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Baby Food Investors in Davao City

Showing 1 - 14 of 404 Baby Food Investors in Davao City. Buy or Sell your Baby Food Business.

  • Baby Food

  • Davao City

Interests: I am interested in identifying existing businesses that could form a strategic partnership with a technical school. This collaboration would be mutually beneficial, with the business gaining access to a pipeline of skilled interns from the school, and the school providing practical industry experience for its students.
Background: I am a social innovator and entrepreneur, recognized at the ASEAN-India Inno Tech Summit. With a background in software engineering gained through 4 years working in Singapore and a proven track record in government contracting for 10 years in the Philippines. I am exploring leveraging my diverse experience to foster strategic partnerships. As an entrepreneur, I've established growing businesses encompassing a technical school producing skilled workforces globally and ventures in the hospitality industry such as restaurants and accommodations.
6.8 / 10
Davao City + 2 more
Food & Beverage + 8 more
Investment Size
USD 860 - 86 K
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Interests: Business with a good track record and potential opportunities.
Background: I have experience in the financial services company.
5.8 / 10
Food & Beverage + 19 more
Investment Size
USD 9 K - 18 K
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Business Development Manager, Holding Company

Individual Buyer in Philippines

Interests: - Seeking to invest and finance established companies with capable teams. - Looking to add value and accelerate the businesses we invest in.
Background: Our holding company has invested in the following industries: 1. Healthcare. 2. Fitness. 3. Real Estate. 4. BPO Services.
9.6 / 10
Davao City + 10 more
Food & Beverage + 44 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 900 K
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Business Development Manager, Holding Company

Individual Buyer in Philippines

Interests: - Seeking to invest and finance established companies with capable teams. - Looking to add value and accelerate the businesses we invest in.
Background: Our holding company has invested in the following industries: 1. Healthcare. 2. Fitness. 3. Real Estate. 4. BPO Services.
9.6 / 10
Davao City + 10 more
Food & Beverage + 44 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 900 K
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Associate Director, Electronic Manufacturing

Individual Buyer in Philippines

Interests: Open to all the businesses based out of Philippines.
Background: Associate Director of an MNC with 9+ years industry experience.
8 / 10
Food Processing + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 36 K - 125 K
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Development Specialist, Dairy Products

Individual Buyer in Philippines

Interests: Interested in Restaurants, Food and Beverage businesses.
Background: Specialist in a Milk Manufacturing company in the Philippines.
6.6 / 10
Food & Beverage + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 5.4 K - 18 K
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General Manager, Hospitality

Individual Buyer in Philippines

Interests: Hospitality, cafes, food industry with location, and accommodation.
Background: Hospitality professional with 20 years experience in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.
6.6 / 10
Philippines + 5 more
Food & Beverage + 10 more
Investment Size
USD 5 K - 20 K
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Manpower Supervisor, Government

Individual Buyer in Philippines

Interests: Would like to explore business opportunities.
Background: I am currently serving in the Government.
7.1 / 10
Food & Beverage + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 36 K
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Interests: I plan to start a food businesses which should work well here due to a lot of tourists visiting the country,
Background: I am practicing as a Physician since 2009. Have worked in various medical centers and voluntary camps.
8 / 10
Food & Beverage + 1 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 9 K
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Interests: I am interested in receiving proposals from Consulting, Advertising and Marketing, Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Food Processing, Beauty and Wellness, Advanced Medical Technology, Medical Supplies and Equipment, Healthcare Services, Pharmaceuticals, Nonrenewable Power Plants, Energy, Industrial, Healthcare, Technology businesses in Philippines
7.9 / 10
Food Processing + 13 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 900 K
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Sr. Account Manager, Marketing And Advertising

Individual Buyer in Philippines

Interests: Interested in Cafe and restaurant.
Background: Working professional with 10 years of experience.
6.6 / 10
Food & Beverage + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 9 K - 18 K
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Interests: Interested in BPOs and Service based businesses.
Background: Associated with a private firm with 2+ years of work experience.
5.8 / 10
Food Processing + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 2.7 K - 9 K
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Interests: Management profile, revenue growth, profitabiity, brand name, profit and loss, income statement.
Background: We can able to help the business grow because we are professionals M&A advisor and our main objective is to look for a perfect match of companies from our japanese investors. We are looking for sellers an buyers of companies of all industries.
8.2 / 10
Food & Beverage + 16 more
Investment Size
USD 5 Mn - 600 Mn
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Interests: Looking for a running hotel chain with more than 1000 rooms. Need clear financial statements for the last 3 years.
Background: A finance advisory boutique, founded in 2015 and incorporated in Hong Kong. We are into Fundraising, Mergers & Acquisition, Project Finance and Strategic Advisory.
5.6 / 10
Philippines + 2 more
Food & Beverage + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 3.6 Mn - 90 Mn
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Vice President: Sales & Marketing, Automotive Parts

Corporate Acquirer in Metro Manila, Philippines

Interests: Expecting an EBITDA margin of over 12%. Open to any sector as long as it is an operational and profit making business. We are actively looking for opportunities across the Philippines as we are keen on expanding our presence in the country.
Background: Manila based business that deals in industrial bearings and automotive parts. We have been operating in the market for 30+ years and are now looking to diversify.
7.4 / 10
Philippines + 3 more
Food & Beverage + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 5.4 K - 125 K
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