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Biopharmaceutical Investors in Bileka Halli

Showing 15 - 28 of 2130 Biopharmaceutical Investors in Bileka Halli. Buy or Sell your Biopharmaceutical Business.

  • Biopharmaceuticals

  • Bileka Halli

Interests: Our clients are open to investing in entire Asia. We have clients from a variety of industries.
Background: We deal in the solar and power sectors. We also are an M&A firm and are representing our clients on the platform. We do not charge any upfront fee. We charge a success fee from 3%-5% of the deal size depending on the nature of the product.
6.3 / 10
India + 5 more
Healthcare + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 - 6 Mn
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Proprietor, Pharma Wholesale

Individual Buyer in Sirsi, India

Interests: Operating business with good returns on investment. Open to opportunities anywhere in Karnataka.
Background: Operating a family owned medical wholesale business for the last 25 years.
8.5 / 10
Karnataka + 3 more
Healthcare + 8 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 180 K
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Director, Building Material Manufacturer

Corporate Acquirer in Bangalore, India

Interests: Our primary focus is on evaluating the fundamentals of a business, with an emphasis on business model, management team, current & projected revenues and profitability, operational efficiency and competitive advantage.
Background: Our firm is managed by second-generation entrepreneurs with extensive experience across diverse industries, including construction materials, real estate, manufacturing, and various other emerging trends & technologies. This breadth of expertise allows us to bring a well-rounded perspective to our investment strategies.
8.7 / 10
Karnataka + 3 more
Healthcare + 32 more
Investment Size
USD 30 K - 3 Mn
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Director, Building Material Manufacturer

Corporate Acquirer in Bangalore, India

Interests: Our primary focus is on evaluating the fundamentals of a business, with an emphasis on business model, management team, current & projected revenues and profitability, operational efficiency and competitive advantage.
Background: Our firm is managed by second-generation entrepreneurs with extensive experience across diverse industries, including construction materials, real estate, manufacturing, and various other emerging trends & technologies. This breadth of expertise allows us to bring a well-rounded perspective to our investment strategies.
8.7 / 10
Karnataka + 3 more
Healthcare + 32 more
Investment Size
USD 30 K - 3 Mn
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Interests: Financials, hotels, real estate businesses, supermarkets, liquor & all other sectors.
Background: Hotels. Financial business. Real estate. Travel. Distributors.
8.6 / 10
Karnataka + 6 more
Healthcare + 99 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 120 K
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Founder, Door Step Car Service

Individual Buyer in Bangalore, India

Interests: I am interested in service and manufacturing sectors.
Background: Motivated entrepreneur, have construction business in Saudi Arabia and a startup in Bangalore. Looking for investment opportunities.
9.1 / 10
Karnataka + 11 more
Healthcare + 31 more
Investment Size
USD 2.4 K - 240 K
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Director, Semiconductor Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Bangalore, India

Interests: I am interested in acquiring a well-established business in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, as these location are close by. The business should have a good existing customer base and growth potential.
Background: I am the director of a semiconductor manufacturing company. As a skilled engineer, I am keen to transition into my own business. I believe your listing could be a great opportunity for me to do so. I am confident that my technical expertise will be a great asset to your business. I will invest in my personal capacity.
8.2 / 10
Karnataka + 3 more
Healthcare + 16 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.2 Mn
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Investment Advisor, Deep Tech Startups, IT Staffing And Pre Seed Accelerator

Individual Buyer in Bangalore, India

Interests: Interested in IT staffing, education, healthcare, and solar power businesses in my personal capacity.
Background: Angel investor and a seed venture capitalist having done investments into deep technology startups, IT staffing and renewable sector.
9.9 / 10
Karnataka + 19 more
Biopharmaceuticals + 40 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 12 Mn
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Interests: We look to invest/acquire small and medium size businesses that are EBITDA positive and have scalability.
Background: We are a family office located in India. We have invested across various industries in India.
8.1 / 10
Karnataka + 6 more
Healthcare + 32 more
Investment Size
USD 250 K - 6 Mn
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Partner, Law Firm - Investments

Corporate Acquirer in Bangalore, India

Interests: Profit Making or with potential to make profits.
Background: We are a Law Firm, Investors and Adviser to Blue Chip Family Investment offices which was started in 2014.
8.3 / 10
Karnataka + 16 more
Healthcare + 48 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 3 Mn
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Manager, Package Transportation

Individual Investor in Bangalore, India

Interests: Growing business and I can help businesses that are looking for funds for running efficiently.
Background: I am an individual investor. We are channel partners with multiple banks and can help SMEs in seeking funds based on their financials and banking. I have healthy experience of 7 years in the banking industry.
8.7 / 10
Karnataka + 17 more
Healthcare + 91 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 480 K
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Interests: High growth technology, life-sciences and B2B businesses.
Background: Technology professional with multiple years of management and commercial experience.
8.7 / 10
Karnataka + 16 more
Healthcare + 34 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 1.2 Mn
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Interests: Scalability, High Growth Potential but currently struggling and needs value in areas of finance, strategy and leadership.
Background: A young collaborative entrepreneur with a bachelors degree in Industrial Engineering and a certificate in entrepreneurship from Wharton University of Pennsylvania. Looking to expand the horizon by collaboration, acquisition, partnership and finance.
8.4 / 10
Karnataka + 8 more
Healthcare + 50 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 1.2 Mn
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Interests: - Founding team with domain expertise. - High ethical and moral standards. - Ambitious business plan.
Background: Entrepreneur in the health tech space. Have grown business from scratch to >$100M valuation. Now looking to invest in a few verticals in my personal capacity.
9.4 / 10
Karnataka + 10 more
Healthcare + 26 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 720 K
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Executive Director, Allied Construction

Individual Buyer in Bangalore, India

Interests: I am seeking businesses in diverse industries such as energy, industrial, healthcare, food & beverage, and education within the Southern region of India, encompassing major cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Chennai. I believe the markets in those locations have potential for growth.
Background: I am an executive director in the allied construction industry, with an eye for strategic investments and growth opportunities in related sectors. I seek to leverage my leadership experience and industry knowledge to make informed decisions and drive impactful investments in the construction field. My goal is to identify, evaluate, and pursue lucrative opportunities that align with our growth strategies and deliver strong returns.
8.1 / 10
Karnataka + 6 more
Healthcare + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 12 K - 1.2 Mn
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    There are 2130 active and verified biopharmaceutical investors in Bileka Halli listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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