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Industrial Business Buyers in Warsaw

Showing 1 - 14 of 444 Industrial Business Buyers in Warsaw. Sell your Industrial, Machine Shop, Packaging, Scrap Metal, Tire and Rubber Product, Auto Component, Automobile Manufacturing, Trading, Heavy Electrical Equipment, Electrical Equipment, Shipbuilding, Heavy Machinery, Industrial Machinery, Aerospace & Defense, Commodity Chemical, Pulp & Paper, Forest Product, Specialty Mining, Aluminium, Steel, Integrated Mining, Mining Support, Gold, Preciou Metal, Diversified Chemical, Specialty Chemical or a Agricultural Chemical Business.

  • Industrial

  • Warsaw

  • Business Buyers

Financial Advisor, Financial Services

Individual Buyer in Warsaw, Poland

Interests: Looking for a business whose owners are retiring or cannot handle the workload themselves. Not interested in food or clothing businesses.
Background: Over 5 years of experience in Wealth Management in Australia. Currently living in Warszawa and looking for opportunities to purchase a business.
6.6 / 10
Warsaw + 1 more
Industrial + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 24.6 K - 74 K
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Associate, Excalibur Capital

M&A Advisor in Warsaw, Poland

Interests: - We provide services on both sell and buy side. - Looking for small to mid-sized businesses seeking funds or M&A options. - Business should be financially sound or could also be a shutdown unit without debts.
Background: We provide corporate finance, advisory services for entrepreneurs, as well as small and medium-sized companies in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. We mainly provide services for M&A, management buyouts, raising equity and debt capital, valuations, and financial restructuring. We focus mostly on retainer and success fee based on the size of the business. Will not be charging any upfront fee.
7.6 / 10
Industrial + 16 more
Investment Size
USD 246 K - 24.6 Mn
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Interests: We are looking for healthy or distressed companies available for M&A or funding transactions.
Background: We are independent business broker. We specialize in the sale / purchase of medium-sized companies, mainly manufacturing. We operate in EEC countries - mainly Poland and Germany. We also provide business valuation services and their adaptation to sales. The success fee will be levied based on the their transaction size.
8.4 / 10
Poland + 1 more
Industrial + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 6.4 Mn
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Interests: We are looking for healthy or distressed companies available for M&A or funding transactions.
Background: We are independent business broker. We specialize in the sale / purchase of medium-sized companies, mainly manufacturing. We operate in EEC countries - mainly Poland and Germany. We also provide business valuation services and their adaptation to sales. The success fee will be levied based on the their transaction size.
8.4 / 10
Poland + 1 more
Industrial + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 6.4 Mn
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Interests: Starting from new-tech startups and growth companies with market disruption potential to stabilized value companies with capitalizations EUR20M+, real economy assets, both - private and listed. I cooperate with various investors - investment funds (VCs, PEs, hedge funds), private investors and family offices, Polish and foreign - western Europe, USA, GCC.
Background: I am acting as an independent advisor on the platform. Already have interested investors willing to learn more and consider an investment. There is no upfront fee. Success fee will be charged post deal closure.
6.3 / 10
Poland + 7 more
Industrial + 5 more
Investment Size
USD 11 Mn - 1 Bn
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Interests: We provide investments and financing based on the revenue based financing mode.
Background: We are a consulting company that majorly provides financing to businesses. Also, look for M&A transactions based on the client's requirements. There will be processing fees at the disbursement of the loan. There will be no upfront or success fee charges from the business owners. We charge from investors whom we are repenting for M&A transactions.
6.6 / 10
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 10.7 K - 530 K
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Interests: Like to buy 24 hour alcohol, bar & restaurant.
Background: I have experience in india & international markets.
7.2 / 10
Industrial + 13 more
Investment Size
USD 12.3 K - 24.6 K
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Vice Chairman, Industrial

Corporate Acquirer in Plock, Poland

Interests: CNC production with own construction. Own branded products would be additional advantage.
Background: We are a company providing components for leading OEM companies in agricultural business. We are looking for new investment opportunities in European countries.
8.9 / 10
Poland + 2 more
Industrial + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 4.9 Mn
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Interests: Business which has growth opportunity, potential market, diversification and sustainability.
Background: I am an individual investor looking for investment opportunities in Ukraine and Poland since I have a few connections.
6.6 / 10
Poland + 1 more
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 24.6 K
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Owner, Consulting Services

