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Restaurant and Bar Buyers in South Jakarta

Showing 15 - 28 of 365 Restaurant and Bar Buyers in South Jakarta. Sell your Restaurant and Bar, Bakery, Shisha Cafe, Cloud Kitchen, Waffle Store, Take Away, Juice & Snack Shop, Ice Cream Parlor, Sweet Shop, Cafe, Nightclub, Delicatessen, Fast Food Restaurant, Bar, Food Cart, Restaurant, Catering or a Food Delivery Business.

  • Restaurants and Bars

  • South Jakarta

  • Business Buyers

Project Manager, Engineering Consultancy

Individual Buyer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: - Indonesian business with growth potential. - import / export to Europe.
Background: I am a long term expat in Indonesia from Belgium. I have been in Indonesia for 8 years and I am looking to develop a side business.
7.7 / 10
Indonesia + 7 more
Restaurants and Bars + 12 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 46 K
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Interests: Information related to profit, EBITDA, asset, revenue, and market segmentation will be checked.
Background: We are a newly registered investments firm focused only on SME businesses.
7.7 / 10
Indonesia + 8 more
Food & Beverage + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 650 - 1.3 Mn
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Sales Manager, Distribution & Logistic

Individual Buyer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: Looking for business opportunities related to interior/furniture, I also would like to consider options in other sectors. I am interested in small and medium enterprises with low risk. My preferred location is Jakarta but interested in other parts of Indonesia.
Background: I have a wide range of experience in the field of sales and marketing. I have started my own small distribution business and would like to diversify my investment in other sectors.
6.6 / 10
Indonesia + 1 more
Food & Beverage + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 39.5 K
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Sales Manager, Distribution & Logistic

Individual Buyer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: Looking for business opportunities related to interior/furniture, I also would like to consider options in other sectors. I am interested in small and medium enterprises with low risk. My preferred location is Jakarta but interested in other parts of Indonesia.
Background: I have a wide range of experience in the field of sales and marketing. I have started my own small distribution business and would like to diversify my investment in other sectors.
6.6 / 10
Indonesia + 1 more
Food & Beverage + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 39.5 K
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Consultant, Professional Services

Individual Buyer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: - Looking for a profitable business with a sustainable business model. - Open to minority investment (10-40%, only if the owner is not exiting the business) or buyout. - Looking for businesses based in Indonesia, would like to meet and visit before closing the deal.
Background: Ex-management consultant with experience in industries like retail & consumer goods, logistics and internal consulting for an Indonesian conglomerate.
6.9 / 10
Indonesia + 2 more
Food & Beverage + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 3.3 K - 196 K
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Interests: - I am looking for profitable as well as non-profitable businesses for my clients. - My clients are also interested in acquiring non-operational business assets. - Financial reports (balance sheets) are required by my clients to assess your business.
Background: I run several other businesses in Indonesia. I am also an independent advisor who helps individuals and companies (local or overseas) invest in, buy, and run businesses in Indonesia. I usually charge a success fee of around 5% - 10% of the deal size (negotiable).
9.2 / 10
Special Capital Region of Jakarta + 4 more
Food & Beverage + 26 more
Investment Size
USD 12.3 K - 1.23 Mn
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Interests: I am looking for startups and established businesses looking to scale.
Background: We are an international firm specializing in assisting companies and individuals to raise capital. We scour the marketplace to partner with professionals in this sector who have integrity and transparency in their business dealings. Our clients are busy C-Level executives, institutional investors, serial entrepreneurs, real estate professionals, sophisticated investors, and UHNWI’s in need of an alternative source of financing. We look to nurture a long-term business relationship and will recommend the services of the right company to match your requirements. Being investors ourselves we have used various forms of financing on our own projects. We strive to partner with and promote the best companies who can be creative and most importantly deliver on their terms in a timely manner. We are not a brokerage firm; we do not offer financial or taxation advice we simply work on behalf of our clients and we act as a final buffer. We do our due diligence to ensure our clients are working with the experts in the lending world. Will not charge upfront fees. Will charge success fees ranging from 0.5% to 8% depending upon the project and deal.
8 / 10
Indonesia + 16 more
Food & Beverage + 36 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 200 Mn
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Lead Partner, NaXeL iPartners

