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Commercial Landscaping Equipment Investors in Malacca

Showing 1 - 14 of 375 Commercial Landscaping Equipment Investors in Malacca. Buy or Sell your Commercial Landscaping Equipment Business.

  • Commercial Landscaping Equipment

  • Malacca

Project Manager, Oil And Gas

Individual Buyer in Malacca, Malaysia

Interests: Looking to buy an existing business with an existing team/facilities/business plan and solid revenues that have growth potential.
Background: Experienced in the oil and gas sector. I am a private investor exploring business opportunities in which I can financially invest/co-own and eventually be able to involve in operating/managing it with business partners.
7.4 / 10
Malacca + 2 more
Industrial + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 65 K
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Senior Manager, Automotive

Individual Buyer in Malacca, Malaysia

Interests: I am looking for businesses across a diverse range of industries. Businesses should display growth and profit-oriented prospects.
Background: I am experienced in the automotive industry, with extensive knowledge in the sector.
5.8 / 10
Malacca + 1 more
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 2.12 K - 21 K
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Senior Business Development Associate, SKB Associates

Financial Advisor in Malaysia

Interests: We have successfully turned troubled businesses into profitable ones and have helped many promising companies to increase their revenue.
Background: We have been in the field of Business and Financial Consulting for over 18 years. Our services range from: - Corporate Financing. - Venture Capital Arrangements. - Business Due Diligence. - Company Restructuring. - Project Financing. We have over 2000 satisfied clients, and we are now looking to serve more.
7.5 / 10
Industrial + 11 more
Investment Size
USD 66 K - 11 Mn
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Senior Business Development Associate, SKB Associates

Financial Advisor in Malaysia

Interests: We have successfully turned troubled businesses into profitable ones and have helped many promising companies to increase their revenue.
Background: We have been in the field of Business and Financial Consulting for over 18 years. Our services range from: - Corporate Financing. - Venture Capital Arrangements. - Business Due Diligence. - Company Restructuring. - Project Financing. We have over 2000 satisfied clients, and we are now looking to serve more.
7.5 / 10
Industrial + 11 more
Investment Size
USD 66 K - 11 Mn
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Managing Director, IT

Individual Buyer in Malaysia

Interests: Expansion of my current operation in Pcba testing Industrial.
Background: Director of an IT firm for the last 21 years.
8.3 / 10
Asia + 3 more
Industrial + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 51 K - 256 K
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Interests: Open to any good businesses with high ROI.
Background: Holds 10 years of work experience in diversified sectors.
7.2 / 10
Malaysia + 2 more
Industrial + 30 more
Investment Size
USD 88 K - 198 K
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Interests: Stable profits, recurring revenue, diversified customer base, long history with legitimate reason for sale. Would prefer service companies over retail and manufacturing.
Background: Qualified accountant with experience in audit, financial due diligence and business valuations.
8 / 10
Malaysia + 2 more
Industrial + 10 more
Investment Size
USD 22 K - 440 K
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Interests: I am looking for start-ups with initial revenue or well-established businesses. As a serial entrepreneur, I can also offer support and advice to the company I invest in.
Background: I am a serial entrepreneur with good marketing and tech background. I manage a company that compare hotel rates from various online travel agencies and other booking sites, all in one place. I own a pharmacy as well in the countryside in Perak. Interested in opportunities in the fields of agriculture, health or tech, but I am open to other sectors as well. I have a phone number from my home country in Austria which I mostly use for international business and due to complete lockdown here in Malaysia, I am not able to get home. Malaysia and Singapore I chose, because I live in those places (I consider Singapore just an extension of Malaysia in this case) and I am very familiar with those places. Austria and Germany, because Austria is my original home country and we speak German. So I can relate to those 2 markets as well. Any other market than those 4 markets, I am not familiar with.
6.9 / 10
Malaysia + 3 more
Industrial + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 11 K - 110 K
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Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Services

Individual Buyer in Subang Jaya, Malaysia

Interests: Looking for small or mid-sized businesses that are in operation for at least 3 years, preferably with existing management in place. Would also consider businesses that may require restructuring due to changes in the business landscape.
Background: I am an individual investor and am looking to own a business without having to start one from scratch.
9.3 / 10
Malacca + 6 more
Industrial + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 10.7 K - 215 K
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Interests: Looking to invest or buy out stable businesses in Malaysia for growth opportunities.
Background: We are an aviation company who owns several aircrafts and also do trading in Malaysia.
8.1 / 10
Malaysia + 38 more
Industrial + 72 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.2 Mn
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Project Manager, Concrete Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Interests: Businesses needs to have strong financial performance, a sustainable competitive advantage, a capable and experienced management team, and a clear growth strategy. I prefer businesses with a proven track record in sectors like technology, freight, manufacturing and healthcare.
Background: I am Malaysian with a mechanical engineering Degree. I have 17 years of Project Management experience in the Construction Industry, with experience working in Malaysia, USA, China, and Taiwan. I am passionate about helping businesses unlock their potential, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable growth. My goal is to partner with dynamic enterprises to navigate challenges and seize opportunities for success.
8.7 / 10
Malaysia + 6 more
Heavy Machinery + 30 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.14 Mn
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Interests: Healthy EBITDA margin up to 40% and potential to grow.
Background: I am an individual investor and I looking to explore opportunities. I have my own outsourcing business that produces healthy margins already.
7.7 / 10
Malacca + 12 more
Industrial + 41 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 110 K
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Interests: Age, business category, owner details, past track record, business projections, location, competition, and synergy with our interest.
Background: We are a consultancy and agent sourcing company in the region that would also like to invest in companies that can align and synergize with our core purpose of "Making a difference in the lives we touch". Looking for opportunities across Malaysia.
6.5 / 10
Malaysia + 18 more
Industrial + 47 more
Investment Size
USD 11 K - 1.1 Mn
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Manager, Electronic Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Interests: Looking to be active partners with good business helping to scale quickly and reduce costs. Open to other attractive opportunities. 1. Factors that I look in business: - Value creation for the manufacturing process. - Integrated solution to manufacturing systems. 2. Business should be generating a profit margin of 10% and above.
Background: Have more than 20 years of work experience in manufacturing ranging from product design management, process engineering production, quality, engineering & maintenance. I lived in Taiwan for 25 years. Returned to Malaysia at the end of December. I am an entrepreneur as well as director of a compost business at Cameron Highlands. I have been actively involved & interested in productivity improvement and process development. Returned to Malaysia 2 years ago for family reasons. Engineering management backgrounds. Now, I own a small compost business for durian and flower farmers.
7.3 / 10
Malacca + 6 more
Industrial + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 660 K
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Interests: Looking for a running business that has operated for the last 2-3 years.
Background: An individual investor willing to invest in my personal capacity. I have worked in Melbourne, Selangor and Malacca in the past.
7.9 / 10
Malaysia + 1 more
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 660 K
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