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Beauty Clinic for Sale in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Beauty clinic in Abu Dhabi with 15+ years of promoter experience, serving 10-25 clients daily.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 2 - 3 million
Run Rate Sales USD 2.45 million
EBITDA Margin 30 - 40 %
Industries Beauty Clinics
Locations  Al Ain
Local Time 9:04 AM Asia / Dubai
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 9.5 million (Native Currency: AED 35,000,000)
Reason: - The owner is planning to retire, hence wants to sell the clinic. - Conducted a professional valua... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 410 thousand
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Business Overview
- The beauty clinic is located in Al Ain and has a strong presence in the UAE and Gulf countries, with a significant client base coming from the entire GCC region.
- The clinic offers a wide range of services including esthetic medicine, dermatology, laser treatments, slimming procedures, botox, fillers, regeneration, and stretch mark treatments, among others.
- It previously had a plastic surgery department, which contributed to higher revenue, but has since closed that department to specialize in non-invasive cosmetic procedures, particularly injectables and skin treatments for acne.
- Currently serves an average of 10-25 clients per day with 7-8 procedure rooms available with complete equipment and facilities.
- The owner has over 20 years of experience in the location and has worked for the government for 16 years, establishing a strong reputation and a loyal client base.
- The clinic has a high following with 36k+ followers on Instagram, contributing to its popularity and attracting clients from across the GCC region.
- With an annual income ranging from 7 to 9 million, the business has a focus on expensive treatments, contributing to its high revenue with the limited number of employees.
- The owner is also a collagen stimulator and filler trainer, adding to the expertise and credibility of the clinic in the field of cosmetic procedures.
Currently, the clinic holds licenses in medical esthetics, dermatology, and general medicine.
Products & Services Overview
- The clinic's top-selling services include are injectables and fillers with others including laser hair removal treatments and slimming procedures.
- Popular among clients across the GCC region seeking cosmetic enhancements.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets mainly include seven high quality and technologically advances machines for different techniques like facial and slimming.
Facilities Overview
Our facility features a single floor with a total built-up area that accommodates 8 procedure rooms.
The annual rental for this space is AED 175,000, and the lease is set for a duration of one year.
Capitalization Overview
The business is currently funded through a AED 600,000 loan and AED 700,000 in outstanding debt, with a single owner holding 100% ownership of the business.
Recent Activity
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