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Business Buyers in Indiana

Showing 1 - 14 of 884 Business Buyers in Indiana. Sell your Business in Indiana.

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Co-Owner/VP Strategic Initiatives, Labor And Supply Chain Solutions

Corporate Acquirer in Carmel, United States

Interests: - Financials: EBITDA target range: USD 1-5 million. - Horizontal/Vertical focuses: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), defined as the transfer of an entire non-core, but the critical business process/function to an external partner. - Specifically, we are seeking: Industrial manufacturing supply chain solutions, assembly & sub-assemblies, kitting, co-manufacturing, packaging, CPG, IT staffing, engineering staffing & healthcare staffing firms. - Transaction Profile: More than 50% control; platform acquisition.
Background: We are a Midwest market-leading labor & supply chain solution company, with operations in both Indiana & Kentucky with a revenue of USD 115 million last year, and is a privately-held, 2nd generation family-owned company. We partner alongside legacy-minded business owners to inject & infuse the right strategic mix of capital, people, and processes to ensure the legacy not only lives on but thrives into the future.
7 / 10
Indiana + 9 more
Freight & Logistics + 4 more
Investment Size
USD 4 Mn - 30 Mn
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President, Nondurable Goods

Individual Buyer in Avon, United States

Interests: - Growth opportunities. - Niche product or service. - Indiana or relocatable to Indiana.
Background: Have successfully bought and sold manufacturing, logistics, wholesale sales and distribution, and marine cargo depots related businesses.
6.2 / 10
Indiana + 1 more
Tools and Housewares + 10 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 5 Mn
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Broker, Indiana Business Advisors

Business Broker in Indianapolis, United States

Interests: Open to any industry with at least 3 years of positive cash flow.
Background: Leading business brokerage in Indiana specializing in marketing and sale of SMEs.
7.2 / 10
Indiana + 1 more
Asphalt Manufacturing + 43 more
Investment Size
USD 50 K - 8 Mn
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Broker, Indiana Business Advisors

Business Broker in Indianapolis, United States

Interests: Open to any industry with at least 3 years of positive cash flow.
Background: Leading business brokerage in Indiana specializing in marketing and sale of SMEs.
7.2 / 10
Indiana + 1 more
Asphalt Manufacturing + 43 more
Investment Size
USD 50 K - 8 Mn
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Manager, Fintech, Media, Restaurant, Entertainment

Corporate Acquirer in Muncie, United States

Interests: We are looking to invest in various companies for synergies or to divest. Some general things we are looking at are: -An EBITDA of $700K or more. -Able to scale the business. -Some or any synergies to the fintech industry. -Ability to run absentee or semi-absentee with. Possible replacement.
Background: I have been successfully involved in M&As for the last 20 years. Involved in start-ups, turnarounds, scaling, and running daily operations for companies with revenues from $600K to $42M in revenues. We are a debt-free corporation with employees currently in 26 different states.
7.1 / 10
Muncie + 8 more
Electronic Equipment + 10 more
Investment Size
USD 3 Mn - 5 Mn
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Director Of Global Supply Chain / Head Of Operations, Tech - Design Services

Individual Buyer in Jasper, United States

Interests: Smaller business, not geographically specific if possible, supporting itself from a cash flow standpoint.
Background: Experienced in operations, supply chain, and manufacturing.
6.6 / 10
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 5 more
Investment Size
USD 75 K - 250 K
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Interests: As an individual investor and buyer in Fort Wayne, I am seeking opportunities in diverse industries such as electronic equipment, industrial, finance, technology, building, construction, maintenance, and food & beverage sectors that offer growth potential and are rooted in the local community.
Background: Experienced owner of a chemical manufacturing business, seeking investment opportunities and acquisitions within the industry. Interested in diversifying investments and growing the portfolio with strategic acquisitions. Considering partnerships and new ventures in the chemical manufacturing sector.
5.8 / 10
Fort Wayne
Electronic Equipment + 5 more
Investment Size
USD 5 K - 50 K
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Interests: Business should have their management in place. Seeking bolt-on acquisitions in production automation, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Implementation, IT managed services.
Background: Entrepreneur, investor, international business leader, and a turnaround executive.
7.4 / 10
United States
Lighting Fixtures + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 750 K - 5 Mn
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Interests: I am looking for businesses that are valued over USD 1 million or more with a net profit of USD 200K annually.
Background: I am an individual investor based out of Indianapolis, IN looking to acquire several new business opportunities within the US for expansion and particular foreign markets in the upcoming 6 month time frame.
7.1 / 10
United States
Apparel Stores + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 4 Mn
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Financial Analyst, Commercial Finance Consulting And Private Banking

