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Businesses Seeking Loan in India

Showing 15 - 28 of 2467 Businesses Seeking Loan in India. Lend to a Business in India.

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Profitable Conveyor Business Seeking Loan in Odisha, India

Trader of conveyor transmission equipment used in the steel industry, planning to start manufacturing unit.
Trader of industrial products like conveyor transmission equipment from Odisha. - Planning to start own manufacturing unit and have lots of benefits as new govt. rule orders companies to buy product from MSME companies. - Have good number of supplier for raw material that will give easy access of supplier for our manufacturing unit. - Have served over 5-6 clients. - Business is located in and around the steel companies. - Our supplier are from Baroda, Indore and Kolkata with total number of total 6 vendors. - Have our own logistics truck.
6.3   Odisha
Run Rate Sales
USD 62 thousand
20 - 30 %
Business Loan
USD 120 K at 15%
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Book Shop Seeking Loan in Bhubaneswar, India

Book retailer and Order supplier in Odisha seeking Investment for business expansion.
Supplier of all kinds of books in Odisha except medical books. - Situated in the prime location and have built good customer relation. - Supplied over 100 libraries but currently supplying over 20 libraries and have the potential to get back all 100 libraries. - Have excellent supplier base from Publishers to Distributor with a base of between 30 to 40 supplier. - Contains all books ranging from Rs. 15 to Rs. 5,000 of famous authors including Chetan Bhagat, Robin Sharma, etc. - Our business have the great potential to capture large market and become top book supplier in Odisha.
5.7   Bhubaneswar
Run Rate Sales
USD 120 thousand
10 %
Business Loan
USD 18 K at 10%
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Paper Packaging Business Seeking Loan in Jajpur Road, India

Manufacturer of Paper Plate, with good dealership network all over Odisha looking for funding.
Well known Paper Plate manufacturer in Odisha. - Have 100+ customers at a Dealer level and we have many retailers as our customers. - Growth rate is 28 % annually. - Capacity of the plant is 40,000 per day. - The promoter is a Chartered Accountant Finalist & Cost & Management Accountant Finalist, certified in the Insurance business having 10-year corporate experience as an expert in Finance & Taxation in India as well as Bhutan.
6.5   Bhubaneswar
Run Rate Sales
USD 172 thousand
18 %
Business Loan
USD 24 K at 13%
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Paper Packaging Business Seeking Loan in Jajpur Road, India

Manufacturer of Paper Plate, with good dealership network all over Odisha looking for funding.
Well known Paper Plate manufacturer in Odisha. - Have 100+ customers at a Dealer level and we have many retailers as our customers. - Growth rate is 28 % annually. - Capacity of the plant is 40,000 per day. - The promoter is a Chartered Accountant Finalist & Cost & Management Accountant Finalist, certified in the Insurance business having 10-year corporate experience as an expert in Finance & Taxation in India as well as Bhutan.
6.5   Bhubaneswar
Run Rate Sales
USD 172 thousand
18 %
Business Loan
USD 24 K at 13%
Contact Business

Pet Food Company Seeking Loan in Chennai, India

Company engaged in multiple businesses seeking a business loan for pet care segment expansion.
The company is into different segments but all the details mentioned are related to pet care and pet food business activities. - Freshly and hygienic food is prepared based on the pets owner's needs. - Currently serving over 100 clients. - We prepare all kinds of food on our own in a proper manner. - We were generating low revenues last year because of a pandemic but now the figures have improved. - The business is completely liabilities-free. - Looking for a loan in order to expand the activities into different pet care services. - Company can not provide anything as collateral but bank cheques.
6.8   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 29 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 120 K at 10%
Contact Business

