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Corporate Financial Service Investors in Malacca

Showing 1 - 14 of 338 Corporate Financial Service Investors in Malacca. Buy or Sell your Corporate Financial Service, Import / Export Bank, Commercial Leasing, Commercial Loan, Factoring or a International Trade Finance Business.

  • Corporate Financial Services

  • Malacca

Senior Manager, Automotive

Individual Buyer in Malacca, Malaysia

Interests: I am looking for businesses across a diverse range of industries. Businesses should display growth and profit-oriented prospects.
Background: I am experienced in the automotive industry, with extensive knowledge in the sector.
5.8 / 10
Malacca + 1 more
Finance + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 2.12 K - 21 K
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Interests: Open to any good businesses with high ROI.
Background: Holds 10 years of work experience in diversified sectors.
7.2 / 10
Malaysia + 2 more
Finance + 30 more
Investment Size
USD 88 K - 198 K
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Interests: I am looking for start-ups with initial revenue or well-established businesses. As a serial entrepreneur, I can also offer support and advice to the company I invest in.
Background: I am a serial entrepreneur with good marketing and tech background. I manage a company that compare hotel rates from various online travel agencies and other booking sites, all in one place. I own a pharmacy as well in the countryside in Perak. Interested in opportunities in the fields of agriculture, health or tech, but I am open to other sectors as well. I have a phone number from my home country in Austria which I mostly use for international business and due to complete lockdown here in Malaysia, I am not able to get home. Malaysia and Singapore I chose, because I live in those places (I consider Singapore just an extension of Malaysia in this case) and I am very familiar with those places. Austria and Germany, because Austria is my original home country and we speak German. So I can relate to those 2 markets as well. Any other market than those 4 markets, I am not familiar with.
6.9 / 10
Malaysia + 3 more
Finance + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 11 K - 110 K
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Interests: I am looking for start-ups with initial revenue or well-established businesses. As a serial entrepreneur, I can also offer support and advice to the company I invest in.
Background: I am a serial entrepreneur with good marketing and tech background. I manage a company that compare hotel rates from various online travel agencies and other booking sites, all in one place. I own a pharmacy as well in the countryside in Perak. Interested in opportunities in the fields of agriculture, health or tech, but I am open to other sectors as well. I have a phone number from my home country in Austria which I mostly use for international business and due to complete lockdown here in Malaysia, I am not able to get home. Malaysia and Singapore I chose, because I live in those places (I consider Singapore just an extension of Malaysia in this case) and I am very familiar with those places. Austria and Germany, because Austria is my original home country and we speak German. So I can relate to those 2 markets as well. Any other market than those 4 markets, I am not familiar with.
6.9 / 10
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia + 3 more
Finance + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 11 K - 110 K
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Interests: Require a supplement donation company.
Background: We are a real estate brokerage company and legal in 40 different countries in the world. Also a foreign investor including all different aspects of e-commercial, lender mortgage, loan, investments, properties and more. We charge both upfront and success fees.
6.3 / 10
Finance + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 Mn - 2.2 Mn
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Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Services

