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Telecommunications Businesses for Sale

Showing 15 - 28 of 36 Telecommunications Businesses for Sale. Buy a Telecommunication, Integrated Telecom, Telecom, ISP, Satellite Broadband, Telecom Infrastructure, Telecom Reseller, VOIP Service, Landline Service, Alternative Communication, Wi-Max or a Telecom Carrier Business.

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  • Businesses For Sale


Telecom Resellers Business for Sale in Alibag, India

Distributor of broadband and ILL internet service covering an area of 70 km.
We are an internet and cable service distributor. - Currently, we are providing internet services to 1,500 households. - The business covers an area of 70 km. - We receive a commission of 15%-20% for our services.
6.8   Alibag
Run Rate Sales
USD 72 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 24 K
Contact Business

Shell Company for Sale in Pune, India

Company that used to install telecom towers and lines for 10+ vendors for sale.
The company was involved in installations and repair works related to electrical and telecom lines. We have stopped working after the pandemic. The promoter has moved to a different company and wants to sell this entity. Company was associated with 10-12 clients. The promoter is still on good terms with all these vendors and their contact details will be shared upon sale. Company used to generate INR 1.5 - 2 cr per year.
6.9   Pune
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 12 K
Contact Business

Telecom Infrastructure Business for Sale in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

For sale: Company involved in the installation of 5G network infrastructure catering to 150+ clients.
The company installs 5G network infrastructure. - Have tied up with over 100 institutes to cater our services. - Have over 150 clients and our top clients are Nokia and Huawei. - Cater to local customers such as SCECO, and government institutes.
7.8   Riyadh
Run Rate Sales
USD 480 thousand
20 - 30 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.25 Mn
Contact Business
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Telecom Infrastructure Business for Sale in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

For sale: Company involved in the installation of 5G network infrastructure catering to 150+ clients.
The company installs 5G network infrastructure. - Have tied up with over 100 institutes to cater our services. - Have over 150 clients and our top clients are Nokia and Huawei. - Cater to local customers such as SCECO, and government institutes.
7.8   Riyadh
Run Rate Sales
USD 480 thousand
20 - 30 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.25 Mn
Contact Business

Telecom Resellers Company for Sale in New Delhi, India

For Sale: Telecommunication maintenance contract company that has completed over 100 projects.
Supply of telecom products and telecommunication maintenance company. - We have completed over 100 government projects to date. Our top clients are NTPC, BHEL, etc. - Recently completed 3 projects. - Generate equal revenue from the supply of telecommunication products and maintenance of the tower. - The company has 2 directors with equal shareholding. - The firm has no debts or liabilities.
6.5   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 72 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 120 K
Contact Business

ISP for Sale in Hutchinson, United States

For Sale: Wireless internet service provider in Minnesota with 2.500 sq miles of network.
Company specializing in offering internet services for 17 years. - We offer internet services to individuals and businesses. - Have thousands of customers across Minnesota. - We have 3,500 square miles of fibre and wireless network. - We receive some federal funding for parts of the network. - Company does not have any liability apart from federal funding and has 2 directors.
8.6   Hutchinson
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.8 million
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 5.5 Mn
Contact Business

ISP for Sale in Baku, Azerbaijan

For Sale: ISP company providing fast fiber optic internet to homes and companies.
An internet service provider that has a presence in Baku. - Currently, we provide 1607 homes with fast fiber optic internet service. - We use GPON technology to provide FTTH connection to our customers. - We have an infrastructure in place to grow further with good connectivity in terms of fiber infrastructure and building connectivity. - Company has 2 directors with equal shareholding and has no debts or liabilities.
7.4   Baku
Run Rate Sales
USD 360 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 800 K
Contact Business

ISP for Sale in Bhubaneswar, India

Leading internet service provider (ISP) with 2,500+ enterprise & residential clients across Odisha & Chhattisgarh.
We are internet service providers based in Odisha. - Have 2,500+ enterprise and residential customers across multiple districts in Odisha and Chhattisgarh (have ISP-B Unified License from Department of Telecommunications) - Focus on enterprise customers with higher ARPU and retention. ARPU is much higher than the industry average. - Dedicated teams at all locations for managing service and sales independently. - Centralized call center operations for handling customer complaints and new connection inquiries. - In house developed software for CRM, ticketing, backend data management, AAA (authentication, authorization, account) - Scope for further growth in business by deeper penetration in existing markets/ locations utilizing existing developed infrastructure. - Brand presence and digital marketing assets developed. Have high brand visibility in areas of operation. - Have clean balance sheets and corporate governance with strong internal processes. - Business has 2 partners with one having the majority stake. - Business has a loan that will be paid off by the current owner. - Business is registered in Jharsuguda but headquartered in Bhubaneshwar. - The pandemic affected the company's run rate sales.
6.7   Bhubaneswar
Run Rate Sales
USD 290 thousand
15 %
Business for Sale
USD 360 K
Contact Business

Telecom Infrastructure Company for Sale in Bangalore, India

For Sale: Well established telecom infrastructure tools designing company for Indian Army and other clients.
We design telecommunication tools that are used by defence entities as well as private sector companies. - Main clients are the Indian Navy, Indian Army, defense entities and private sector companies. - Have completed 15-20 projects so far. Each project was for unique tools, based on clients requirements, we designed the products. - Manufacturing is outsourced and the company that manufactures our products has a capacity that is enough to cater for the demands coming from our clients. - Valuation is based on revenue figures before the pandemic. After Covid-19, our operations and sales have fallen by 50%. - Buyer would need to re-staff as employees will discontinue.
6.8   Bangalore
Run Rate Sales
USD 29 thousand
30 %
Business for Sale
USD 240 K
Contact Business

