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Retail Shops Seeking Loan in Raipur

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Retail Shops Seeking Loan in Raipur. Lend to a Retail Shop, Shop, Commercial Shop, Turnkey Business, Auto Dealer, Home Furnishing Shop, Specialty Retailer, Apparel Store, Computer Shop or a Food & Drug Retail Business.

  • Retail Shops

  • Raipur

  • Business Loan


Food Wholesale Business Seeking Loan in Raipur, India

Food wholesale business supplying to 200 clients seeks a loan.
Currently supplying the products to 200 clients who are from the restaurant industry. - We procure the products directly from the brands. - The number of clients we are supplying has increased as compared to last year. - We possess an FSSAI license. - Since the transportation and delivery are outsourced, we do not require many employees. - The promoter has 4 years of experience in this industry.
6.8   Raipur
Run Rate Sales
USD 283 thousand
4 %
Business Loan
USD 23.6 K at 10%
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Women's Apparel Store Seeking Loan in Raipur, India

2 boutique stores of women's premium Indian ethnic wear in Chhattisgarh with wholesale and retail sales.
Started this business 8 years ago in Koriya district and recently opened a 2nd outlet in Raipur. - Promoter is in this Indian ethnic fashion wholesale and retail industry for over 15 years. - This is a well-established brand with a genuine and repeat customer base. - We purchase apparels from wholesalers, manufacturers, custom dress manufacturers. - We receive 10-12 walk-ins per day in one showroom and receive 5-6 walk-ins in another showroom. - Planning to open 3 more shops in Chhattisgarh this year. - Majority of our revenue is from retail sales and a small part of the revenue is from wholesale.
2 boutique stores of women's premium Indian ethnic wear in Chhattisgarh with wholesale and retail sales.
7.2   Raipur
Run Rate Sales
USD 100 thousand
30 %
Business Loan
USD 59 K at 10%
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Food Wholesale Business Seeking Loan in Raipur, India

Trader, wholesaler and retailer of dry fruits snack and other commodities, having 500 counters across Raipur.
Trader of commodities like spices, dry fruits, chocolates, snacks. - We are also the wholesale and retailer for these products. - Have more than 500 counters across Raipur. - Tie ups with 8 vendors in Indore, Coimbatore and multiple local vendors. - Daily sales is INR 30,000 on an average. - Have a base of 90 regular clients. - Owner has 8 years of experience. - We want want to set up a processing unit for cashew nuts and are in talks with vendors from Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, South Africa, Vietnam for the same.
6.3   Raipur
Run Rate Sales
USD 42 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 23.6 K at 12%
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Food Wholesale Business Seeking Loan in Raipur, India

Trader, wholesaler and retailer of dry fruits snack and other commodities, having 500 counters across Raipur.
Trader of commodities like spices, dry fruits, chocolates, snacks. - We are also the wholesale and retailer for these products. - Have more than 500 counters across Raipur. - Tie ups with 8 vendors in Indore, Coimbatore and multiple local vendors. - Daily sales is INR 30,000 on an average. - Have a base of 90 regular clients. - Owner has 8 years of experience. - We want want to set up a processing unit for cashew nuts and are in talks with vendors from Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, South Africa, Vietnam for the same.
6.3   Raipur
Run Rate Sales
USD 42 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 23.6 K at 12%
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  • How many retail shops seeking loan in Raipur are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified retail shops seeking loan in Raipur listed on SMERGERS as of 15 December 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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