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Business Buyers in Ayodhya

Showing 15 - 28 of 6505 Business Buyers in Ayodhya. Sell your Business in Ayodhya.

  • Ayodhya

  • Business Buyers

Director, Real Estate Consultancy

Individual Buyer in Lucknow, India

Interests: I am looking to invest in profitable and legal slaughterhouses, frozen food and meat shops located in India, location is not an issue.
Background: I am the director of a real estate consultancy firm. I am looking for good investment opportunities. I will invest in my personal capacity.
5.8 / 10
Ayodhya + 1 more
Frozen Food + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Director, Renewable Energy

Corporate Acquirer in Noida, India

Interests: Products and returns in long term of business.
Background: We are working in renewable energy sector with a vision to work closely with large scale companies to achieve their net zero targets.
8.1 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 4 more
Advertising Agencies + 32 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 3.6 Mn
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Area Manager, Machinery

Individual Buyer in Noida, India

Interests: Customer receptive, profitable, market friendly, innovative, brand.
Background: I am a budding entrepreneur looking to start own venture. I have previously worked as a technical sales professional and have more than 12 years of experience.
8.4 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 4 more
Automotive Accessories + 30 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 480 K
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Area Manager, Machinery

Individual Buyer in Noida, India

Interests: Customer receptive, profitable, market friendly, innovative, brand.
Background: I am a budding entrepreneur looking to start own venture. I have previously worked as a technical sales professional and have more than 12 years of experience.
8.4 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 4 more
Automotive Accessories + 30 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 480 K
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Director, Steel And Rubber

Individual Buyer in Ghaziabad, India

Interests: Ready client base, working machinery, proper handover of the business, and strong foundations.
Background: I am an MBA graduate with an entrepreneurial mindset. My family has been engaged in steel and chemicals business for generations. So, I understand how businesses work and at the same time also know the value of professionalism which needs to be there to run a business efficiently.
8.5 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 13 more
Bottled Water + 6 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 600 K
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Director, Domestic Appliances Manufacturers

Individual Buyer in Agra, India

Interests: I do not have any expectations regarding the profit margin. Looking for a business that already has a good reputation in the market.
Background: Director of a private limited company operating since 2018. I'm looking to make this investment / acquisition in my personal capacity.
9 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 13 more
Beauty Salons + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 300 K
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Interests: Scalability: Assess the business's ability to grow without being hampered by its structure or available resources. This includes evaluating the potential for increasing production, entering new markets, or expanding product lines without a proportional increase in costs. Business Leverage: Examine the company's debt-to-equity ratio to understand how much leverage it uses to finance operations. High leverage can indicate potential financial risk, while low leverage might suggest underutilization of growth opportunities. Current Sales and Customers: Review the business's current revenue streams and customer base. Analyze customer retention rates, customer acquisition costs, and the diversity of the customer base to gauge stability and growth potential. Market Position and Competition: Understand the business's position within its industry and its competitive landscape. Evaluate its market share, competitive advantages, and barriers to entry for new competitors. Financial Health: Conduct a thorough analysis of the company’s financial statements, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Look for consistent revenue growth, healthy profit margins, and strong cash flow. Management Team: Assess the experience, expertise, and track record of the management team. A capable and visionary leadership team is crucial for driving the company’s success and navigating challenges. Operational Efficiency: Evaluate the efficiency of the company’s operations, including its supply chain, production processes, and distribution channels. Efficient operations can lead to cost savings and improved profitability. Innovation and Adaptability: Consider the company’s ability to innovate and adapt to changing market conditions. Businesses that invest in research and development and are agile in response to market trends are more likely to sustain long-term growth. Regulatory Environment: Understand the regulatory landscape the business operates in. Compliance with relevant laws and regulations is essential to avoid legal issues and potential fines. Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty: Analyze customer feedback, satisfaction surveys, and brand loyalty metrics. A strong brand with loyal customers can provide a competitive edge and stable revenue streams.
Background: I have a rich work experience of over 20 years and have led turnaround strategies and business operations in markets spanning India, China, Africa and UAE. Looking to invest in my individual capacity.
8.9 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 19 more
Banquet Halls + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 600 K
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Interests: An operational (non dormant) business with a hold of the sector they are in, along with a clearly laid out exit plan.
Background: I am an enthusiastic entrepreneur with the right partners trying to find a business which meets certain specifications. I am looking for investment opportunities in North India to expand my business using the geographical mobility. I have more than 1 year of corporate experience.
8.9 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 10 more
Generic Pharmaceuticals + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.8 Mn
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Owner, Industrial Equipment Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Bareilly, India

Interests: I am interested in well-established manufacturing businesses focused on commodities, speciality equipment (like transformers or satellites), or the high-tech sector, such as electronics or robotics. The business should be in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, as I am familiar with these locations.
Background: I am the owner of an industrial equipment manufacturing company specializing in the production of PCC poles. I have a background in the industrial equipment manufacturing industry with expertise in creating high-quality PCC poles. I am looking for good investment opportunities for which I will invest in my personal capacity.
8.7 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 1 more
Asphalt Manufacturing + 31 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 360 K
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Interests: I am looking to invest in a profitable running manufacturing / trading / retailing business.
Background: I'm looking to invest in a lucrative business in and around Noida.
8.7 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 7 more
Alternative Medicine + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.2 Mn
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Head Of Sales And Marketing, Food Manufacture

Individual Buyer in Allahabad, India

Interests: Any type of business as I'm about entering business, would prefer manufacturing in packaged foods and drinks along with service sector as per my initial budget.
Background: Am a hardcore FMCG sales and marketing professional having vast experience for over 17+ years of experience in India and Africa. Can contribute a lot in terms of planning and projections of new projects in FMCG sector in India as well in Africa.
8.7 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 12 more
Bars + 12 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 600 K
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CEO, Education Consultancy

Corporate Acquirer in Noida, India

Interests: Looking for investment opportunities in a business with a strong and capable founder and a team that can lead. Interested in operationally profitable business only.
Background: We are global education consulting company working with more than 350 schools, colleges, and e-learning companies in more than 16 countries.
9.6 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 50 more
Advertising Agencies + 62 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 600 K
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Interests: Stability, sustainability, active income, and business owner's acumen.
Background: I am an active entrepreneur living in the US. Currently, I am in India due to the pandemic. I have successful ventures across the IT sector and we are operating globally. We want to acquire or invest in businesses that add value to our company.
8.9 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 24 more
Analytics Software + 34 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.2 Mn
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Vice Chairman, Higher Education

Corporate Acquirer in Ghaziabad, India

Interests: Looking for running units for buyout and JV. We have an expansion plan in Uttar Pradesh hence searching for a medical college.
Background: We run an education group in Ghaziabad.
10 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 1 more
Colleges + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 12 Mn
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Associate Director, B2B Commerce

Corporate Acquirer in Noida, India

Interests: We are looking to partner with firms that fall in line with our positioning. We also look at the following factors while evaluating the firms to partner with - - Product fit. - Cash flow. - Channel of sales. - Profitability. - The business should be in North India, as these locations are easily accessible to us.
Background: We are a leading B2B commerce company based in Singapore. We also have office in Noida. Our passion for creating meaningful transactions and value-adding partnerships has enabled us to build strong relationships with companies around the world. We are looking for opportunities to expand.
9.9 / 10
Uttar Pradesh + 20 more
Battery and UPS Manufacturing + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3.6 Mn
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