Individual Buyer in Pyskowice, Poland

Interests: Looking for well established companies with proven records of transactions with the government. Expected EBITDA 20-25%.
Background: I am a project expert in the gas & oil and power industry.
7.1 / 10
Industrial + 5 more
Investment Size
USD 1.04 Mn - 1.16 Mn
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Financial Analyst, Banking

Individual Buyer in Wrocław, Poland

Interests: Interested in any small business in Poland.
Background: I'm looking for small businesses to invest in. I'm also looking for experienced property investors in Poland, to start a partnership to start with, or available real estate to provide mentorship services.
5.8 / 10
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 1.23 K - 12.3 K
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Local Representative, Global Sourcing Service

Individual Buyer in Poznań, Poland

Interests: I am looking for businesses with the potential for strong returns in industries of refinery, oil, gas, petrochemicals, energy, manufacturing, industrial parts, technology, food and beverage and real estate, in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, where I want to establish partnerships/buy a business/invest in. These should have a well-documented business plan, existing contacts, and verified demand to proceed. Before effecting any businesses acquisitions, financing shall be secured by the seller. if feasible. If not, funds must be obtained from alternative sources. Managing/operations shall be performed from a remote location. For this purpose, a company shall be registered in the USA virtually, as a LLC or incorporated as another legal business entity as per preferences and suitability. All realistic and feasible proposals are welcome. All enquiries will be discussed with partners until the entire process has been successfully completed.
Background: I am an experienced professional with an MBA background and expertise in consulting, management, export, international transactions, and business development. As a local representative in the professional services industry, I specialize in identifying valuable investment and growth opportunities for businesses.
8 / 10
Europe + 3 more
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1 Bn
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Company Investment, Automotive

Corporate Acquirer in Slovenia

Interests: Product, activities, region, potential, synergy, opportunity and execution skills.
Background: We are a family owned company with main activity being in the automotive business. In a few years our company has expanded in new business in the field of industrial automation (robotics) and IT solution for industry (Industry 4.0). We are looking for a new opportunity to grow our activities.
9.3 / 10
Poland + 17 more
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.2 Mn
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Managing Partner, Investments

Corporate Acquirer in Gibraltar

Interests: 1. We have two distinctive acquisition strategies. - On the first is a distressed strategy, where we seek underperforming business units where reputation and timing are critical- perhaps due to Covid related pressure. We will look at all sectors with revenues between EUR 30 million and EUR 400 million; however, we will consider most sectors, and we typically seek to invest in equity between EUR 10 million and EUR 100 million. 2. Here are key highlights of the investment criteria: - Distressed situations, operational restructuring, recovering revenues post Covid. - Business revenues between EUR 30- EUR 400 million. - Preferred assets on the balance sheet, profitable pre Covid. - Buyout banks from their loans to the business & invest alongside existing shareholders, and management participation. 3. As there is generally no financing needed, we can close the transaction quickly. 4. On the second strategy, we look for stable and profitable businesses where the owners would like to exit. These businesses will have a solid management team in place which can use capital to execute a growth plan post ownership transfer. - Here are some highlights for this acquisitions profile: - Revenues between EUR 100 million - EUR 700 million. - EUR 10 - EUR 200 million equity check (EUR 40 million - EUR 70 million sweet spot) - Invest alongside existing shareholders and management participation.
Background: We are a family operated private investment firm, with holdings in the US and Europe. We are HQ in the US and have a branch in Gibraltar. One of the promoters is from Germany and he is currently in his hometown.
8.2 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 5.5 Mn - 220 Mn
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Head Of M&A, Diversified

Corporate Acquirer in Netherlands

Interests: Turnaround opportunities. Add-ons for current portfolio companies.
Background: Company owns a number of companies. Our main holding is in a large manufacturing group with multiple factories across NL and Germany, active in Engineering, Machining and Assembling of large metal (or related) components and products.
9 / 10
Industrial + 18 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 Mn - 110 Mn
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  • How many industrial business buyers in Warsaw are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 444 active and verified industrial business buyers in Warsaw listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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    SMERGERS scrutinizes all profiles and only features a select group of businesses, investors, advisors that meet a basic requirement. When required, certain members may have submitted some form of proof …read more

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    We regularly filter out businesses which are inactive or have already closed a transaction. Typically, if the business is actively looking to sell/raise capital, the status is shown in green.

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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