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Oil & Gas Transportation Investors in New Hampshire

Showing 15 - 28 of 698 Oil & Gas Transportation Investors in New Hampshire. Buy or Sell your Oil & Gas Transportation, LNG Transportation, Gas Pipeline, Oil & Gas Storage, Oil Pipeline or a Sea-Borne Tanker Business.

  • Oil & Gas Transportation

  • New Hampshire

Interests: Strong earnings, strong management team, growth opportunities.
Background: Operationally focused Private Equity focused on the lower middle market.
7.5 / 10
United States + 1 more
Energy + 7 more
Investment Size
USD 2 Mn - 25 Mn
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Vice President, Investment Banking

Individual Buyer in New York, United States

Interests: Business model, management profile, current debt, revenue growth, profitability.
Background: I have significant experience in financial and technology space.
7.9 / 10
United States + 6 more
Energy + 9 more
Investment Size
USD 1 K - 200 K
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Mechanical Engineer, Engineering Consulting

Individual Investor in New York, United States

Interests: Open to good profitable businesses.
Background: Individual investor, working for the last 7 years.
6.6 / 10
United States
Oil & Gas Transportation + 52 more
Investment Size
USD 2 K - 40 K
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Mechanical Engineer, Engineering Consulting

Individual Investor in New York, United States

Interests: Open to good profitable businesses.
Background: Individual investor, working for the last 7 years.
6.6 / 10
New York
United States
Oil & Gas Transportation + 52 more
Investment Size
USD 2 K - 40 K
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Interests: EBITDA, clients.
Background: Running a business of international sourcing and procurement services for Oil and Gas in the US.
7.9 / 10
United States + 2 more
Energy + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 40 K - 100 K
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Interests: We have extensive experience in a wide range of industries including, but not limited to: - Agriculture. - Construction. - FMCG. - Food. - Hospitality. - Manufacturing. - Mining. - Renewable & Alternate Energy. - Technology. - Water.
Background: We specialise in helping international businesses acquire or invest in businesses in Australia and New Zealand. We can assist with various services, from identifying opportunities to negotiation, deal structure, closing and post-settlement management. Through our registered Australian tax agent, we can assist in setting up the most efficient tax structures, providing you with the best possible outcome whilst complying with Australian tax laws. We also provide independent shareholder representation for international investors holding interests in ASX-listed and unlisted companies.
8.4 / 10
United States + 12 more
Energy + 18 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 1 Bn
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Interests: Easy qualification. Quick approval and deposit. No collateral requirement. Unsecured. 6 month minimum of business history.
Background: I'm the sales director at our firm. We do advances, term loans, lines of credit, equipment financing, real estate loans, mortgage financing, purchase order financing, factoring, etc.  We have great terms and amazing programs. Please send me a proposal with some more information about your company and I'll send you information on what I do, how my rates/terms are, my contact info, etc. I know I can get things done for you and your business and I treat my clients like family.
8.3 / 10
United States + 20 more
Energy + 45 more
Investment Size
USD 5 K - 500 Mn
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President, Porte D'Or Financial Ltd

CRE Broker in California, United States

Interests: Businesses who require financing for the acquisition or expansion or other cash needs for their operations. We finance purchases of businesses, commercial real estate or equipment even when borrower has been turn down by their bank or have recent credit challenges.
Background: We are business brokers affiliated with a CPA & Immigration Consulting firm specializing in international tax planning and immigration-related investment as well as their domestic financing activities.
8.6 / 10
United States + 3 more
Energy + 33 more
Investment Size
USD 500 K - 20 Mn
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Founder & Managing Partner, SellBiz

Business Broker in Florida, United States

Interests: We don't just sell businesses, we improve them and boost their valuation by as much as 50% before discreetly taking them to market. We are the only broker specializing in the lower-middle-market that has the iREV system - improve Revenue, Earnings, and Valuation. We pioneered iREV because we know exactly what buyers look for in a business opportunity. We know because we have been there ourselves as entrepreneurs and business owners. We have had our own successful exits and worked with hundreds of like-minded entrepreneurs on their funding and M&A transactions.
Background: SellBiz is a licensed business brokerage and M&A Advisory firm specializing in business sales between $2M and $25M. We also assist businesses selling for less than $2M with a DIY Kit and A' La Carte services, no broker commission. Our unique selling proposition is iREV - improve Revenue, Earnings and Valuation (iRev. biz). We know how to boost valuation and help our clients walk-away with more money than what they would have gotten without our services.
8.1 / 10
United States
Energy + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 200 K - 25 Mn
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Advisor, Gvc Financial Services Llc

Financial Advisor in California, United States

Interests: Strong growth and EBITDA greater than 10%
Background: We are advisors providing M&A services for sell side and buy side. We also help in debt & equity raising, both ABL and cash flow. Our fee would be based on the transaction.
7.4 / 10
United States
Energy + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 5 Mn
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Interests: Open to all the business which is profitable.
Background: We provide Introductions to equity funding sources, debt funding sources, assistance for U. S. and International Private Companies to raise capital in the U. S. and list on NASDAQ or AMEX. Assistance for U. S. and International Public Companies to raise capital in the U. S. with P. I. P. E. funding and securing "clean" public company shells for reverse mergers and performing due diligence.
7.8 / 10
United States + 2 more
Energy + 32 more
Investment Size
USD 3 Mn - 10 Mn
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Interests: Things that we look for a company are: 1. Business models. 2. Geographically operations. 3. ESG Factors.
Background: We are an investment banking advisory firm assisting in M&A and Capital Raising with a presence in the United States and Europe. We deal in sectors like energy, technology, medical / healthcare, industrial domains, media/telecommunications, and real estate.
8.1 / 10
North America + 4 more
Energy + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 2.8 Mn - 111 Mn
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Interests: Information technology, Software Solutions, Energy, Salesforce, AWS.
Background: A Serial investor looking to invest in promising startups in India. Have Master's in Computer Science from USA and running a successful IT consulting firm.
8.6 / 10
United States + 12 more
Energy + 9 more
Investment Size
USD 100 K - 1 Mn
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Associate Broker, Business Consulting

Individual Buyer in Fredericksburg, United States

Interests: Open to a business that generates positive cash flow, high net profit, and is trending.
Background: I am a business broker. Have more than 10 years of industry experience and also run my own digital marketing company. I will be investing in my individual capacity.
9.1 / 10
United States + 1 more
Energy + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 4.4 Mn
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Interests: Opportunity for growth in the market and the scalability to handle it.
Background: Interested in taking a look at a minority stake in your operation.
8.1 / 10
United States + 1 more
Energy + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 40 K
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