Office Supplies Wholesale Company Seeking Loan in Chennai, India

Online sourcing platform for businesses having raised funding from Indian and Japanese VCs, now seeks working capital financing.
We are an online platform that provides systematic, automated and transparent procurement services. - Our platform offers a cloud based e-procurement tool to help businesses simplify the sourcing & purchasing of indirect materials. - We help companies source pantry items, housekeeping supply, electronics and stationary from leading brands. - This tool provides features including easy ordering platform, inventory management, spend management, cost optimizations, analytics & centralised invoicing among others. - We provide end-to-end supply chain support including a robust delivery fleet with local distribution network capability pan India.
6.8   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 860 thousand
8 %
Business Loan
USD 60 K at 24%
Contact Business

MEP Construction Business Seeking Loan in Guwahati, India

Trader and service provider for AC services like Hitachi, Blue Star etc. to B2B businesses.
Trader and service provider for AC services like Hitachi, Blue Star and Carrier in the North East. - We have branches in other regions as well. - Main clients are banks like UCO Bank, Punjab National Bank etc. and petrol pumps like Indian Oil etc. - Also providing services to institutions, hospitals and residential complexes. - Owner has 24+ years of experience.
6.5   Guwahati
Run Rate Sales
USD 144 thousand
4 %
Business Loan
USD 18 K at 10%
Contact Business

IT Services Business Seeking Loan in Rishikesh, India

Uttarakhand based IT services provider along with CCTV Installation to small businesses.
Business provides IT solutions with a focus on providing computer training and education, CCTV installation, digital marketing, and brand promotion services. - We have 10-15 business clients for whom we provide digital marketing and brand promotion services. - Business has 3 contractual staff who work on a project basis. - Computer education, digital marketing and brand promotion contribute to about 50% of our sales and the remaining 50% comes from CCTV installation. - Sales fluctuate based on project basis but projected sales for this year is around INR 70 lakh. - Business holds GST certificate.
6.5   Rishikesh
Run Rate Sales
USD 43 thousand
30 %
Business Loan
USD 30 K at 14%
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Animal Feed Company Seeking Loan in Odisha, India

2017 established company dealing in animal feeds having contracts with farmers in place, seeks investment.
This is a 2017 established company dealing in animal feeds. - We recognised as a startup by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (Certificate of Recognition) - We distribute International standards shrimp feeds and cattle feeds to farmers. - We will be manufacturing the products under our own brand name. - We have tied up with a company for manufacturing which would start from January-19 onwards. Until then we will be getting these products from a Chennai based company. - We have set up contracts with farmers to whom we will be delivering around 150 tons. The value of the same would be around 100 lakh approx. - We are expecting to receive our first stock by the first week of February.
6.2   Odisha
Run Rate Sales
15 %
Business Loan
USD 24 K at 15%
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Soft Drinks Business Seeking Loan in Bhubaneswar, India

Business is a well known soft drinks manufacturer in the Odisha market.
Bhubaneswar based company that manufactures and supplies soft drinks. - We have a manufacturing capacity of 7,000 litres per day. - Our usual daily production is 4,000 litres. - We sell our products through 4 vendors who further sell to retailers, and we also sell our products to 200+ corporate clients directly. - Business usually has orders of 40,000 bottles per month. - Currently, products are being sold in Bhubaneswar, Pipili and Puri. - The business is the 1st to launch this soft drink concept in Odisha.
Business is a well known soft drinks manufacturer in the Odisha market.
7.5   Bhubaneswar
Run Rate Sales
USD 57 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business Loan
USD 57 K at 20%
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Bottled Water Business Seeking Loan in Champua, India

Manufacturing packaged drinking water of 1 liters and selling it through 15 distributors across Odisha.
Operating our plant since 2010 with latest technology. - Plant capacity: 60 bottles per minute. - Have 15 distributor across Odisha. - Wants to expand in Ranchi and Jamshedpur. - Proprietor has 7 years of experience.
6.4   Champua
Run Rate Sales
USD 144 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business Loan
USD 240 K at 10%
Contact Business