M&A Advisor in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: As a globally connected M&A advisory firm, we happen to receive many acquisition inquiries from foreign strategic buyers for the target in the ASEAN region. The list of the industry they are interested in Indonesia is listed on our website. The business will need to have a minimum EBITDA of USD 1 million in the given industry.
Background: Our firm specializes in assisting business owner to divest in order to retire. As a globally connected M&A advisory firm, we happen to receive many acquisition inquiries from foreign strategic buyers for the target in the ASEAN region. We provide our services to the business owners and manage the M&A process. We do not charge upfront fee. We charge milestones fees and success fee.
7.7 / 10
Indonesia + 1 more
Food & Beverage + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 20 Mn - 1 Bn
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Marketing Manager, Telecommunications

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: Inclined towards businesses involved in the manufacturing and marketing of medical equipment. Also interested in businesses that are engaged in the production of fragrances and flavors.
Background: Jakarta based business that has been operational since 1995 and that has operations in telecommunications, medical equipment manufacturing and production of food ingredients.
8.9 / 10
Special Capital Region of Jakarta + 2 more
Food & Beverage + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 660 K
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General Manager, Hospitality

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: Business with good location and reasonably priced property/asset, mainly commercial and retail mall or hotel properties.
Background: We are into hospitality sector. We would like to invest in the some good business in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia.
6.3 / 10
Special Capital Region of Jakarta + 3 more
Restaurants and Bars + 6 more
Investment Size
USD 74 K - 22.3 Mn
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Interests: We are looking for companies in Indonesia who are looking to sell or raise substantial financing with the sale of the majority shareholding. The business should have reached breakeven or should be profitable. The business should be in Indonesia, we have superior execution ability on the ground in Indonesia.
Background: Our company is a USA-registered M&A advisory firm that specializes in special situations and mergers and acquisitions. We have offices in Indonesia, Singapore, and in many other countries. We also do some fundraising. We have done deals in the defense, hardware, and fintech sectors. We do not charge upfront fees. We charge success fees.
7.8 / 10
Indonesia + 2 more
Food & Beverage + 24 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 Mn
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Interests: Profitable with good ROI and sustainable business.
Background: I am a category manager in the technology and marketplace industry. I am looking to purchase or invest in a business.
7 / 10
Food & Beverage + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 190 K
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Interests: Industry potential and potential of future growth. The business can be anywhere in Indonesia, as the locations of Indonesia are close by.
Background: I operate a hotel. I also operate an automotive business. I am looking for opportunities to expand my portfolio.
6.6 / 10
Food & Beverage + 18 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 990 K
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Interests: Good financial reporting, good management structure, and good P/E.
Background: As a director in the IT industry, I am focused on strategic decision-making and driving the growth and success of the company. With my leadership and experience, I aim to make impactful contributions to the organization's overall vision and goals. I am committed to leveraging technology and innovation to propel the business forward.
6.9 / 10
Indonesia + 4 more
Food & Beverage + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.3 Mn
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Interests: I am seeking businesses in Indonesia, as location is not a constraint. I want businesses with positive and sustainable cash flow, particularly those in the restaurant, apparel stores, healthcare, retail, and food & beverage industries, as well as logistics, and construction, with a focus on high asset ownership.
Background: I am the CEO of a pet service business, with a background in executive leadership. I am driven to identify and support sustainable and high-growth opportunities that demonstrate a strong alignment with the evolving trends and demands.
7.2 / 10
Food & Beverage + 7 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 193 K
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  • How many restaurant and bar buyers in South Jakarta are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 365 active and verified restaurant and bar buyers in South Jakarta listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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    We regularly filter out businesses which are inactive or have already closed a transaction. Typically, if the business is actively looking to sell/raise capital, the status is shown in green.

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