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Software Company Buyers in Northborough

Showing 15 - 28 of 1493 Software Company Buyers in Northborough. Sell your Software Company, Medical Software, Cloud Software, Application Software, Enterprise Software, Programming Software, Database Software, System Software, Content Management Software, Web Hosting, Geospatial Technology, Internet of Thing, Analytic Software or a Virtual & Augmented Reality Business.

  • Software Companies

  • Northborough

  • Business Buyers

Interests: We are looking to expand our business.
Background: IT product and services company headquartered in Texas, USA.
6.3 / 10
United States + 2 more
Technology + 1 more
Investment Size
USD 240 K - 840 K
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Director, Advertising Services

Individual Buyer in Boston, United States

Interests: - Seeking to acquire or invest in a well-managed business in the US. - Looking to invest in my own personal space. I am also interested in investing in startups. - Location would be anywhere in the US. I will arrange resources once the deal has been finalized.
Background: I have been working in the IT industry. Currently, I run my own advertising company.
6.6 / 10
United States
Software Companies + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 20 K
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Manager, Information Technology, Business Process Outsourcing, AI/ML Software

Individual Buyer in Kingston, United States

Interests: When considering investment, acquisition, or advising on a business, the following factors are crucial: 1. Market Potential: - Positive: Businesses in rapidly growing industries like technology, healthcare, and e-commerce, with a clear market need and scalability. - Negative: Businesses in declining sectors or those with saturated markets lacking differentiation. 2. Business Model: - Positive: Companies with a clear, scalable business model and diverse revenue streams. For example, subscription-based models or those with recurring revenue. - Negative: Businesses with unclear or overly complex business models, or those dependent on a single client or revenue source. 3. Financial Health: - Positive: Strong financial metrics, including profitability, positive cash flow, and manageable debt levels. Transparent financial reporting is also a plus. - Negative: Poor financial performance, high debt levels, or inconsistent financial reporting. 4. Management Team: - Positive: Experienced and capable management teams with a proven track record. Strong leadership and a clear strategic vision are essential. - Negative: Lack of experienced leadership or a high turnover rate among key management. 5. Competitive Advantage: - Positive: Unique value propositions, proprietary technology, strong brand recognition, or other competitive advantages that differentiate the business from its competitors. - Negative: Lack of differentiation or significant competitive threats that the business is ill-equipped to handle. 6. Growth Potential: - Positive: Demonstrated ability to grow and expand, with a clear strategy for scaling operations. High potential for market penetration and product diversification. - Negative: Limited growth opportunities or a business model that does not support scaling. 7. Customer Base: - Positive: A diverse and loyal customer base with high retention rates and positive feedback. - Negative: Over-reliance on a small customer base or negative customer reviews. 8. Compliance and Risk Management: - Positive: Strong compliance with industry regulations, effective risk management practices, and robust data protection measures. - Negative: Regulatory issues, legal risks, or poor risk management practices. 9. Innovation and Adaptability: - Positive: A focus on innovation, continuous improvement, and adaptability to market changes. - Negative: Resistance to change or lack of investment in innovation. Businesses We Like: - Technology Startups: Especially those with innovative solutions in AI, cybersecurity, or SaaS. - Healthcare Innovations: Companies developing new technologies or treatments with a strong market need. - E-commerce Platforms: Businesses with a clear niche, strong growth potential, and a scalable model. Businesses We Dislike: - Declining Retail Stores: Traditional brick-and-mortar stores struggling against online competition. - Highly Regulated Industries: Businesses with complex and changing regulatory environments without robust compliance strategies. - Highly Competitive Markets: Companies in overly saturated markets with no clear differentiation or competitive edge. We are also looking to partner with other companies and invest in industries that can complement and expand Axespire Solutions' offerings, particularly those that enhance our technology capabilities or align with our strategic goals.
Background: I bring extensive experience in business strategy, technology, and operations, with a strong focus on scaling small and medium-sized businesses. My background includes expertise in AI-driven solutions, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and staff augmentation. I have successfully advised on and executed several deals in these areas, helping businesses optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. My approach involves leveraging innovative technology and strategic partnerships to address complex challenges and unlock new opportunities for expansion.
7.1 / 10
United States + 7 more
Technology + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 3.2 K - 32 K
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Manager, Information Technology, Business Process Outsourcing, AI/ML Software