ISP for Sale in Dhaka, Bangladesh

For Sale: 21-year-old IT consultancy company with ISP and IP telephony license and fiber network.
IT company that provides a wide foray of services, manages IT projects and is an internet service provider. - 21 years experience, nationwide ISP license, government clients, and 300+ corporate broadband internet and data clients. - 10 years experience with IPTSP license (VOIP phone), 15 years experience as operation and maintenance operator (managed services) for large-scale government IT projects; 15 years experience as a software and web application developer company. - 19 years of work as domain registration, web hosting, and server colocation company. - We are a prequalified company to participate in any large-scale tender for hardware supply, security surveillance project, video conferencing project, and ICT consultancy. - Have a fiber optic and a wireless network covering the whole of Dhaka City. NOC and all 15 PoPs are connected with dark core fiber. - ISO certified company and member of APNIC, ISPAB, BASIS, and BCS. Also, have copyright and trademark for logo and major products. - Qualified company to get IPTV License when it is issued by BTRC. - Potential buyer can easily deploy triple-play services with data (ISP), voice (IPTSP), and video (IPTV). - Competitive advantage due to 21 years of goodwill and experience of working with major government departments. The company has good relations with vendors and long serving employees. - The buyer will get the legal entity, all physical and intangible assets owned by the business.
9.6   Dhaka
Run Rate Sales
USD 570 thousand
17 %
Business for Sale
USD 1 Mn
Contact Business

ISP for Sale in Palu, Indonesia

For Sale: Internet services provider with a national coverage permit based in Palu.
We are an internet services provider based in Palu and we have our brand that is distributed across the city. Revenue model is based on a monthly subscription from users. - Have more than 150 users and most clients are within Palu City, Central Sulawesi. - Sulawesi market is open wide for more internet infrastructure and content services making this a great opportunity in the right hands. - With the current permit can cover the nationwide market. Hence, there is scope for expansion and diversification into new markets. - We are not including any physical assets under this transaction as investors would need to relocate based on their business plans.
For Sale: Internet services provider with a national coverage permit based in Palu.
7.6   Palu
Run Rate Sales
USD 86 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business for Sale
USD 170 K
Contact Business

ISP for Sale in Karnataka, India

Internet service provider with 1,600 customers in Manipal and Udupi area with high growth potential.
Internet service provider that has a presence in Manipal, Udupi, Santhekatte, Bramavara, and Malpe area in Coastal Karnataka. - Have active customers ranging from 1,500 - 1,800. - We use GPON technology to provide FTTH connection to our customers. - Business has been operational for a little over 4 years with regular growth and a strong brand value in the area. - Listed as one of the 20 Most Promising ISP in India by a top-rated magazine. - Low operating expenses and a strong ARPU with growing profits. - We have an infrastructure in place to grow further with good connectivity in terms of fiber infrastructure and building connectivity. - Have last mile connected to over 200 buildings and apartments in the area. - We also have a strong base of business and enterprise customers.
6.8   Karnataka
Run Rate Sales
USD 194 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business for Sale
USD 450 K
Contact Business

Telecom Resellers Company for Sale in Doha, Qatar

For Sale: Premium reseller of services and products for a major telecommunication service provider.
Company is channel partner for Qatar's leading telecom company. - This partnership is highly exclusive as there are only 3 resellers for Qatar. - Company is a pioneer of innovative sales strategies among the dealers. Company has a high ROI with less operation cost. - The company provides phone sim cards, broadband connections and also provides data analytics for its B2B clients. - We have B2B clients like Zomato and Talabat who purchase sims and data for their riders and managers. - Advertise through flyers, pamphlets and other channels such as social media ads and Google Ads. - Have a well experienced team and strategies in place. - Currently making a net profit of minimum QAR 100,000-130,000. - With FIFA and tourism reopening, we expect a sales boost of min 25%. - The buyer will get the legal entity with all its physical assets for QAR 3 million. - This acquisition is a win-win situation if the buyer is a mobile, computers, and accessories reseller.
7.7   Doha
Run Rate Sales
USD 900 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 820 K
Contact Business

ISP for Sale in Gujarat, India

For sale: ISP business with 600+ customers covering 35 km area in Gujarat.
Business is focused on providing internet services based in Gujarat. - We provide services in Bodeli, Navsari, and Morbi covering an area of 35 km in each place. - We have 600+ registered customers. - Our services include optical fiber, LAN, WAN, and installation of equipment. - We own 3 towers that have been installed by us to provide services to our customers. - Our network is powered by another ISP based in Gujarat.
7.8   Gujarat
Run Rate Sales
USD 57 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business for Sale
USD 150 K
Contact Business

ISP for Sale in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

For Sale: Company provides internet and television services to home and businesses via a fibre network.
Internet and television service provider in Bulgaria. - Have different internet and cable plans at different price brackets. - Business has over 3,000 customers across Bulgaria. - We offer services to individuals and businesses. - We use fibre network connection for maximum efficiency and high-speed internet. - Company has been in operation for over 10 years and has a loyal customer base.
6.7   Stara Zagora
Run Rate Sales
USD 340 thousand
38 %
Business for Sale
USD 850 K
Contact Business
  • How many telecommunications businesses for sale are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 36 active and verified telecommunications businesses for sale listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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