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Pet Shop Investors in Pasig

Showing 29 - 42 of 286 Pet Shop Investors in Pasig. Buy or Sell your Pet Shop, Pet Care, Cattery or a Kennel.

  • Pet Shops

  • Pasig

Interests: I am interested in investing in businesses across Asia, particularly in the Philippines, that revolve around building contractors, engineering, and procurement & construction. I am looking for disruptive start-ups as well as mid-sized profit-generating companies in these sectors.
Background: Our group is actively looking for boutique to mid-size companies in the fields of real estate development, engineering, planning & design, construction, IT, and food & beverage among others to where we can add value through equity placement.
7.5 / 10
Philippines + 4 more
Retail Shops + 24 more
Investment Size
USD 8.6 K - 860 K
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President, Supplier Of Industrial Products

Corporate Acquirer in Manila, Philippines

Interests: I would like to expand my portfolio in the distribution of industrial supply. I am also looking for the opportunity to have an investment in manufacturing and sales distribution.
Background: My company is engaged in distribution and importation of industrial products. we have clients in the shipbuilding, oil, gas, and energy industries.
6.3 / 10
Philippines + 1 more
Retail Shops + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 18 K - 900 K
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Senior Contracts Professional, Construction

Individual Buyer in Quezon City, Philippines

Interests: Open to any profitable businesses.
Background: Have 20+ years of experience in construction industry.
6.6 / 10
Philippines + 5 more
Retail Shops + 34 more
Investment Size
USD 9 K - 36 K
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Senior Contracts Professional, Construction

Individual Buyer in Quezon City, Philippines

Interests: Open to any profitable businesses.
Background: Have 20+ years of experience in construction industry.
6.6 / 10
Quezon City
Philippines + 5 more
Retail Shops + 34 more
Investment Size
USD 9 K - 36 K
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Sales Associate, TCF (TCG - Tokyo Consulting Firm)

Financial Consultant in Makati, Philippines

Interests: Looking for companies that are profitable and open for mergers & acquisitions. Right now, we have clients that can be the potential buyer or investor.
Background: We provide support in the position of external CFO. We can also offer an overwhelmingly reasonable price than major audit firms and tax accountants in the Philippines. Lastly, we can support a one-stop service – accounting, taxation, labor, and legal affairs. There will be upfront and success fees.
6.6 / 10
Philippines + 3 more
Retail Shops + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.7 Mn
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Investment Manager, Arowana Group Asia

M&A Advisor in Manila, Philippines

Interests: Healthy & sick businesses looking for M&A or funds to scale up the business.
Background: We are a specialist investment and advisory firm in Asia. Through our affiliate company, we operate a number of small and medium-sized companies and also manage a different investment fund. Advisory fee will be based on the transaction.
7.3 / 10
Asia + 1 more
Retail Shops + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.8 Mn
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Interests: Interested in Finance, Healthcare, F&B, Retail, Education, Travel, Textile, Media, Building, Construction, Tech and Energy.
Background: Lawyer and entrepreneur trained in the US and Spain and based in Manila. Extensive experience in investing in SMEs.
8.6 / 10
Philippines + 5 more
Retail Shops + 16 more
Investment Size
USD 1.8 K - 720 K
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Corporate Development Manager, Automotive

Individual Buyer in Manila, Philippines

Interests: Looking for companies, whether product or service businesses, that have: - Strong recurring revenue (for products, ideally consumables and staples) - Strong cash flow generation. - Scalable business (good growth potential) - Strong market positions and strong, defensible "moats" - Opportunity for consolidation and/or roll-ups. - Established sales network/customer base and channels of distribution. - Strong intellectual property (trademarks, patents, etc. ), exclusive distribution agreements, proprietary products. - Compliance with relevant government regulatory bodies.
Background: Our company is behind one of the largest importers and distributors of automotive and industrial products in the Philippines. I hold an MBA from INSEAD in France and Singapore.
9.2 / 10
Philippines + 1 more
Retail Shops + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 900 K - 9 Mn
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Owner / MD, System Integrator / Contractor

Individual Buyer in Manila, Philippines

Interests: I am interested and has a strong preference for industries and businesses in Engineering, Manufacturing, Training, Technology, and Contracting are some examples. As much as possible, I try to keep an open mind to various opportunities.
Background: Trained in IT and Entrepreneurship, I enjoy applying Technology in most of the things I do to improve process and systems.
8.2 / 10
Philippines + 3 more
Retail Shops + 34 more
Investment Size
USD 9 K - 360 K
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Director Of Operations, Investment

Corporate Acquirer in Manila, Philippines

Interests: - Uniqueness, creativity, growth opportunity, and market for the product. - Vision, founder's insight, history of business, and taxation. - Want to acquire or partner with a business that is unique or has the potential to be turned into something special. - Can be commercialized in the US. - We have our offices currently in the US and Philippines and have already invested in companies based from these locations.
Background: We are a venture capital firm based in the US. We are also a holding company for various MNCs and businesses in the technology industry. We have our expertise to provide technology-based marketing strategies. We have to build a group of successful businesses which serve our various clientele from various countries.
7 / 10
Philippines + 1 more
Retail Shops + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 500 K
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Senior Manager, Professional Services

Individual Buyer in Manila, Philippines

Interests: Open to all businesses in the Philippines as I have a good network & connections due to my job profile.
Background: A professional with 7 years of technical and leadership experience in consumer, energy, financial, and services industries.
6.6 / 10
Retail Shops + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 36 K
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Interests: Interested in businesses with unique value proposition, innovative and which deliver high impact on lives of Philippines. Demonstrated ability for start ups and grow businesses by adopting the right strategy and timely pivot towards market dynamics.
Background: We add value by providing innovative and high-quality construction solutions.
6.8 / 10
Retail Shops + 11 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3.6 Mn
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Regulatory Director, Power & Utilities

Individual Buyer in Mandaluyong, Philippines

Interests: Interested in companies that have a stable customer base and experience.
Background: As a regulatory director in the utilities industry, I specialize in navigating complex regulatory environments to ensure compliance and drive operational excellence. My expertise lies in shaping strategies to align with regulatory requirements and foster sustainable growth within the utilities sector. With a strong focus on advocating for fair and equitable policies, I am dedicated to upholding industry standards and fostering a resilient energy landscape. I am looking for investment opportunities anywhere in the Philippines.
6.6 / 10
Retail Shops + 12 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 18 K
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Interests: Businesses which are sustainable and easy to manage.
Background: Senior Finance Manager in a Global Company.
7.9 / 10
Retail Shops + 17 more
Investment Size
USD 36 K - 125 K
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Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Information Technology

Individual Buyer in Manila, Philippines

Interests: I am looking to invest in a good business that is based in the Philippines, as I am familiar with the locations of the Philippines.
Background: I am a software quality engineer and former college instructor. I am looking for good investment opportunities.
6.6 / 10
Retail Shops + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 180 - 1.8 K
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