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Business Buyers in Shimla

Showing 1 - 14 of 2311 Business Buyers in Shimla. Sell your Business in Shimla.

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Interests: I am interested in stable and active businesses across a diverse range of industries such as apparel stores, technology, healthcare, and logistics, specifically within the vicinity of Shimla.
Background: I am a managing director in the hotel industry, prioritizing strategic investments and opportunities to grow and diversifying our portfolio. I will invest in my personal capacity.
6.9 / 10
Hotels + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 660 K
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Business Trainee, Hospitality

Individual Buyer in Shimla, India

Interests: Business should be easily accessible by road. Should have at least 15 rooms with a parking lot.
Background: I am from Shimla with more than 10 years of experience in hospitality sector. My family runs a hotel business and we are looking to buy a hotel or restaurant in or around Shimla for expansion.
6.9 / 10
Guest Houses + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Interests: Interested in a business in the hospitality sector, as I want to operate a business in this field. The business should have a high ROI.
Background: I am from Shimla. I operate a home furnishings business. I will invest in my personal capacity with the help of my savings.
6.6 / 10
Cafes + 7 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3 Mn
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Interests: Interested in a business in the hospitality sector, as I want to operate a business in this field. The business should have a high ROI.
Background: I am from Shimla. I operate a home furnishings business. I will invest in my personal capacity with the help of my savings.
6.6 / 10
Cafes + 7 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3 Mn
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Interests: Feasibility, scalability, price, and a good ROI.
Background: We operate a hotel in Shimla. We are looking for opportunities to expand.
6.8 / 10
Bed & Breakfasts + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.4 Mn
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Interests: Small scale food outlets with minimum 15 seats in a prime locality.
Background: IT professional having 4 years of experience.
5.8 / 10
Shimla + 3 more
Restaurants and Bars
Investment Size
USD 3.6 K - 6 K
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Owner, Event Management And Wedding Planners

Individual Buyer in Shimla, India

Interests: Interested in a running hospitality related business. The business should be profitable.
Background: I run an event management and wedding planning business.
5.8 / 10
Cafes + 7 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Interests: - Interested in acquiring companies such as hotels or restaurants, as well as others in the food and beverage industry. - The business should have high growth potential and be located near my preferred location. - If the investment is significant, it will be for my family and to boost my current company.
Background: I started my business in 2003. I am also connected with a group of travel agencies. My company organizes domestic and international tours. We cater to schools and corporate clients. We have our own transport facilities.
6.6 / 10
Himachal Pradesh
Bed & Breakfasts + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 360 K
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Interests: Interested in Agriculture, Food Processing, and Restaurants.
Background: Associated with multiple businesses and have 17 years of industry experience.
5.8 / 10
Breweries + 5 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 120 K
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Interests: I am interested in a business that generates a good revenue and is well established. The business can be anywhere in India, as I want to grow my network across India.
Background: I operate a construction company. I am looking for opportunities to grow further.
5.8 / 10
Asphalt Manufacturing + 32 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.8 Mn
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Interests: Restaurant, Textile, dairy, production, manufacturing, franchise, education.
Background: Looking for business to start or invest.
7.7 / 10
Himachal Pradesh + 7 more
Automotive Accessories + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 600 - 60 K
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Business Executive, Non Profit Organisation

Individual Buyer in Himachal Pradesh, India

Interests: Easy to operate businesses.
Background: Over 22 years of work experience in India and the US. Have worked in the US in Finance and UNDP.
6.6 / 10
Himachal Pradesh + 2 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 13 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 6 K
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Business Developer, Manufacturing FMCG

Corporate Acquirer in Himachal Pradesh, India

Interests: The management, infrastructure, location, market, raw material availability. Interested in a business located in Northern India. Please send across your proposal.
Background: A group with diverse knowledge in the Edible and Non edible oil sector having manufacturing units and trade houses since 1930's. A client list comprising of Unilever India, Godrej, ITC, Wipro, Reckitt Benckiser etc the group has evolved as a corporate entity amongst MNCs.
6.8 / 10
Himachal Pradesh + 4 more
Animal Feed + 11 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 Mn - 11 Mn
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Interests: Fitness center with all required equipment in good condition and located in a prime area of the city. Also, open to business in the food industry. Most preferred location would be Himachal Pradesh and the other would be Chandigarh.
Background: Operating a gym since 2014 & looking for a profitable business in the same sector for expansion.
7.3 / 10
Shimla + 4 more
Breweries + 5 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 180 K
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Partner, Kitchen Appliances

Corporate Acquirer in Baddi, India

Interests: We are looking for a manufacturing company which will propel our growth. Expecting a minimum profit margin of 20%.
Background: Kitchen appliances manufacturing company. We are headquartered in Baddi and have 2 other units in Karnataka.
7 / 10
Himachal Pradesh + 4 more
Adhesive + 18 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 24 Mn
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  • How many business buyers in Shimla are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2311 active and verified business buyers in Shimla listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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