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Amusement Park Buyers in Ramanathapuram

Showing 15 - 28 of 1382 Amusement Park Buyers in Ramanathapuram. Sell your Amusement Park.

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Cofounder & COO, Big Data And Analytics

Individual Buyer in Chennai, India

Interests: Any business not in conflict with my current business.
Background: Technology thought leader, innovator and futurist. 27+ years of experience in the software industry.
8.7 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 10 more
Travel & Leisure + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 240 K
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Interests: Interested in all types of businesses yielding attractive returns with required safety.
Background: MD of an investment firm based out of Chennai.
8.5 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 19 more
Travel & Leisure + 39 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 240 K
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Interests: Proven concept, great team, similar work values and high growth sectors. Looking for opportunities in co-owning, co-operating with control over value chain preferably or a buyout.
Background: I am into multiple sectors. I am an investor in the US institutionally. Preferred locations are Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Telangana for diversification. I will invest in my personal capacity.
8.9 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 6 more
Travel & Leisure + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 480 K
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Interests: Proven concept, great team, similar work values and high growth sectors. Looking for opportunities in co-owning, co-operating with control over value chain preferably or a buyout.
Background: I am into multiple sectors. I am an investor in the US institutionally. Preferred locations are Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Telangana for diversification. I will invest in my personal capacity.
8.9 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 6 more
Travel & Leisure + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 480 K
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Interests: Business with good growth, ROI and innovative model.
Background: I am the director of a software company. We provide software and technology solutions.
9.2 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 1 more
Travel & Leisure + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 360 K
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Interests: Businesses in digital payments space and financial services. Should have a good profit margin. I will be investing along with a friend. He is a businessman.
Background: Independent consultant and technology enthusiast with a vision of globally empowering organizations. I am also the CEO of an IT company and looking to grow my company overseas.
8.6 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 373 more
Amusement Parks + 344 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 84 Mn
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CXO, Edutech, Startup Consulting

Individual Buyer in Chennai, India

Interests: Scalability, passion of founders, marketability are some of the key factors.
Background: I am a Venture catalyst, startup expert, mentor, and business coach.
8.6 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 79 more
Travel & Leisure + 125 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 12 Mn
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Managing Director, Real Estate

Individual Buyer in Coimbatore, India

Interests: Finance, Food and Exports and Trading.
Background: Businessman looking for new opportunities in different sectors.
9 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 8 more
Travel & Leisure + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 2.4 Mn
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Interests: Searching for business opportunities across Tamil Nadu. Prefer the company director to have rich work experience in the current industry.
Background: Postgraduate in Business Administration having 20 years of experience in various sectors.
9 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 5 more
Travel & Leisure + 31 more
Investment Size
USD 3.6 K - 12 K
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Executive DIrector, Management Advisory And Financial Consultancy

Corporate Acquirer in Chennai, India

Interests: Company with professional promoters and no debt issues.
Background: We are a management and corporate consulting firm. We advise clients in management, business, financial, accounting, taxation, audit and compliance areas. We also assist companies with good business models (start ups and running) to access investments thru HNIs, banks, PEs and VCs.
8.4 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 7 more
Travel & Leisure + 11 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 12 Mn
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Mg Director, Property Devpt, Real Estate Leasing, Mgmt Services

Individual Buyer in Chennai, India

Interests: Education, skill training, health, aggriculture, aggro industry, IT engineering.
Background: 42 years of of hands on experience in managing own businesses in India from automotive to real estate dvpt. Handling both domestic and overseas technology partners and customers.
8.4 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 2 more
Travel & Leisure + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 600 K
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Interests: Open to invest in any profitable businesses.
Background: Have 13 years of work experience in IT sector.
8.3 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 2 more
Travel & Leisure + 32 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 60 K
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Management Head, Food And Beverages

Individual Buyer in Chennai, India

Interests: Interested in a food and beverage or a hospitality related business that has a good reputation and is functional.
Background: I work in a food and beverages company.
6.9 / 10
Tamil Nadu
Leisure and Recreation + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 24 K
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Interests: I am interested in specific sectors such as Manufacturing, IT, Textile and startup but open to receive ideas from other areas if there is a potential.
Background: I am an investor looking for good investing opportunity. I have financial management experience and have funds readily available to invest in the right company.
7.7 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 1 more
Travel & Leisure + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 8.4 K - 24 K
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Interests: Looking for a business opportunity in play school, IT, Laundry, BPO and others.
Background: I have a good knowledge in the IT and education industry.
6.7 / 10
Tamil Nadu + 8 more
Travel & Leisure + 58 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 60 K
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