Digital Marketing Business Seeking Loan in Pune, India

Digital marketing agency providing cost-effective taxi rooftop advertising platform for small businesses.
1. Business operates in the digital marketing industry, focusing on providing advertising services for smaller businesses. 2. Located in Pune, the business has a team of 15 employees dedicated to serving its clients. 3. The primary service offered is taxi rooftop advertising, providing a unique platform for brands to showcase their advertisements. 4. With a current client base of 15, the business has already served over 100 businesses within a one-year period, indicating a growing and expanding customer portfolio. 5. The company is actively exploring opportunities to expand its advertising reach by engaging in discussions with UBER India to potentially utilize its cabs for advertising purposes. 6. The business aims to fill a gap in the market by offering local taxi advertising as a means for smaller businesses to increase their visibility and reach their target audience. 7. Leveraging its expertise in digital marketing, the business provides an innovative and cost-effective advertising solution through taxi rooftop ads.
5.9   Pune
Run Rate Sales
USD 43 thousand
40 %
Business Loan
USD 10.8 K at 10%
Contact Business

Consulting Company Seeking Loan in Bangalore, India

Consultancy services business that provides financial advice to individuals and businesses seeks growth capital.
Company provides financial and investment advice to individuals and companies. - Have a total of 100+ clients that pay us every month. - Majority of our clients are individuals who seek financial planning advice from us. - Attract clients through our Facebook page, word of mouth, and references. - We do not handle our client's funds and only provide consultancy and advisory services. - Seeking financial support to add infrastructure and create a website as well.
5.9   Bangalore
Run Rate Sales
USD 100 thousand
3 %
Business Loan
USD 12 K at 11%
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TV Production Company Seeking Loan in Cuttack, India

TV channel specializing in Odisha language with diverse content production, including news, television-serials, and short-films.
The business operates in the TV production industry and is located in Cuttack, specializing in Odisha language news and entertainment content. - With a workforce of 17 employees, the business primarily focuses on news segments to attract viewership and generates revenue predominantly through advertisements. - In addition to news and television serials, the company has expanded its content to include law-based programming. - The business also engages in the production of 3-4 short films annually, which are subsequently sold to media houses as an additional revenue stream. - The revenue model is heavily reliant on advertisement sales, and the production of short films serves as a supplementary income source. - The business's targeted approach to Odisha language content and its diversification into law-based programming demonstrate an understanding of the local market and potential for growth in the region. - The company boasts a monthly viewership of over 5 lakhs and holds ISO and MSME certificates, indicating a commitment to quality and recognition as a Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME).
6.3   Cuttack
Run Rate Sales
USD 29 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 12 K at 10%
Contact Business

Animal Feed Company Seeking Loan in Odisha, India

Dairy feed (silage & concentrated) manufacturing unit with the capacity to feed 50,000 cows everyday.
The success of the dairy farming industry in the country completely depends on the availability of forages & concentrated feed in the locality. - Currently, there is almost 50% deficit in the forages segment resulting in less milk production, higher production cost per litre of milk and bad animal health. - There is a huge market potential to serve more than a million cattle only in one state alone. - There is huge forage deficit in the eastern part of the country and as a result the livestock is less productive. - We have an existing client base / farmers who are desperately looking for both backward and forward integration. - With more than 8 years of experience in this industry and with the collaboration with all the major international industry giants in dairy and milk processing industry, we are setting up one of India's largest silage manufacturing unit and dairy e-commerce business in Odisha. - With an existing production capacity of 100,000 MT (one lakh metric tonnes) of silage in bales every year started, we will be one of the biggest producers in the country.
Dairy feed (silage & concentrated) manufacturing unit with the capacity to feed 50,000 cows everyday.
8.3   Odisha
Run Rate Sales
USD 2.15 million
10 - 20 %
Business Loan
USD 1.02 Mn at 30%
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  • How many businesses seeking loan in India are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2467 active and verified businesses seeking loan in India listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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