Individual Buyer in Subang Jaya, Malaysia

Interests: Looking for small or mid-sized businesses that are in operation for at least 3 years, preferably with existing management in place. Would also consider businesses that may require restructuring due to changes in the business landscape.
Background: I am an individual investor and am looking to own a business without having to start one from scratch.
9.3 / 10
Malacca + 6 more
Finance + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 10.7 K - 215 K
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Interests: Internet business with scalability and sustainability. Financials sector. General retail. B2B business.
Background: I am a former investment banker, and a co-founding member of an e-commerce company, and an expert in business planning and strategy, currently making venture capital investments. I think I can help in 3 areas - 1. strategic planning & market expansion, 2. getting right industry contacts, 3. fund-raising and strategic investor engagement for further growth.
8.3 / 10
Malaysia + 23 more
Finance + 30 more
Investment Size
USD 105 K - 420 K
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Interests: Looking to invest or buy out stable businesses in Malaysia for growth opportunities.
Background: We are an aviation company who owns several aircrafts and also do trading in Malaysia.
8.1 / 10
Malaysia + 38 more
Finance + 72 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.2 Mn
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Project Manager, Concrete Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Interests: Businesses needs to have strong financial performance, a sustainable competitive advantage, a capable and experienced management team, and a clear growth strategy. I prefer businesses with a proven track record in sectors like technology, freight, manufacturing and healthcare.
Background: I am Malaysian with a mechanical engineering Degree. I have 17 years of Project Management experience in the Construction Industry, with experience working in Malaysia, USA, China, and Taiwan. I am passionate about helping businesses unlock their potential, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable growth. My goal is to partner with dynamic enterprises to navigate challenges and seize opportunities for success.
8.7 / 10
Malaysia + 6 more
Finance + 30 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.14 Mn
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Interests: Healthy EBITDA margin up to 40% and potential to grow.
Background: I am an individual investor and I looking to explore opportunities. I have my own outsourcing business that produces healthy margins already.
7.7 / 10
Malacca + 12 more
Finance + 41 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 110 K
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Interests: Looking for a running business that has operated for the last 2-3 years.
Background: An individual investor willing to invest in my personal capacity. I have worked in Melbourne, Selangor and Malacca in the past.
7.9 / 10
Malaysia + 1 more
Finance + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 660 K
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Interests: Growth, digital presence, wide public reach and strong brand. I am looking for a business with the potential for take-over.
Background: I have experience in various sectors such as oil and gas and public safety companies.
6.9 / 10
Malacca + 6 more
Finance + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 11 K - 220 K
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Business Development Manager

M&A Advisor in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Interests: We are receptive to exploring opportunities across various industries, with the exception of real estate. Ideally, companies should demonstrate profitability and robust growth. Businesses seeking to raise a minimum of USD 9 million USD are encouraged to engage with us. We will assist you in the process of fundraising or selling your company.
Background: We are a fundraising advisory firm based out of Singapore specializing in assisting businesses to secure capital through our wide network of strategic and financial investors. Our typical deal size is USD 5 million - USD 100 million. As a sector-agnostic firm, we are well-equipped to accommodate your specific requirements. We operate on a success-fee model, charging a rate of 3-5% based on the deal size, without any upfront fees. Some deals that we have been involved in: Xoxoday (FinTech) - USD 20 million, Instapay (FinTech) USD 5 million, Jesse Tech (Semicon) - USD 20 million, Votiva (ERP), and Byjus (EdTech).
8.6 / 10
Malaysia + 18 more
Finance + 43 more
Investment Size
USD 9 Mn - 102 Mn
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MD, Business And Financial Advisory Firm

Individual Buyer in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Interests: I am primarily looking to invest in established and law-abiding businesses ideally located in Singapore or Malaysia, as I have good connections in these locations. My focus is on diverse range of industries including coal, oil and gas, freight, technology, professional services, and retail, among others.
Background: I am an MD with expertise in business and financial advisory, possessing a background as a qualified chartered accountant. My personal investment portfolio involves various business sectors such as F&B, Hospitality, and financial services, reflecting a diversified and strategic approach.
8.7 / 10
Malaysia + 1 more
Finance + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.15 Mn
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Managing Director, Capital Venture In Infrastructure Related Projects

Corporate Acquirer in Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Interests: 1. Existing ethical business administration. 2. Trustworthy human capital. 3. We are interested in ASEAN countries as we are already doing business in many of those countries and we want to expand.
Background: We are a global private investment holding capital venture company specialising in governmental gateway infrastructure redevelopment focusing on social-economic development. We are involved in rejuvenation governmental CIQS marina and port-related downstream projects in acquiring, managing, IPO/RTO portfolio preparation, disposing of companies in ASEAN. We have been involved in fly-cruise, security infrastructure project planning since 2011 to expand our business expertise and to seek strategic downstream businesses to support our private investment KPI in compliance with international standards.
8.9 / 10
Malaysia + 18 more
Finance + 15 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 100 Mn
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  • How many corporate financial service investors in Malacca are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 338 active and verified corporate financial service investors in Malacca listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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