Individual Buyer in Kingston, United States

Interests: When considering investment, acquisition, or advising on a business, the following factors are crucial: 1. Market Potential: - Positive: Businesses in rapidly growing industries like technology, healthcare, and e-commerce, with a clear market need and scalability. - Negative: Businesses in declining sectors or those with saturated markets lacking differentiation. 2. Business Model: - Positive: Companies with a clear, scalable business model and diverse revenue streams. For example, subscription-based models or those with recurring revenue. - Negative: Businesses with unclear or overly complex business models, or those dependent on a single client or revenue source. 3. Financial Health: - Positive: Strong financial metrics, including profitability, positive cash flow, and manageable debt levels. Transparent financial reporting is also a plus. - Negative: Poor financial performance, high debt levels, or inconsistent financial reporting. 4. Management Team: - Positive: Experienced and capable management teams with a proven track record. Strong leadership and a clear strategic vision are essential. - Negative: Lack of experienced leadership or a high turnover rate among key management. 5. Competitive Advantage: - Positive: Unique value propositions, proprietary technology, strong brand recognition, or other competitive advantages that differentiate the business from its competitors. - Negative: Lack of differentiation or significant competitive threats that the business is ill-equipped to handle. 6. Growth Potential: - Positive: Demonstrated ability to grow and expand, with a clear strategy for scaling operations. High potential for market penetration and product diversification. - Negative: Limited growth opportunities or a business model that does not support scaling. 7. Customer Base: - Positive: A diverse and loyal customer base with high retention rates and positive feedback. - Negative: Over-reliance on a small customer base or negative customer reviews. 8. Compliance and Risk Management: - Positive: Strong compliance with industry regulations, effective risk management practices, and robust data protection measures. - Negative: Regulatory issues, legal risks, or poor risk management practices. 9. Innovation and Adaptability: - Positive: A focus on innovation, continuous improvement, and adaptability to market changes. - Negative: Resistance to change or lack of investment in innovation. Businesses We Like: - Technology Startups: Especially those with innovative solutions in AI, cybersecurity, or SaaS. - Healthcare Innovations: Companies developing new technologies or treatments with a strong market need. - E-commerce Platforms: Businesses with a clear niche, strong growth potential, and a scalable model. Businesses We Dislike: - Declining Retail Stores: Traditional brick-and-mortar stores struggling against online competition. - Highly Regulated Industries: Businesses with complex and changing regulatory environments without robust compliance strategies. - Highly Competitive Markets: Companies in overly saturated markets with no clear differentiation or competitive edge. We are also looking to partner with other companies and invest in industries that can complement and expand Axespire Solutions' offerings, particularly those that enhance our technology capabilities or align with our strategic goals.
Background: I bring extensive experience in business strategy, technology, and operations, with a strong focus on scaling small and medium-sized businesses. My background includes expertise in AI-driven solutions, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and staff augmentation. I have successfully advised on and executed several deals in these areas, helping businesses optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. My approach involves leveraging innovative technology and strategic partnerships to address complex challenges and unlock new opportunities for expansion.
7.1 / 10
United States + 7 more
Technology + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 3.2 K - 32 K
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Interests: I am looking for a long term passive income solution.
Background: I am an AI and Machine Learning engineer and have experience developing financial tools. I work for an MNC and have gained strong sales skills.
5.9 / 10
United States + 1 more
Technology + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 4 K - 25 K
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Managing Partner, Investment Firm

