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Stationery Business Buyers in Mira Bhayandar

Showing 15 - 28 of 2099 Stationery Business Buyers in Mira Bhayandar. Sell your Stationery Business.

  • Stationery

  • Mira Bhayandar

  • Business Buyers

Computer System Specialist, IT

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Recruitment, shipping, training, services IT, education, logistics,
Background: Worked as a Manager in different companies and industries including IT & Shipping.
8.9 / 10
Maharashtra + 9 more
Technology + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 18 K - 24 K
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Director, Refined Petroleum Products

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Professionally managed EBITDA & cash flow positive business with the potential to scale in an emerging industry. Will be an active investor in case of investment opportunity.
Background: A post-graduate degree holder from Warwick Business school with experience across industries like construction and petroleum. Currently working with my family to grow our construction business. We have successfully completed prominent projects across South Mumbai. The sector slows down has prompted us to look at emerging industries and make significant investments in alternative spaces. I'm looking to make this investment / acquisition in my personal capacity. I have a strong marketing & sales background with a proven track record selling using traditional and online channels of sales.
8.3 / 10
Maharashtra + 6 more
Stationery + 27 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 2.4 Mn
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Assistant Director, Diversified

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Looking for a business opportunity.
Background: We are a private firm operating since the last 2 years.
8.4 / 10
Maharashtra + 10 more
Technology + 12 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 20 Mn
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Assistant Director, Diversified

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Looking for a business opportunity.
Background: We are a private firm operating since the last 2 years.
8.4 / 10
Maharashtra + 10 more
Technology + 12 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 20 Mn
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CEO, Entertainment & Event Services

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Positive cashflow, professional accounting, business vision, and innovation will be checked. We are looking to set up a base and extend our services to foreign countries. Also want to merge with foreign companies.
Background: We are an event organizing, AV production and talent management services company - Moving Heads Events. Moving Heads Events is a part of Dubai-based MovingheadsINC - a venture with a mission of infusing creativity into every aspect of lives; with a focus on wealth creation as well as empowering creators. We have a young and international team behind the dynamic growth of our companies, also having experience in real estate sector.
8.6 / 10
India + 10 more
Technology + 13 more
Investment Size
USD 100 K - 2 Mn
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CEO, Healthcare And Education

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: - I am looking for businesses in different industries to acquire or to invest in. - The return on investment should be at least above 20%. - Interested in profit-making and a running business. - I want to invest in my personal capacity.
Background: I am a doctor by profession. I have been working for the past 20 years in the healthcare industry. I am located in Mumbai & Bhopal. Having multiple offices in both places.
9.1 / 10
Maharashtra + 18 more
Technology + 37 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 1.2 Mn
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Managing Director, Chemicals

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Interested in any business in manufacturing / trading but not in the retail sector.
Background: We are a 40-year-old distributorship firm from Mumbai engaged in a number of coatings, additives, and specialities. One of our promoters have personal expertise in organizational development, revenue generation and brand building.
8.1 / 10
Maharashtra + 12 more
Technology + 38 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 12 Mn
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Director - Business Development & Board Member, Pharmaceuticals ( API Mfg & Exports)

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Business should have good growth potential, should be Research & Development or Technology driven. We are also interested in business which have potential to set up Manufacturing operations. Not interested in app or software businesses.
Background: We are API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) manufacturing company with two plants, focused on the highly regulated market of USA, EU, Japan etc. I head the Business Development, Strategy and R & D project Management function in the company. With years of heading this function we have built several relationships across the globe which can be leveraged to generate more business, besides providing strategic guidance & having investment capabilities.
9.7 / 10
Maharashtra + 16 more
Technology + 42 more
Investment Size
USD 360 K - 1.2 Mn
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Vice President, Construction

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Looking for a well established business having high revenue, healthy operating margins and potential for growth. Expect the business to have at least 4 to 5 years of experience in the industry. Prefer an ROI of more than 30%.
Background: Have over 23 years of work experience. I will be investing in my individual capacity.
8.8 / 10
Maharashtra + 8 more
Technology + 52 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 120 K
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Asst. Vice President, Financial Advisor

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Sector Agnostic. I can consider all businesses where we can add value.
Background: I am a consultant with solid experience in financial transaction advisory and can add significant value in strategy as well.
9.5 / 10
India + 7 more
Technology + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 36 K - 120 K
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Director, Export Import

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Construction residential commercial, education, manufacturing, healthcare, human resource, etc.
Background: Double graduate, double postgraduate and PhD in various streams from engineering, management, science, etc. A research scientist whose priority is social welfare strictly being away from the glamour. A man of the principles, a man with the views and thoughts, who strictly follows simplicity duty and discipline.
8.6 / 10
Maharashtra + 8 more
Technology + 52 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 6 Mn
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Director, Machinery Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Mumbai, India

Interests: - We are focussed on taking up the distribution of established companies in serving metal industrial products and looking to expand to the Asian sector. - We are also looking at strategic partnership opportunities with businesses with an engineering background in manufacturing.
Background: We manufacture thickness measurement instruments for the thickness measurement of metal coils in real-time. We are also currently launching surface inspection instruments for detecting defects in metal coils (undergoing). We have top-tier customers such as Jindal Stainless, Tata, Uttam Galva, Bhushan Steel, Sail, and many more domestic companies and international. We have been in the business for the past 30 years. We are very well connected to higher management and plant heads of the companies. We are looking to diversify into a newer range of products that can add value to our existing customers.
9 / 10
India + 4 more
Technology + 9 more
Investment Size
USD 13.4 K - 360 K
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Managing Director, Media

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: - Searching for tech-related business across India as we have a successful client base. - The return on investment of the business should be at least above 25%. - We are looking for an established and running business. - Looking for good profitable investment opportunities in media tech, entertainment & advertising to expand our business.
Background: Our company was started in the year 2013. We have successfully completed a lot of shows and content on television and the OTT platforms. One of our managing directors has more than 2 decades of experience in the same sector.
9.2 / 10
India + 36 more
Technology + 57 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3.6 Mn
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Managing Director, IT Services And Consulting

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: Businesses being managed by professionals looking for growth investment.
Background: I am a tech entrepreneur and Managing Director of a consulting and technology services company operating out of India, US, UK and Oman. The family business is a leading conglomerate with interests in Construction, Building Material Trading and Infrastructure.
9.2 / 10
India + 7 more
Technology + 5 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 1.2 Mn
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Managing Director, Investment

Corporate Acquirer in Mumbai, India

Interests: We are looking for a company in a distressed state that we can consider taking over at a good price.
Background: We are an investment company. We are looking at expanding and growing in diversified fields with opportunity.
8.6 / 10
India + 4 more
Technology + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 Mn - 3.6 Mn
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