Profitable Dairy Products Business Seeking Loan in Bhubaneswar, India
Established | 1-5 year(s) |
Employees | 2 - 5 |
Legal Entity | Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader |
Reported Sales | USD 23.6 thousand |
Run Rate Sales | USD 27 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 35 % |
Industries | Dairy Products |
Locations | Bhubaneswar |
Local Time | 5:56 PM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Moderately Active |
- It currently has 3 employees and is engaged in the collection and distribution of milk from local farmers to residential and commercial customers.
- The company processes and sells approximately 120 liters of milk daily, sourced from a network of 10-12 local farmers.
- With a customer base of 55-60 households, the company has established a presence in the local market.
- Bhubaneswar presents opportunities for further market penetration and expansion, given its growing population and increasing demand for dairy products.
- We have all the required licenses to function with.
- Machine for processing.
- Furniture and fixture.
Earlier than 15 daysManager, Construction, Bhubaneswar, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysDirector, F&B, New Delhi, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysDirector, IT And Food, Dubai, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business