Corporate Acquirer in Indianapolis, United States

Interests: Established businesses with growth potential and healthy revenue run rate. Preferably looking for a debt-free business with physical assets and not interested in business where the seller is looking to exit.
Background: We are a multi-strategy firm. We invest in distressed debt portfolios, small business, distressed mortgages, high growth companies and real estate properties. As a capital management and advisory firm, we focus on the expansion of our portfolio acquisitions while also serving our portfolio companies. We provide advisory debt capital to clients with commercial real estate, corporate finance, small business, and equipment financing needs through its multiple lending platforms with over 200 registered lenders. Product lines include: 1. Unsecured Lines of Credit. 2. Revenue Based Lines of Credit. 3. Revenue Based Advance. 4. Merchant Cash Advance. 5. Business Lines of Credit. 6. Inventory Financing. 7. Purchase Order Financing. 8. Equipment Leasing. 9. Accounts Receivables Factoring. 10. CMBS loans. 11. Agency loans. 12. Fixed Income. 13. Bridge Financing. Help small-medium size businesses, investors and entrepreneurs raise capital for; - Working Capital. - Acquisitions. - Expansion. - Start-Ups.
6.6 / 10
United States
Database Software + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2 Mn
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Technical Advisor, AR2 LLC

PE Firm in United States

Interests: Approach To Target Acquisition Selection; - US New Co for manufacturing, electronics & business services. - Prefer to participate through entire investment cycle; due diligence to organic / inorganic growth to exit. - Low capex businesses. - Prefer transactions without real estate involved. - Businesses near capacity ceiling can be acceptable. - Maintain business name and location (if needed) post-close. - Leveraging our network of investors to define and execute the right transaction structure. - we are a hands-on firm, that designates on of our team members as post-close CEO and operating team; hence we are open to 6-9 month transitions with current management.
Background: We are a Michigan based Investment Management firm (start: Jan-2015) - Group of Operating Executives, not PE spun-off professionals focused on value creation. - Members have managed complex multi-country businesses ($200M to $1.5B) - Raised $50m VC funds for startups; restructured venture debts. - Thesis-driven approach to manufacturing & business services; not only machining, & fabrication, but also advanced manufacturing (composites, electrical and electronics), mechanical services & holistic consulting services.
8.1 / 10
United States + 4 more
Asset Management + 18 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 60 Mn
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Sr. Vice President, Operations

Corporate Acquirer in United States

Interests: Looking to invest / acquire a IT Services & Consulting company with client base in USA, Canada, India and EUROPE; should be professionally managed EBIDTA positive business for acquisition or joint venture. 1. Current Turnover of at-least 10 - 50 Cr. 2. Employee Strength of at-least 50-80. 3. Customer Base mainly in US, Canada and EUROPE. 4. Niche IT Services.
Background: Agile Information Technology Consulting Company with presence in USA, Canada and India; We enable organizations to leverage investments in information technology and business processes thereby facilitating organizations to capitalize on global sourcing, manage organizational change, and build and sustain competitive advantage.
8.4 / 10
United States + 27 more
Application Software + 26 more
Investment Size
USD 500 K - 2 Mn
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Partner, Rockwood Equity

PE Firm in United States

Interests: Looking for B2B businesses in the US or Canada only with.
Background: We are a long-standing private equity firm in the lower middle market with committed capital funds that invests in privately-owned businesses.
8.7 / 10
United States
Aerospace & Defense + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 15 Mn
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Interests: High margins and good employees with great established customer service.
Background: Investor from Southeast USA and looking to expand my business portfolio.
7.9 / 10
United States
Electronic Equipment + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 67 K
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Interests: Interested in Energy and solar related sectors. Looking for good ROI, long term plan, business stability, growth potential.
Background: We are into research and development in industrial wastewater treatment for the last 5 years.
7.7 / 10
United States + 2 more
Irrigation + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 600 K - 1 Mn
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