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Marine Port Service Investors in Germany

Showing 15 - 28 of 474 Marine Port Service Investors in Germany. Buy or Sell your Marine Port Service, Port Operator, Marine Cargo Handling or a Port Warehousing Business.

  • Marine Port Services

  • Germany

Senior Manager, Automotive

Individual Buyer in Brunswick, Germany

Interests: I am seeking businesses within various industries including energy, healthcare, finance, technology, and logistics, preferably based in Europe. Businesses with the potential for rapid growth and a positive societal impact are of main interest for investment.
Background: As a seasoned senior manager in the automotive industry, I am seeking investment opportunities in the technological sector due to its potential. I bring insights and experience from the automotive field, and I am particularly drawn to innovative solutions with substantial growth prospects. Open to exploring potential partnerships and ventures in the tech space. I am working in Germany.
7.7 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Logistics + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 10.7 K
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Managing Director, Alexion Partners

M&A Advisor in Berlin, Germany

Interests: We interested in a wide range of industries, including freight & logistics, apparel stores, industrial, healthcare, technology, food & beverage, retail shops, education, logistics, travel & leisure, textiles, and business services. We are looking for good businesses in Europe, as our clients are based here. Interested in businesses with proper financial records.
Background: We are experienced in corporate strategy and mergers & acquisitions in the business areas of industrials, retail, and healthcare. We provide our services in Europe. We do not charge upfront fees. We charge success fees.
7.7 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Logistics + 12 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 158 Mn
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Interests: Would like to invest in companies in the DACH region with a strong management team and profitable business model. Would like to know about the revenue and the EBITDA of the company.
Background: We are an investment group associated with international multi-asset management for over a period of 15 years. We have our presence all over Europe. We also deal in real estate, debt and growth capital.
9.5 / 10
Germany + 2 more
Logistics + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 3.3 Mn - 44 Mn
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Interests: Would like to invest in companies in the DACH region with a strong management team and profitable business model. Would like to know about the revenue and the EBITDA of the company.
Background: We are an investment group associated with international multi-asset management for over a period of 15 years. We have our presence all over Europe. We also deal in real estate, debt and growth capital.
9.5 / 10
Germany + 2 more
Logistics + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 3.3 Mn - 44 Mn
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Chief Financial Officer, Plastics

Individual Buyer in Frankfurt, Germany

Interests: I am a turnaround expert so looking for any business suffering due to bad financial management or succession planning. I expect an ROI of 20%. Interested to close the deal within 6 months.
Background: Have work experience of 20 years. I have been living in Europe for over 12 years and have done several acquisitions here. I already own a 50% stake in 2 businesses and am now interested to completely acquire another business. Looking to invest in my individual capacity.
8.9 / 10
Germany + 50 more
Logistics + 87 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.1 Mn
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CEO, Trade, Logistics & Food Ingredients

Individual Buyer in Augsburg, Germany

Interests: Looking for plastic industry, warehousing / logistic, food beverage or cosmetic businesses which are profitable.
Background: I have more than 20 years of experience in plastic industry and seeking opportunities for expansion in Germany in my individual capacity.
8 / 10
Logistics + 5 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.2 Mn
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Director Business Development, Renewable Energy Equipment Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Frankfurt, Germany

Interests: Interested in business in the space of sustainability renewable energy and education and in the regions of Germany, Europe where I am located, and Kolkata, Howrah India where I come from.
Background: I am a business development director for the Europe region and India for a green tech company. I am based in Germany and originally come from Howrah. I am an entrepreneur myself with my own company (sustainability consulting and education) as well and looking for growth.
7.4 / 10
Germany + 2 more
Logistics + 25 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Interests: Business with profitability, growth, M&A, Buy-and-Build & a strong management team to expand our business to multiple locations.
Background: We are a leading growth capital investment firm. We recently partnered with a digital marketing agency and are working hard together with the management to further grow the business (also through acquisitions).
7.7 / 10
Germany + 2 more
Logistics + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 3.3 Mn - 33 Mn
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Interests: I am currently looking to invest in small businesses that align with my expertise and provide opportunities to drive profitability. With a particular interest in industries such as energy, finance, technology, and retail, I aim to directly impact their growth and success. Operating out of Germany, as I am familiar with these locations.
Background: I have a 7-year career path in B2C sales primarily in small family businesses and a large supermarket chain, with additional experience in retail markets and online platforms. In addition, I have 5 years of experience and skill in investment, trading stocks, and options. I am now looking for good investment opportunities.
6.6 / 10
Logistics + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 30 K
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Interests: We are looking for well established companies with proven track record that have the potential to significantly improve their value. Ideally, the company should generate positive cashflow but can also deal with turn-around cases.
Background: We invest in companies with high potential in various lines of business. If necessary we can provide restructuring know-how and offer access to a broad network. We invest in domestic and international businesses.
7.1 / 10
Logistics + 11 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.24 Mn
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Interests: Will look at the profitability, turnover, and production quantity of the business. Interested in e-business, e-commerce, and logistics sector.
Background: I am a working professional and a businessman. I have been running an eCommerce firm in Germany. I have a client base across Germany as I have to deliver shipments across the country.
6.6 / 10
Logistics + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.1 Mn
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Project Coordinator, Automotive

Individual Buyer in Ludwigsburg, Germany

Interests: I am looking for businesses based in Germany and Kerala, as I am familiar with these locations. I am focused on acquiring businesses with strong growth potential within industries such as healthcare, technology, finance, retail, logistics, and energy. My primary interest lies in businesses that are showing promise and growth projections matching market demands relevant to specific regions.
Background: I am an experienced project coordinator in the automotive industry, adept at analyzing and executing various projects within dealership operations. I am looking for good investment opportunities.
7.8 / 10
Germany + 1 more
Logistics + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 27 K
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Strategy Consultant, Plastics Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Karlsruhe, Germany

Interests: Interested in a business that has a clear vision and the commitment to change. The business can be any big city in Germany, as I live in Germany, as in these locations are easily accessible.
Background: I work for a chemical multinational as a Black Belt lean six sigma. I also offer consulting services in digital transformation, operations management, general management, and strategy with a focus on a lean and data-driven approach. I have experience in code development and consulting in the data science field. I am also looking to buy an established and specialized company that has not yet released the full potential of a data-driven decision-making process.
6.6 / 10
Logistics + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.1 Mn
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Interests: - Target customers, business sector, reason to partner, and current financials. - The business should be based in Germany, Bangalore, or in Hyderabad, as I live in Germany and I have experience of working in Bangalore and Hyderabad.
Background: I used to work in an IT firm in India. Looking for opportunities for better monetary benefits.
6.6 / 10
Germany + 5 more
Logistics + 25 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 11 K
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Interests: We are looking for small-size companies who are really quality oriented and as per EU standards. We are looking for suppliers of Metal and plastic components from India who want to expand in Europe through our Germany and Poland offices. We do not charge an upfront fee. We charge a success fee.
Background: We are in the business of the metal & plastic industry for used machines for the last 17+ years and now consulting Indian and European companies to set up joint ventures in India or Europe. We also help European companies to get economical and best quality metal & Plastic components from India.
8.2 / 10
Germany + 103 more
Logistics + 119 more
Investment Size
USD 5.5 K - 2.2 Mn
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  • How many marine port service investors in Germany are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 474 active and verified marine port service investors in Germany listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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