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Hygiene Product Investors in Khao San

Showing 15 - 28 of 357 Hygiene Product Investors in Khao San. Buy or Sell your Hygiene Product, Sanitary Product, Soap & Shampoo, Bath Product or a Brush Manufacturing Business.

  • Hygiene Products

  • Khao San

Associate, Investment Management

Corporate Acquirer in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: Open to any good opportunities.
Background: We are committed to the growth and success of all our clients, portfolio companies. Looking for further investments.
8.9 / 10
Thailand + 1 more
Hygiene Products + 27 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 2.9 Mn
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Partner, Telecommunications Infrastructure

Corporate Acquirer in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: - Thai SMEs with EBITDA between 10 million baht to 50 million baht. - We look at businesses in industries that we can easily understand and due diligence can be done fully. Typically manufacturing, services, and distribution businesses fall into our circle-of-competence. - Sub-segments that we are interested in:  furniture, FMCG, food and beverage, hospitality, import / export, system integration and software.
Background: We are a telecom infrastructure management and development company located in Bangkok. We are a 2 year old company looking for diversification. One of the promoters has extensive experience across manufacturing, energy, telecommunication, and tech startup sectors. We have a good reach across Thailand due to our emerging client base.
8 / 10
Thailand + 6 more
Hygiene Products + 72 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 11.5 Mn
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Director, Business Consulting And Investment

Corporate Acquirer in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: - Seeking to acquire or invest in profitable and sustainable business ventures, preferably startups in specific industries including IT, hospitality, F&B, automobiles, and machinery manufacturing. - We are mainly looking for an existing business that is looking for a corporate loan or funding. - The business may be located anywhere in Thailand. We have our partners that can manage the business operations.
Background: We are startup experts and business consultants. We are looking to invest in a variety of new projects, the majority of which are in Thailand. We have been in the industry for over 20 years.
7.8 / 10
Thailand + 6 more
Healthcare + 26 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 860 K
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Director, Business Consulting And Investment

Corporate Acquirer in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: - Seeking to acquire or invest in profitable and sustainable business ventures, preferably startups in specific industries including IT, hospitality, F&B, automobiles, and machinery manufacturing. - We are mainly looking for an existing business that is looking for a corporate loan or funding. - The business may be located anywhere in Thailand. We have our partners that can manage the business operations.
Background: We are startup experts and business consultants. We are looking to invest in a variety of new projects, the majority of which are in Thailand. We have been in the industry for over 20 years.
7.8 / 10
Thailand + 6 more
Healthcare + 26 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 860 K
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Interests: I am interested in acquiring businesses in the educational, healthcare, and technology sectors especially in Thailand, as I am familiar with these locations. I am looking for opportunities to invest in companies with a solid history, strong management team, positive company culture, and notable position in their respective industries.
Background: I am the CEO of a healthcare services company. I will invest with the group of 6 investors. Our backgrounds span from Australia to Japan, and we are currently seeking investment opportunities in education and healthcare sectors in Thailand.
6.6 / 10
Thailand + 1 more
Healthcare + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 22 Mn
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CEO, Medical Equipment Manufacturer

Corporate Investor in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: We are interested in investing in a variety of industries ranging from coal and oil & gas exploration, to apparel stores and technology, located in Thailand, as we are familiar with these locations. The ideal company would have proven technology and a ready market.
Background: We operate a medical equipment manufacturing company and we have 38 years of experience in running international business and exports. We specialize in disposable gloves manufacturing and are the leaders in the industry. With our expertise, we are confident in providing quality products to our customers.
7.2 / 10
Thailand + 1 more
Healthcare + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 2.9 Mn - 14.4 Mn
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President, Logistics And Supply Chain

Corporate Acquirer in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: Distribution is primary focus however, other businesses may also be interesting.
Background: We are a global organisation listed on the Swiss stock exchange.
7.1 / 10
Thailand + 1 more
Hygiene Products + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 2.9 Mn - 11.5 Mn
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AVP Business Development, Textile

Corporate Acquirer in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: We are primarily interested in acquiring healthcare businesses in Thailand, as we are familiar with these locations. Our main focus is on small and medium-sized enterprises that are currently in operation.
Background: We operate a business in the textile industry,. We are always seeking new investment opportunities that not only bring financial success, but also have a positive impact on the community. With a strong focus on social responsibility,
7 / 10
Thailand + 1 more
Healthcare + 2 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 11.4 Mn
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Interests: Businesses of management teams, innovation, startups, financial and technically feasible.
Background: Interested to explore new businesses.
8 / 10
Thailand + 1 more
Hygiene Products + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 17.2 K - 57 K
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Interests: Presence in the market, potential growth, and a business/service that can help/serve online users to be more efficient/productive. An online business that can also keep users engaged and be productive for both ends.
Background: My main area of expertise is logistics, shipping, and trade in Southeast Asia, but I am not restricted to it. I would say I am well-rounded, having lived/experienced in the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand. I am always eager to learn, see, and meet the next person, the next endeavour. In today's world, I sincerely feel that people or society can use more inventive, smarter, and safer ways/systems to live. That's a long-term perspective that's not easy to persuade one's mind/behaviour of.
6.6 / 10
Thailand + 9 more
Healthcare + 9 more
Investment Size
USD 14.4 K - 57 K
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National Sales Director, Electrical Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: I have experience in handling operations in various countries across the globe including Vietnam, Thailand, Turkey and parts of Europe hence I want to look for opportunities in different regions.
Background: I have 20+ years of work experience. I will invest in my personal capacity.
5.9 / 10
Thailand + 8 more
Healthcare + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 47 K
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Interests: - Industry. - History. - Metrics. - Location.
Background: I want to know the numbers, addresses, name, and staff on payroll.
6 / 10
Healthcare + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 57 K
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Interests: Our Japanese clients are interested in any sector in Thailand.
Background: I worked as a head of Thailand branch of biggest M&A advisory firm. I am currently in Thailand. I closed 3 deals last year in Thailand. We charge success fee.
9.8 / 10
Thailand + 1 more
Healthcare + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 35 Mn
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Interests: Looking for large and profitable businesses ranging between 200M-1.5B Thai Baht for my clients who are based in Thailand.
Background: Our company based in North Point, Hong Kong provides corporate transaction and business advisory solutions since 2016. We won't be charging upfront fees.
6.8 / 10
Thailand + 2 more
Healthcare + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 5.7 Mn - 43 Mn
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Chief Executive Officer

M&A Advisor in Bangkok, Thailand

Interests: We are looking for running business with EBITDA of 25 THB million up in any industries on behalf of a Japanese investor.
Background: We are a trusted advisor in providing high-quality one-stop service at valuable price through diversified expertise. We assist in M&A transaction in Thailand. There will be no upfront fee. Success fee will be charged post deal closure.
6.6 / 10
Healthcare + 81 more
Investment Size
USD 3.45 Mn - 83 Mn
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