physical assets include furniture and appliances. Low physical assets as the company use contractors. - Had high revenue growth as we have recently received a contract in Parigi to supply cement for a flyover project by PRR Constructions. - Company would continue the mining and supplying building materials activities along with construction. - 30% of the Project Construction work is done i. e. , Plinth Beam and Basement. - Due to the Covid-19 pandemic induced lockdown our sales have been impacted and we are expected to recover in the next financial year.
Construction material supplying company looking for expansion in residential real estate construction.
6.5   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 36 thousand
30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 240 K for 50%
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Industrial Plant Construction Company Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Construction company primarily generating revenue working on industrial projects, have completed 10+ residential & industrial projects.
5 year old construction company located in Hyderabad. - We work on commercial and residential projects such as cement plants, township, buildings. - Completed 10-12 projects till date and have 3 on-going projects. - Almost 70% of our revenue is generated from industrial projects. - Have clients are all over India. - In final talks with the Govt. on the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana project. - Promoter has 25 years of experience in this field. - Physical assets include land, building and furniture.
Construction company primarily generating revenue working on industrial projects, have completed 10+ residential & industrial projects.
7.2   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.43 million
8 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 420 K for 30%
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