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Heavy Machinery Wholesale Investors in Johor

Showing 15 - 28 of 404 Heavy Machinery Wholesale Investors in Johor. Buy or Sell your Heavy Machinery Wholesale Business.

  • Heavy Machinery Wholesale

  • Johor

Senior Business Development Associate, SKB Associates

Financial Advisor in Malaysia

Interests: We have successfully turned troubled businesses into profitable ones and have helped many promising companies to increase their revenue.
Background: We have been in the field of Business and Financial Consulting for over 18 years. Our services range from: - Corporate Financing. - Venture Capital Arrangements. - Business Due Diligence. - Company Restructuring. - Project Financing. We have over 2000 satisfied clients, and we are now looking to serve more.
7.5 / 10
Industrial + 11 more
Investment Size
USD 66 K - 11 Mn
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Managing Director, IT

Individual Buyer in Malaysia

Interests: Expansion of my current operation in Pcba testing Industrial.
Background: Director of an IT firm for the last 21 years.
8.3 / 10
Asia + 3 more
Industrial + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 51 K - 256 K
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Interests: Open to any good businesses with high ROI.
Background: Holds 10 years of work experience in diversified sectors.
7.2 / 10
Malaysia + 2 more
Industrial + 30 more
Investment Size
USD 88 K - 198 K
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Interests: Open to any good businesses with high ROI.
Background: Holds 10 years of work experience in diversified sectors.
7.2 / 10
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia + 2 more
Industrial + 30 more
Investment Size
USD 88 K - 198 K
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Interests: Stable profits, recurring revenue, diversified customer base, long history with legitimate reason for sale. Would prefer service companies over retail and manufacturing.
Background: Qualified accountant with experience in audit, financial due diligence and business valuations.
8 / 10
Malaysia + 2 more
Industrial + 10 more
Investment Size
USD 22 K - 440 K
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Interests: I am looking for start-ups with initial revenue or well-established businesses. As a serial entrepreneur, I can also offer support and advice to the company I invest in.
Background: I am a serial entrepreneur with good marketing and tech background. I manage a company that compare hotel rates from various online travel agencies and other booking sites, all in one place. I own a pharmacy as well in the countryside in Perak. Interested in opportunities in the fields of agriculture, health or tech, but I am open to other sectors as well. I have a phone number from my home country in Austria which I mostly use for international business and due to complete lockdown here in Malaysia, I am not able to get home. Malaysia and Singapore I chose, because I live in those places (I consider Singapore just an extension of Malaysia in this case) and I am very familiar with those places. Austria and Germany, because Austria is my original home country and we speak German. So I can relate to those 2 markets as well. Any other market than those 4 markets, I am not familiar with.
6.9 / 10
Malaysia + 3 more
Industrial + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 11 K - 110 K
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Interests: Looking for good investment return and sustainable businesses.
Background: Finance company looking for good investment opportunities.
8.1 / 10
Johor + 52 more
Heavy Machinery Wholesale + 110 more
Investment Size
USD 440 K - 11 Mn
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Executive Manager, Food & Nutrition

Individual Buyer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Interests: Expecting a profit margin of >20%. I would like to close a deal as soon as possible.
Background: Have 16 years of experience working in health food, F&B industry.
8.7 / 10
Johor + 23 more
Industrial + 44 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.3 Mn
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Interests: Looking to invest or buy out stable businesses in Malaysia for growth opportunities.
Background: We are an aviation company who owns several aircrafts and also do trading in Malaysia.
8.1 / 10
Johor + 38 more
Heavy Machinery Wholesale + 72 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.2 Mn
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Interests: Age, business category, owner details, past track record, business projections, location, competition, and synergy with our interest.
Background: We are a consultancy and agent sourcing company in the region that would also like to invest in companies that can align and synergize with our core purpose of "Making a difference in the lives we touch". Looking for opportunities across Malaysia.
6.5 / 10
Johor + 18 more
Industrial + 47 more
Investment Size
USD 11 K - 1.1 Mn
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Category Management, Telecommunications

Individual Buyer in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Interests: Interested only in major stake acquisition or a complete takeover. Particularly interested in building / buying business in Vietnam. Prefer to have the current management team to stay back in order to keep the revenue running.
Background: Holds 9 years of work experience in the telecom sector.
6.6 / 10
Johor + 3 more
Industrial + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 0.2 - 440 K
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Business Consultant, SolCredence Business Mgmt Solutions Sdn Bhd

Financial Consultant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Interests: - Looking for a scalable business having a good business model and good potential. - Strong and enthusiastic management team is also an important factor.
Background: We are a consulting company that helps companies with funding, M&A advisory and Pre-IPO planning. There are investment funds ready to support potential businesses to expand. We do charge upfront fees and success fees.
9.6 / 10
Johor + 15 more
Industrial + 49 more
Investment Size
USD 220 K - 22 Mn
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Interests: We like businesses with growth opportunities and one that have the potential to be a listed company. Looking for deals for our investors.
Background: We are an advisory firm registered in Malaysia. Apart from our home clients, we also represent clients based in China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Australia. We do not charge an upfront fee. Success fee would be applicable based on the transaction type and deal size.
7 / 10
Johor + 28 more
Industrial + 71 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 Mn - 4.4 Mn
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Interests: Looking for businesses that are already profitable and are expanding their market and running award-winning project tenders. Searching for large investments for our clients based in Malaysia, particularly in promising fields such as healthcare, technology, automation, oil & gas and logistics.
Background: I am an individual broker currently working in a real estate construction company. I'll not charge an upfront fee. The success fee will be charged post deal closure.
6.6 / 10
Johor + 5 more
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 2.2 Mn - 44 Mn
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Assistant Manager, Advisory Services

Individual Buyer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Interests: Historical track record, business sustainability, profitability, and company financials will be checked.
Background: I am a working professional in an advisory firm. I have created the profile on behalf of the company's owner. A group of investors and him are looking for a combined business opportunity to invest in their personal capacity. They have good connections in Malaysia because of their job influences.
9 / 10
Kulai + 5 more
Industrial + 15 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 220 K
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