Hospital for Sale in Ranchi, India
Established | 1-5 year(s) |
Employees | 10 - 50 |
Legal Entity | General Partnership |
Reported Sales | USD 27 thousand |
Run Rate Sales | USD 85 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 26 % |
Industries | Hospitals |
Locations | Ranchi |
Local Time | 10:25 PM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Management Member |
Status | Moderately Active |
- There is ophthalmology, orthopedic, urology and general medicine department.
- There are 8 doctors.
- Receiving 20-25 patients per day.
- Having NABH accreditation and is under Ayushman Bharat Yojana.
- Average charges per patient is INR 1000.
- There are 15 permanent employees including 8 doctors and other nursing and helping staff.
- General Surgery.
- Orthopedic Surgery.
- Eye Surgery.
- Urology.
- General Medicine.
- All the hospital equipment: X ray machines, OPD etc.
- Furniture.
- 1 Ambulance.
- 1 Cafeteria.
- 3 floor owned building of 7.43 dismil with 13,000 sq ft built up area.
- There are no loans or debts in the business.
Earlier than 15 daysENT Specialist, Hospital, Ranchi, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysMD, Medical Facility, Ranchi, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysManager, Hospital, Ranchi, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business