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Gifting Business Buyers in Navsari

Showing 15 - 28 of 1265 Gifting Business Buyers in Navsari. Sell your Gifting Business.

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  • Navsari

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Director, Water Heater Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Ahmedabad, India

Interests: I am looking for new business for diversification. Businesses with good returns and automation modes like the FOCO model.
Background: I have 25 years of experience in business. My main business is a water heater manufacturing company in Ahmedabad. I am also a director in a software company in Indore.
8.7 / 10
Gujarat + 17 more
Retail Shops + 61 more
Investment Size
USD 0.1 - 36 K
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Managing Director, Textile - Cotton Spinning Mill

Individual Buyer in Rajkot, India

Interests: Scalable, less labour oriented, less of government regulated diversified sectors.
Background: Have 25 years of professional experience in engineering, IT, textile with large Indian as well as multinational conglomerates. Currently, managing a business having a turnover of more than INR 100 crore. Interested in joining a running business as a partner, director or strategist.
9 / 10
Gujarat + 14 more
Retail Shops + 54 more
Investment Size
USD 24 K - 600 K
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Chairman, Business Consulting

Corporate Acquirer in Ahmedabad, India

Interests: Interested in Healthcare, Technology, Financial, Construction, Food & Beverage, Textiles, Apparel, Education and Retails Shops.
Background: We believe in creating growth and opportunity !! our experts have vision & mission to achieve the best for the business. no matter how small or large enterprise it is.
8.1 / 10
Gujarat + 2 more
Retail Shops + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 6.3 K - 6.3 Mn
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Chairman, Business Consulting

Corporate Acquirer in Ahmedabad, India

Interests: Interested in Healthcare, Technology, Financial, Construction, Food & Beverage, Textiles, Apparel, Education and Retails Shops.
Background: We believe in creating growth and opportunity !! our experts have vision & mission to achieve the best for the business. no matter how small or large enterprise it is.
8.1 / 10
Gujarat + 2 more
Retail Shops + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 6.3 K - 6.3 Mn
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Interests: Open to all the sectors which are currently profit yielding. Acquisition and investment in profitable businesses in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.
Background: Management experience of 16 years in infrastructure.
8.5 / 10
Gujarat + 9 more
Retail Shops + 43 more
Investment Size
USD 10.8 K - 1.8 Mn
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Proprietor, Industrial Engineering Services

Individual Buyer in Porbandar, India

Interests: Interested in business that has an old domain and old entities. The business can be anywhere in India, location is not a constraint.
Background: I own an industrial engineering services company. I will invest in my personal capacity.
8.7 / 10
Gujarat + 15 more
Retail Shops + 47 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 Mn - 1.8 Mn
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Interests: I am interested to buy pharmaceutical, cosmetics, IT, Food and Beverage sector businesses.
Background: Director in EPC in Power Sector. My company is performing very well in Private as well as in Government sector. We are Government approved A Class Contractor.
8.3 / 10
Gujarat + 5 more
Retail Shops + 29 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.2 Mn
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Owner, Alternative Medicine

Individual Buyer in Ahmedabad, India

Interests: Open to invest in good opportunities.
Background: In Alternative medicine sector currently, looking for diversification.
8.3 / 10
Gujarat + 2 more
Retail Shops + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 120 K
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Director, Pharmaceuticals

Individual Buyer in Ahmedabad, India

Interests: Well established and profitable businesses in any sector within my range.
Background: Manager of a Pharmaceutical unit and have 10 years of work experience in the industry.
8.3 / 10
Gujarat + 1 more
Retail Shops + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 120 K
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Managing Director, Drinking Water

Individual Buyer in Ahmedabad, India

Interests: I am an individual investor / buyer interested in investing in a variety of industries, including coal, oil and gas, freight and logistics, retail, and more, across the United States, Gujarat, and Dubai. I am looking for businesses that meet my requirements in terms of financial stability, future growth potential, and track record of success.
Background: My experience and knowledge in this field have enabled me to develop successful strategies for optimizing the quality and availability of drinking water. I am a motivated and result-oriented individual investor and buyer, always looking for ways to identify and capitalize on the best opportunities.
8.1 / 10
Gujarat + 3 more
Retail Shops + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 60 K
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Interests: Looking for another business opportunity.
Background: Manufacturer and trader of furniture since 2000.
6.4 / 10
Gujarat + 16 more
Retail Shops + 44 more
Investment Size
USD 360 K - 1.2 Mn
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Interests: Across sectors in Gujarat, preferably Vadodara.
Background: We are into logistics. Looking for opportunities in various sectors.
6.2 / 10
Gujarat + 7 more
Retail Shops + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 480 K
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Interests: Any profit making business will be acceptable.
Background: Director of an importing firm since the last 21 years.
7.4 / 10
Gujarat + 21 more
Gifting + 95 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 180 K
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CEO, Gemstones & Iron Ore

Individual Buyer in Vadodara, India

Interests: Seeking only serious business proposals. We have established contacts outside the country as well.
Background: Importer and exporter of gemstones and iron ore.
7.3 / 10
Gujarat + 7 more
Retail Shops + 24 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 24 K
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Interests: Profitable scalable, technology enabled and a good client base businesses. Interested in investing or outright takeover of a good small scale business.
Background: I am an IT engineer with wide experience in IT, Telecom operations and projects. Also running my advertising firm in Bangalore.
6.9 / 10
Gujarat + 5 more
Retail Shops + 13 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 120 K
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