Individual Buyer in Boston, United States

Interests: Interested in technology, logistics and business services related fields.
Background: I operate an investment firm in the USA.
6 / 10
United States
Technology + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 1 Mn - 6 Mn
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Interests: Call centers, BPO, KPO, ITeS, offshore staffing.
Background: IT Services company based out of Hyderabad and US.
7.8 / 10
Massachusetts + 34 more
Software Companies + 11 more
Investment Size
USD 10 K - 5 Mn
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Partner, IT, Security And Hospitality

Individual Buyer in United States

Interests: Justify return on investment and should be of strategic interest in IT / Security and Hospitality sector with growth potential.
Background: I am looking for strategic investment in IT, Mobile App / Device driver development for security related products and Hospitality sector like Travel portal / event management.
8.4 / 10
United States + 5 more
Software Companies + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 120 - 2.4 Mn
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Management, Business Services

Individual Buyer in United States

Interests: Any IT related business for acquisition and investment.
Background: Associated with a business which provides multiple business services.
8.6 / 10
United States + 14 more
Software Companies + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 70 K - 300 K
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Owner, Management Consulting

Individual Buyer in United States

Interests: - Established, growing and potential for expansion oriented businesses. - Looking to acquiring or buying a business in India or the United States.
Background: Management graduate with over 22 years of experience in various industries in multinational settings in functional areas such as marketing, finance, business operations, and general management.
8.7 / 10
United States + 1 more
Software Companies + 12 more
Investment Size
USD 10 K - 150 K
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Technical Advisor, AR2 LLC

PE Firm in United States

Interests: Approach To Target Acquisition Selection; - US New Co for manufacturing, electronics & business services. - Prefer to participate through entire investment cycle; due diligence to organic / inorganic growth to exit. - Low capex businesses. - Prefer transactions without real estate involved. - Businesses near capacity ceiling can be acceptable. - Maintain business name and location (if needed) post-close. - Leveraging our network of investors to define and execute the right transaction structure. - we are a hands-on firm, that designates on of our team members as post-close CEO and operating team; hence we are open to 6-9 month transitions with current management.
Background: We are a Michigan based Investment Management firm (start: Jan-2015) - Group of Operating Executives, not PE spun-off professionals focused on value creation. - Members have managed complex multi-country businesses ($200M to $1.5B) - Raised $50m VC funds for startups; restructured venture debts. - Thesis-driven approach to manufacturing & business services; not only machining, & fabrication, but also advanced manufacturing (composites, electrical and electronics), mechanical services & holistic consulting services.
8.1 / 10
United States + 4 more
Technology + 18 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 60 Mn
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Interests: Interested to buy or invest in Technology and related businesses.
Background: Company providing Tech and Agro solution to its clients.
8.3 / 10
United States + 2 more
Software Companies + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 70 K - 4 Mn
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President/CEO/Founder, IT

Corporate Acquirer in United States

Interests: Technology Related.
Background: We are a large IT consulting and Software development firm from New Jersey with offices in USA, Noida and Hyderabad. I am very interested in your company.
9.3 / 10
United States + 32 more
Software Companies + 26 more
Investment Size
USD 100 K - 3 Mn
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Sr. Vice President, Operations

Corporate Acquirer in United States

Interests: Looking to invest / acquire a IT Services & Consulting company with client base in USA, Canada, India and EUROPE; should be professionally managed EBIDTA positive business for acquisition or joint venture. 1. Current Turnover of at-least 10 - 50 Cr. 2. Employee Strength of at-least 50-80. 3. Customer Base mainly in US, Canada and EUROPE. 4. Niche IT Services.
Background: Agile Information Technology Consulting Company with presence in USA, Canada and India; We enable organizations to leverage investments in information technology and business processes thereby facilitating organizations to capitalize on global sourcing, manage organizational change, and build and sustain competitive advantage.
8.4 / 10
United States + 27 more
Software Companies + 26 more
Investment Size
USD 500 K - 2 Mn
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President, Enterprise Software

Corporate Acquirer in United States

Interests: Interested in Software companies. Looking for Mission Critical and High Retention business.
Background: Canadian based Software company incorporated in 1984.
8.2 / 10
United States + 1 more
Software Companies + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 30 K - 5 Mn
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