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Specialty Retailers for Sale in Chiang Mai

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Specialty Retailers for Sale in Chiang Mai. Buy a Specialty Retailer, Florist, Craft Store, Musical Instrument Retailer, Optical Store, Pet Shop, Sport Goods Store, Toy Shop, Used Merchandise Store, Military Store, CD Shop, Newsagent, Dollar Store, Battery Store, Gifting, Movie & Book Rental or a Funeral Service Business.

  • Specialty Retailers

  • Chiang Mai

  • Businesses For Sale


Pet Shop for Sale in Chiang Mai, Thailand

For Sale: High end pet store which is completely managed by an experienced general manager.
We operate a pet store in a well known pet market of Chiang Mai. - The store is completely managed by an experienced general manager. - Our business has seen an increase in revenue during Covid with more people staying indoors and buying pets for company. - We generally have high end customers and orders of large ticket sizes. - Have a great social media presence such as Facebook page with over 10,000 likes. - Monthly orders have been between 3,300 and 3,500. - Accessories are imported from China, pre packaged food is imported from Vietnam, China and Malaysia and we source animals from an animal supplier in the main market of Bangkok. - Have purchased a domain for the store but have not developed a website. - Earlier, this was a sole proprietorship business. It is a registered company now, and also has VAT registration.
For Sale: High end pet store which is completely managed by an experienced general manager.
7.6   Chiang Mai
Run Rate Sales
USD 700 thousand
14 %
Business for Sale
USD 740 K
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Pet Shop for Sale in Chiang Mai, Thailand

For Sale: High end pet store which is completely managed by an experienced general manager.
We operate a pet store in a well known pet market of Chiang Mai. - The store is completely managed by an experienced general manager. - Our business has seen an increase in revenue during Covid with more people staying indoors and buying pets for company. - We generally have high end customers and orders of large ticket sizes. - Have a great social media presence such as Facebook page with over 10,000 likes. - Monthly orders have been between 3,300 and 3,500. - Accessories are imported from China, pre packaged food is imported from Vietnam, China and Malaysia and we source animals from an animal supplier in the main market of Bangkok. - Have purchased a domain for the store but have not developed a website. - Earlier, this was a sole proprietorship business. It is a registered company now, and also has VAT registration.
For Sale: High end pet store which is completely managed by an experienced general manager.
7.6   Chiang Mai
Run Rate Sales
USD 700 thousand
14 %
Business for Sale
USD 740 K
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