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Stock Broking Business Buyers in Hariyana

Showing 1 - 14 of 1364 Stock Broking Business Buyers in Hariyana. Sell your Stock Broking or a Stock Trading Business.

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CA, Business Consulting

Individual Buyer in Jodhpur, India

Interests: - Open to new ideas or existing setups to invest in or acquire. - Looking for businesses in and around Jodhpur, Rajasthan. - This investment will be made for my personal growth in my personal capacity. - Expecting at least 15% of return on capital. - I am interested in acquiring or investing in a running business.
Background: I am a CA by profession and have completed my degree in 1980. Post that I started a partnership firm in Delhi in 1983. Currently living in Jodhpur due to the recent healthcare issues.
7.6 / 10
Rajasthan + 1 more
Finance + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 970 K
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Interests: We are open to both startup and well established companies. We will look at the business model, financial statements and director details.
Background: We are a full-service law firm with multi-dimensional professionals catering to various industries. We specialize in sectors like Real estate, Technology, Healthcare, Solar Energy, Infrastructure, Textiles, Handicrafts, SMEs and Start-ups. We are a group of professionals, which include Advocates, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Investment Banker, Start-up Consultants, IPR Advisors, Civil engineers, etc. who propose to provide legal, M&A, due diligence and compliance solutions in the deals and projects offered on this platform. We can be an asset for various kinds of due diligence, dispute resolution strategy, agreements, IPR, Entry Strategy and allied legal services. We thrive to provide cost-effective and timely services in a technological environment. Advisory fee will be charged depending upon every deal closure and there is no upfront fee.
6.3 / 10
Rajasthan + 1 more
Finance + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 600 - 60 Mn
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Interests: Good portfolio and P/L sheet of the business.
Background: I work for a government sports entity. I also run a hotel business and others in Rajasthan. Looking for opportunities to grow further.
6.6 / 10
Rajasthan + 1 more
Finance + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 2.4 Mn
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Interests: Good portfolio and P/L sheet of the business.
Background: I work for a government sports entity. I also run a hotel business and others in Rajasthan. Looking for opportunities to grow further.
6.6 / 10
Rajasthan + 1 more
Finance + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 2.4 Mn
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Interests: Open to any profitable businesses.
Background: CEO of a construction company based in Jodhpur.
6.6 / 10
Finance + 29 more
Investment Size
USD 48 K - 120 K
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Interests: SMEs in need of debt or equity finance.
Background: We provide GST, Accounting, Banking, Financing, Investment Solutions to individual and MSME Entities.
6.3 / 10
Finance + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 600 K
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Director, Modern Agriculture Company

Corporate Acquirer in Rajasthan, India

Interests: We are looking at acquiring manufacturing, trading and service industries with a turnover of 4 crores and above We are also looking for steel trading company in Bangalore with a presence of more than 3 years in the industry making decent profits for take over. Looking at acquiring manufacturing, trading and service industries with a good growth over last 3 years with a turnover of 4 crores INR and above with a scope for growth and expansion.
Background: We are looking at associating ourselves in companies with good growth prospect either by buying out, leasing it or by doing a joint venture.
7.5 / 10
India + 2 more
Stock Broking + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 Mn - 6 Mn
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Interests: Interested in a running and profitable business.
Background: Owns a private dealership company based out of Rajasthan.
5.8 / 10
Rajasthan + 1 more
Finance + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 48 K
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Director, Travel & Leisure

Individual Buyer in Ajmer, India

Interests: Business with high profit margin and good management.
Background: Operating a private limited company in Jaipur & looking for new companies to acquire.
7.5 / 10
Rajasthan + 5 more
Finance + 37 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 240 K
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Interests: Hardworking members, innovative and provides a great service to the students. I would be interested to meet to see the facilities and discuss any partnership opportunities in the future.
Background: I returned back from the USA last year after having decent savings and looking to get into business sectors in various parts of Rajasthan. I don't have much experience with it but am very curious to learn more about it.
7.9 / 10
Finance + 6 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 12 K
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Interests: Interested in a small sized NGO, as I am very interested in running a business in this field. I am would also like to look for any other small sized private limited companies.
Background: I own an IT firm. I will invest in my personal capacity.
6.6 / 10
Finance + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.2 K
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Director, Mining, Logistics, Energy, Services, Machinery And Maintenance

Individual Buyer in Ajmer, India

Interests: Any business which has good potential to grow. Any business which has a good product or service but require better management. Any business being sold due to financial constraints or poor management or personal issues.
Background: I am an engineer with Army background and presently working in mining industry. Operations, Administration, Management are the key skills.
6.6 / 10
Finance + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 120 K
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Interests: Looking for an online businesses in any sector, prestigious & a working company.
Background: I am a business head of a Private firm. Interested in investing in businesses with visible growth & potential.
6.3 / 10
Rajasthan + 2 more
Finance + 10 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 12 K
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Director, Manufacturing

Individual Buyer in Jaipur, India

Interests: Manufacturing, startups, logistics, retail, distribution, business services, technology. I am looking to associate with good logistic or health care startups.
Background: I am a Jaipur based business person with experience in various business activities like manufacturing, logistics, startups, distribution and marketing, I have more than 10 years of on field experience of managing various business activities.
6.6 / 10
Rajasthan + 1 more
Finance + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 120 K
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Interests: I have an interest in financial institutions, hospitality sector, textile sector and technology sector.
Background: I am working in a senior position in automobile industry. We also have our own family business. Looking to start something on my own now.
7.9 / 10
Rajasthan + 4 more
Finance + 6 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 2.4 Mn
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