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Elevator Investors in Québec

Showing 15 - 28 of 357 Elevator Investors in Québec. Buy or Sell your Elevator, Elevator Equipment, Lift & Elevator, Lift Equipment or a Escalator Business.

  • Elevator

  • Québec

Interests: Factors that I look for before investing or acquiring a business, are the annual sale revenue, number of years in business and the type of business based on its industry.
Background: I am an electromechanical student in Montreal, Canada and a part-time cook in downtown Montreal.
5.8 / 10
Industrial + 12 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 7.5 K
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Aerospace Electrical Design Engineer, Aviation

Individual Buyer in Montreal, Canada

Interests: Looking for manufacturing businesses.
Background: Working in the aerospace industry.
5.8 / 10
Industrial + 30 more
Investment Size
USD 1 K - 260 K
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Director, Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Individual Buyer in Montreal, Canada

Interests: - I am looking for a business that has strong IP, be that manufacturing capability, installed capacity, or brand equity, that has a latent potential and is married to strong people. - Where value can be built through the application of additional resources and management with a global horizon. - I like businesses that add value through engineering, I dislike pure traders.
Background: My background is in senior management of private and multi-national corporations in industrial valves and pumps. My skill-set is in strategy, business development, sales, and people development. Currently in French Polynesia and will go back to Canada in a few days.
5.9 / 10
North America + 5 more
Industrial + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 75 K - 750 K
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Director, Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Individual Buyer in Montreal, Canada

Interests: - I am looking for a business that has strong IP, be that manufacturing capability, installed capacity, or brand equity, that has a latent potential and is married to strong people. - Where value can be built through the application of additional resources and management with a global horizon. - I like businesses that add value through engineering, I dislike pure traders.
Background: My background is in senior management of private and multi-national corporations in industrial valves and pumps. My skill-set is in strategy, business development, sales, and people development. Currently in French Polynesia and will go back to Canada in a few days.
5.9 / 10
North America + 5 more
Industrial + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 75 K - 750 K
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Interests: Interested in a profitable business. Looking to invest in next one year based on a business opportunity that I really find appealing.
Background: Mechanical Engineer with 7 years of international experience in different engineering domains and positions.
5.8 / 10
Québec City
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 37.4 K
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Interests: Open to profitable businesses, preferably in Canada.
Background: Individual investor, looking for good business opportunities.
8.7 / 10
Canada + 1 more
Industrial + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 112 K - 3.74 Mn
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Logistics Manager, Business Supplies & Equipment

Individual Buyer in Montreal, Canada

Interests: - Manufacturing businesses. - 15-20% profit margin. - Mainly interested in acquisitions.
Background: I have more than 4 years of experience in the field of transport and logistics. I am based in Canada and I have some business partners in New Delhi and United States who can help in setting up a new business if I find a good opportunity.
6.6 / 10
Canada + 3 more
Industrial + 10 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 62 K
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Interests: Young entrepreneur, looking to grow the business, or someone without a succession plan looking to transition out of the business.
Background: I have built several businesses and sold them. I am not a professional manager. I am a serial entrepreneur who has a proven track record. I have relationships with most major retailers in the U. S and Canada.
7.1 / 10
Industrial + 15 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.5 Mn
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Interests: Looking for a business opportunity.
Background: I am the owner of a mobile & accessories firm.
6.6 / 10
Industrial + 6 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 59 K
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Interests: - When it comes to investing, acquiring, or providing advice for businesses, I consider several factors that help me make informed decisions. Firstly, I assess the potential for growth in the business. I like to see businesses that operate in stable industries, possess a unique value proposition, and have a track record of consistent revenue growth. - Financial stability is another crucial aspect I look for. I prefer businesses that have a solid balance sheet, manageable debt levels, and a healthy cash flow. - Companies with strong financials indicate a higher likelihood of weathering economic downturns and sustaining profitability. - A strong management team is also key. I pay close attention to leadership qualities, experience, and expertise in the industry. A competent management team should demonstrate a clear vision, effective communication, and a proven ability to execute strategies. Moreover, I evaluate the business's competitive advantage. I gravitate towards companies that have a strong and defensible market position, whether it's through proprietary technology, a unique product, brand recognition, or customer loyalty. Such advantages are essential for long-term success and profitability. - In terms of industries, I have a particular affinity for technology companies, especially those operating in software-as-a-service (SaaS), artificial intelligence, e-commerce, and fintech. These sectors have shown significant growth potential and have disrupted traditional industries with innovative solutions. - On the other hand, I tend to avoid businesses that are heavily reliant on a single customer, have a history of inconsistent performance, or are operating in declining industries. Highly regulated industries with significant legal or compliance risks can also deter me from investing or advising. - In summary, some of the key factors I look for in businesses include growth potential, financial stability, strong management, competitive advantage, and suitability within favorable industries. While I appreciate technology-driven companies, I carefully assess each opportunity on its individual merits rather than categorically preferring or disliking specific businesses or industries.
Background: I am an experienced investor with a diverse background in technology and finance, I leverage my expertise to identify growth opportunities and provide valuable insights to businesses. With a proven track record in deal-making and a deep understanding of industry trends, I specialize in facilitating strategic partnerships and implementing technology-driven strategies to drive business growth. My holistic approach and passion for empowering businesses make me a valuable asset for companies seeking to optimize their operations and achieve their objectives.
7.9 / 10
Canada + 1 more
Industrial + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 74 K - 7.4 Mn
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President, Machinery Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Laval, Canada

Interests: I am looking for potential industrial businesses in Canada to invest in.
Background: I have experience in the machinery manufacturing industry. I am a savvy investor who is always looking for the best opportunities to invest my resources.
6.6 / 10
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Financial Security Consultant, Insurance & Consultancy Services

Individual Buyer in Montreal, Canada

Interests: Looking for good profitable investment opportunities as I intend to relocate to Madagascar shortly or maybe stay in Canada and start a new business.
Background: I work with an insurance & consultancy firm with good experience in risk management and wealth creation sectors as well.
7.2 / 10
Canada + 1 more
Industrial + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 37.4 K - 300 K
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Interests: Profitability, potential, relocatable, well established and interesting.
Background: I run a healthcare company in Canada.
8.7 / 10
North America + 3 more
Industrial + 23 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.5 Mn
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Interests: Interested in expansion globally. Business should be profitable and we are quite flexible when it comes to business criteria.
Background: We are involved in various projects world wide and would be interested to explore possibility of cooperation and investing in companies.
8.3 / 10
North America + 2 more
Industrial + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 7.5 Mn
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Industry Analyst, Biotechnology

Individual Investor in Canada

Interests: The main parameters I look for in a business to invest in are: ROI, reliability, reputation, market size. I am very interested in scientific ventures (data science, biotech, IT, medical device), ventures that are into exporting and manufacturing sectors including 3D printing.
Background: I am a PhD qualified biotech professional. I have extensive experience in R&D and commercialization of research & scientific ventures.
6.6 / 10
Canada + 1 more
Industrial + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 - 8.4 K
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